Who died and made this goofball the official spokesperson for science and astronomy? It's getting annoying seeing his face on my YouTube feed all the time. Along with that other dude, Michio Kaku.
In case y'all got the wrong idea, they're still cool guys, and fuck Elon. It's just that I'm past the teenage stoner documentaries of people being "deep" when explaining the science. That's who Dr. Tyson seems to appeal to.
For some no-nonsense, no fluff science content, I'd recommend Sabine Hossenfelder and the PBS Spacetime series.
Fortunately we are alive to see the original and the successor. Unfortunately NDT has become a greatest hits jukebox and hasn't produced anything new and noteworthy in a long time. I'm looking forward to the next generation. I'm definitely cautious of what the generation after that does.
PBS Spacetime is one of those golden nuggets of a shitpile thats youtube.
Youtube keeps pushing Sabine, but I don't agree with her on many things relating to quantium stuff. But yeah, you definitely won't find any new age quantium mystic crap on her channel.
PBS spacetime is great, but fuck Sabine Hossenfelder, she loves to pretend to be an expert about things she isn't qualified to talk about. Like how trans people don't exist. Or getting basically everything wrong about neurodivergence. She can fuck all the way off
I feel like the quality of her videos is way down but I am ND and found that video pretty neutral.
I skimmed a transcript just now because I wanted to understand why people are so disproportionately mad about it. She mentions Autism Speaks and does not immediately condemn it. Is that it? I wouldn't say that counts as being wrong on everything.
I'm tired of (especially internet) discourse where shouting which camp you belong to is most important. One good example is when people accused Amnesty of siding with Russia because they reported on Ukrainian warcrimes. Nothing is truly neutral but I much prefer information or thought experiments over the virtue signaling that has taken over the internet.
You will not convince people to change their mind by shouting in their faces that your point of view is correct. Granted, you usually wont change people's mind online anyway, except entrenching them deeper into their existing beliefs. I don't think that is a good thing regardless of the side they take. It leads to seeing fellow humans as monsters just because they are wrong about something.
I was in my university's Society of Physics Students, and some of the members got to have dinner with NDT after a talk he gave at the school. Reports confirm he is a self-centered, arrogant douchebag
That's unfortunate and I didn't know that about her if true, I admit I only watch her videos every so often and didn't see anything like that when I watched her channel.
I really love our German equivalents: Harald Lesch and the show TerraX. Had the privilege of seeing him live in a guest lecture in my uni about the anthropocene. He feels so much more genuine and less arrogant than Neil DeGrasse Tyson. If you know German and don’t know him, check him out. Both on TerraX and his YouTube presence. There are even some full lectures on there, similar to the one I saw life.
All that money that went to Boeing and Space X should have went to NASA. Fuck private space cunts getting our money. Those engineers should be OURS, not fuckwit Leon.
As much as I hate Elton, SpaceX and StarLink have developed genuinely very great technologies. I feel like NASA could have done the same years ago already, but apparently it needed a space cunt to do it. Sure it sucks that StarLink for example is owned by Elmo, but honestly… better than not having it at all.
Tbf tho, NASA wanted private companies to deal with Moon and earth space so they could focus on their SLS rocket. Obvs fuck that guy, but i think NASA came up with this plan.
That was not the claim, the claim was on the actual space frontier. And in that regard Elon Musk and SpaceX has not achieved anything.
At 4:10 he even praise that SpaceX works on reusability, and call landing the rocket a tremendous achievement.
You are arguing a strawman, the exact problem this video was made to address.
Yes. The shuttle was both rocket and spacecraft, obviously controllable for landing. The Shuttle SRBs were reusable. They were not controllable for landing, but nonetheless they did land in a state that allowed reuse.
Musk achieved powered flight for landing his rockets, but even NASA had a long history of research with VTOL powered rockets that were not used for spaceflight.
He can certainly claim to have perfected it, but he certainly didn’t invent it.
Egypt didn't use slaves to build the pyramids. They used paid skilled workers. We have their living areas and pay receipts. You are working with outdated information.
Cathedrals cover a 1700 year period and multiple labor strategies. I'm sure some were built with slaves but the majority weren't and slavery was all but absent for the majority of the period unless you count serfdom, but serfs didn't have the skills to build them so they don't count.