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  • Insurance varies a lot with what you drive, where, amount of coverage, and history of driving.

    Mine is around $800/year and I drive nothing to brag about. (Well, except cost of ownership and safety record. Knock on wood). But my partner pays more because they have more coverage and a newer car worth covering.

    But if you think $350/month is high, let me introduce you to private health insurance. 😂

    • I suppose that does depend on what kind of coverages you have, bare minimum liability vs. full coverage, etc. $350/month just for auto still sounds insanely high, though!

  • I had no idea my insurance is so much. But it is a lot. If I think about it I'll get angry.

    You can take defensive driving courses to lower it though.

  • I have never owned a car that did not already belong to 2 family members prior. Surprisingly, I have yet to be kicked down the social ladder and sweep dung for a living.

    Also, used cars are like 3000€ here. I have no idea of used cars, but at some point having them be serviced every year should be cheaper than monthly payments, right?