Hello! For anyone who has severe anxiety like me, You should click off this post! Like, right now!
This is quite literally the worst thing you could be doing for your mental health. I swear to you, looking at descriptions of the most fucked up things people have seen is not worth it, and will only make you more anxious and scared.
There are a thousand other Lemmy posts that you could be reading right now, and that are better for your health, so click off and look at them instead!
Fair warning, I'm not here to judge but take it from someone who spent a lot of time trying to consume the most outrageous internet content to desensitise themselves - it all catches up eventually.
Anyway, this is some of the stuff that comes to mind:
Botfly extractions
Teenage girl suicide (hanging in a tree - too young to die IMO)
Microwaving kittens
Toybox killer transcript and tapes (I don’t like torturing people who don’t deserve it)
A kick streamer took a homeless woman out on a date in a restaurant then dine and dashed and left her w the bill.. on stream.... i seen all typa cartel gore shit in my time, but this is just a different type of evil. Even worse its a recent story too
No idea, what's embarrassing is that it's basically a tiny echo chamber he only had like a hundred people lives and a good portion of them were like "WWW" and other disgusting shit. Someordinarygamers made a video ab him and tried to hide his username and stuff so he wouldn't get the 'cloud' he was chasing so hard.
That was my thought process as I was watching it. The mutilated "corpse" was a pretty fucked up thing to do, then the reveal that he was alive made it so much worse than it already was.
As somebody who goes to Juarez several times per week and has also traveled extensively throughout Mexico, cartel violence typically does not reach the average tourist, just like how people who go to New York are unlikely to actually see the mob. I have experienced more hassle from police than gangs, and even that is usually a cursory questioning and pocket check for drugs.
15 years ago, there were some cities that were in the middle of organized crime wars, and sometimes things spilled over into public where civilians could get hurt. This created a lot of heat for the cartels, and more recently they have mostly been operating under the radar or in remote neighborhoods again.
The bigger risk than violence is kidnapping, but even that doesn’t tend to get aimed at the tourist population due to the international backlash it would cause.
If you keep your wits about you, travel in Ubers that you order rather than unmarked cabs, and don’t accept drinks from strangers, then Mexico can be a wonderful adventure. The Mexican people have been mostly extremely good to me, and I refuse to cut them off as dangerous just because the news tries to tell me so.
There is a lot of horrifying content out there. Videos of people brutally murdering others are probably among the top imo.
Something that I had a hard time physically looking at was I once stumbled across a man who appeared to be having some sort of psychotic episode. He filmed himself trying to pull a microchip out of his eye. He kept picking at it and gouging it with his bare hands. I don't understand how he was able to do that without screaming in pain. Hope the poor man got better after but who knows what happened.
Edit: And before anyone attempts to ask...no I don't have a link. LiveLeak was where I had seen a lot of things and it doesn't exist anymore. I'm sure there are a myriad of other sites out there if you're morbidly curious. Just don't go asking me for references. Like others said...for many people it can end up messing them up. Don't show anything to anyone else. If you are curious and you think you can handle it, then that's on you. But don't make anyone else see it even if they say they are ok with it.
I watched faces of death when I was younger and I saw a hostage situation somewhere in south east Asia. Hostages were getting pulled out of the building on the tail end of the operation.
Mixed in must have a hostile because the security forces shot a guy with shotguns at short range.
It's like his whole chest and back opened up like a book.
I don't seek out gore like I used to. No ukraine war footage, no cartel videos. None of that. I know worse is out there just by hearing about it 2nd hand. (Like the infamous funky town video)
As a young(er), morbidly curious and then still fairly naive dumbass, I went and clicked on some questionable link on a Reddit thread, and was introduced to something known as “Funky Town”.
That shit set me straight pretty well, been avoiding everything even remotely suspiciously feeling it might be or explicitly is gore-related, but the imagery alone still haunts me to this day, not to mention all the other stuff like imagining how any of the people involved must feel, both emotionally and physically.
I debated mentioning this by name for a fair bit, but I think this thread is specifically for this kind of thing, so I’ll leave it. Anyone clicking here is expecting horrifying things, so it won’t catch anyone off guard. But I STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOBODY GOES LOOKING FOR THIS SPECIFIC THING. You will not get it out from behind your eyes. Seriously.
Not on internet but real life. My mother took a pair of scissors, cut from her vagina to her navel then started going sideways releasing bowel in the process.
Yeah. Made the mistake of mentioning some of the really messed up stuff I saw to my 2nd youngest sibling when they were 12 and claimed that they'd seen everything on the internet.
They refused to get into the bath for 2 months and cloth washed at the sink.....
Those that think they've seen it all and think they're "immune" or used to it make the dangerous mistake of sometimes searching for NSFL content that are sometimes mentionned on those types of questions just to test themselves.
