It's very true that all of a sudden you wake up and crave just butter on toast with black coffee, and then that's just like, the best breakfast for years after that. Oh my god I'm becoming my parents
I did Soylent for a year or so and have zero regrets. I felt better, lost weight and probably saved some money. I ate it for most meals but would probably make dinner for myself about half the time just for some variety. Hope you have a good experience with it!
This is so funny to me because I'd rather fast than take calories from something like Soylent. I don't think the stuff itself is silly, or that you are- sometimes people are underweight or can't have solid food and any source of extra calories can help. But using it to lose weight, instead of to supplement? Instead of just eating less, but of things you like?
Autistic fella who's very texture sensitive here. Why have I never considered that myself? That sounds heaps handy for giving me healthier meal choices.
I have a cheese problem. Not sure if it counts as being stuck on it as it has been my entire life. I will eat cheese with peanut butter. Peanut butter Mac in cheese 🤤
I have always wanted to try Chicago (and Detroit) style. Unfortunately the one time I was in Chicago, my Amtrak layover wasn't long enough to find that many options and I ended up at some vegan place a few blocks away.
My wife and I really like nachos. Over the summer, we discovered both a new fresh salsa and a new canned cheese sauce that are cheap as hell and that we both really like. I estimate that over the course of two months, we went through over 30 bags of tortilla chips.
thats a lot of eggrolls... but I can relate. Sometimes I decide to grind out a recipe until I am good at making that thing, and will just chow down on that one singular food item for weeks. The last one was sausage & cheese grits, which admittedly I think I mastered really quickly, I just wanted to keep making more of it.
Had about 15 grilled cheese sandwiches one week. Outer sides of regular bread slices covered in mayo with an incredible Carolina Reaper infused cheese slice in the middle.
I get stuck on foods too but it’s usually something I cook. I keep cooking until I get the recipe down, then I get sick of it after awhile and move on.
I’ve also got a few staples: breakfast burritos (tofu scramble + homemade fake meat or soy chorizo), chili, pizza with imported tipo 00 flour, stir fry, etc. I love spicy foods so especially with the stir fry I add chili oil to kick it up several levels and then something repetitive and boring a lot more complex.
I eat the same thing several meals a week, mostly because I both like it and I cook in bulk. I do sometimes play with the seasoning.
Whatever meat I grilled, veg if any is handy, brown rice, cheddar cheese, and something spicy (I have more chili's than I know what to do with and made Cowboy Candy for the first time so that gets tossed in; pickled jalapenos next, probably).
the proper old school take out, large and thick, deep fried blistering full on cabbage/roast pork/celery/shrimp egg rolls? or the new fangled cheap out hard shiny shell "spring roll" egg rolls?
sure, granted, but they've been used as a cheap easy replacement for the old school NY take out egg rolls which I love. they're more like lumpia, aren't as big, don't have the fillings, don't have the nice blistered exterior, and are a far inferior cheap out product being sold as "egg rolls" with no right as the egg roll dough had egg in it, and the tiny disappointing misnamed shiny ones don't