47 0 ReplyPolylingual is a thing.
35 0 ReplyIt's usually 'polyglot' though, right?
16 0 ReplyThat’s a noun not an adjective.
9 0 Reply
You jesus hating degenerates!
I only talk one language at a time!
8 0 ReplyAnd it's English, just like Jesus spoke.
8 0 Reply
I'm not homolingual but I am spanish-curious
22 0 ReplyStop being greedy?
16 0 ReplyI think it's in reference to how bi people are often told they are being "greedy" for wanting all/both sexes rather than just having the '"one" the speaker expects. This usually then leads to the misguided conclusion that they are promiscuous and unfaithful - https://lgbtqiacounseling.com/bisexual/bisexual-stereotypes/#Bisexuals_are_Greedy_or_Unable_to_Commit
28 0 ReplyWe constantly get accused of taking two lovers, thus lowering the amount available for others, despite the incredible challenge of just trying to keep one around when they think you want to cheat on them with someone of the opposite sex.
20 1 ReplyLeave enough for the rest of us!!
4 0 Reply
"It's just a phrase" you mean!
14 0 ReplyI experimented with French for four years in late high school/early college, but didn't we all? I feel like I got it out of my system. I don't even really think about that stuff anymore.
13 0 ReplyMe, trying to sound cool as an aromantic asexual atheist:
Actually I'm alingual as well
12 0 Replyaromantic
I had to read that several times to understand how organic chemistry relates to your post.
9 0 ReplyCan't somebody smell nice without having to bring chemistry into the equation?
8 0 Reply
🙋🗣️🚫 ✍️😀⭕
2 0 Reply
12 0 ReplySomething something "tower of Babel."
10 0 Replyit’s actually impossible to be bilingual because you can only ever be speaking at most one language at a time
11 2 Reply"Do you speak both English and Spanish?"
7 0 Reply"What about Czech?"
5 0 Reply
Language hybrids and creoles exist, you could make an argument that those are "speaking two languages at the same time"
Bilingual people do sometimes speak in a mixture of multiple languages to people who speak the same languages
4 0 Reply
So what am I, being trilingual?
8 0 ReplyNon binary
16 0 ReplyYou are even more confused, there are only 2 languages
15 0 ReplyAw fuck. Which one is made-up?
6 0 Reply
You better be Mormon. Polyglotimy is only allowed for them for some reason.
10 0 ReplyTri any language once?
6 0 ReplyI'm up!
What about three trilinguals at the same time?
5 0 Reply
Entire comments and jokes as hashtags is the most Tumblr thing
6 0 ReplyWhat's "heterolingual"? You can only talk to people who speak a different language than the one you use?
6 0 ReplyPidgin ONLY
3 0 ReplyPidgins are languages in their own rights. Maybe code switching would fit better but actually no, that's on the spectrum of bilingualism.
Edit: since pidgins (unlike creoles) aren't used as primary languages, I guess I now get what you mean
2 0 Reply
5 0 ReplyJesus
5 0 Reply