I've seen a lot, way too much for my own good, it is never a good idea to search something like that up.
Truly hope your sibling as well as yourself aren't too scared of what it was you saw. Some of the content seen can sometime leave pretty heavy or permanent marks.
That I remember seeing, Encyclopedia Dramatica. That shit made sure to document every disgusting shit that has ever "graced" the collective mind of the internet, like 2 girls 1 cup, zippo cat, 1 guy 1 jar and other shit. Me and my stupid morbid curiosity in reading it at least got me smart enough to avoid actually watching any of those videos.
They also had a shock page with extreme scat, goatse, prolapse and whatever else you can imagine that could shock people.
The manual lathe is the most dangerous piece of equipment in a shop in terms of fatalities. They cannot be made 'safe'. You can only train people how to use them safely and not put idiots on them.
I've seen the chuck key of shame used and support its use. My rule was one chuck key fuckup, second offense, immediate termination.
I used to have a safety presentation on lathes. It was called, "The Happy Fun Lathe Safety Presentation." Kittens and puppies on the title and chock full of gore.
It's probably more effective to show the actual videos, yeah. Like, lathes will fuck you up in the most horrifically comical ways. Sort of like in cartoons when the most violent things happen and they get up (like being steamrolled), but you obviously don't get up.
I hit my finger on a spinning piece on a lathe; it sliced my finger right down to the bone, and cut through the tendon. Thankfully it cut the tendon along the length rather than across; I needed 3-4 stitches to close it up, but no surgery.
Lathes are serious machines. They require serious caution!
At my previous job, there was a very lucky apprentice; he was working on "the small lathe"; the sleeve on his overalls caught on the work piece. His arm was pulled into the machine the overall sleeve tore as it was being pulled in. He got very nasty friction burns all up the under side of his arm; if the sleeve didn't tear, at minimum he would have lost the arm.....the lathe didn't stop spinning during the event. He panicked (understandably) and didn't think to hit the e-stop.
Table saws and lathes....don't fuck around with them. Powerful tools require serious caution; but they are also very useful when used correctly.
Hmmm. Three-way tie, TBH. I've been on the internet since before Netscape, so take this for what it's worth.
A child (maybe six?) being raped was definitely one of the worst; she was screaming and crying in the brief clip I watched. Apparently it was her father that was raping her; AFAIK he's in prison for life now. Hopefully his life in prison is very short. I'm not even sure how many years ago this was now.
Crush videos involving kittens on an .onion site about a decade ago. I clicked on a thumbnail just long enough to verify that yeah, it was what I thought it was, and then left the site. I've owned cats my whole life; if I knew someone personally that did that, I would absolutely kill them. Yes, I had a stronger visceral reaction to that than I did a child rape video, and no, that doesn't make any sense.
A video from Mexico showing a purported child rapist; he was restrained, and dogs were chewing his genitals off. He had those high, breathy screams of someone in agony that was unable to catch their breath. It ended after the dogs tore his entire lower abdomen to shreds and one of the cartel (?) members cut his throat. Maybe 15 years ago? I'm pretty sure that this was a hi-def video.
I didn't watch the video of the Russian officer cutting the head off a Ukrainian POW. I'm past the point of having any desire to watch videos that further decrease my opinion of humanity.
as far as most disturbing thing to watch, probably the self-immolation of aaron bushnell back in february. i generally avoid the more messed up infamous internet stuff.
eta: more disturbing, but not quite as punchy due to not being a video, was a post i saw once about a young lady who picked at her legs so much, that they had to be removed. there was a lot of pictures. she eventually dug a hole straight through them.
The complete and utter media black out on a genocide. I got banned from facebook 2 years ago for saying a war with a 1-to-50 casualty rate imbalance was more akin to massacre than a war.
There was some website that I've blacked out that had horrifying video of people dying in accidents. I remember someone sent me a link with a motorcyclist being hit by a train. I never clicked another link from that site.
There's plenty, but maybe i put this one near tue top:
Two African terrorists cutting out the heart of a man, while he was alive and awake, giggling and laughing as he slowly moaned to death
Honestly, my answers in specific wouldn't surprise anyone.
If it's fucked up and you could get away with it, at least one person out of 8 billion has done it. Then there's a chance they recorded and published it, and a chance any given person will find it.
The good news is that the other 99.99% of the time things are normal.
Early Facebook days (ares and even Google lmao, tons of common results of those days now are part of the dark net) were wild, not gonna be specific but illegal shit that I didn't even search nor wanted to see
Starting a thread with the equivalent of "You don't have to share your opinion if it makes you or someone else uncomfortable" is the most controversial thing I've seen today at least.