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What are some non-ML movements (past and present) that you guys strongly support?

Me personally, I find the EZLN fascinating. (if there is anything bad about them, let me know because I do not know much bad things about them)

They are one of the few movements that anarchists praise that I actually think are based, although the Zapatistas have told westerners to stop calling them anarchists, communists, or anything else.

They also fight against drug cartels and seem to have created one of the most stable territories in the Chiapas region.

However, they are too small to do anything big like overthrowing the Mexican government. They would be crushed quickly.

Give me your thoughts on the EZLN and/or, as the title suggests, any non-ML movements that you support.


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  • It needs to be said that 1916 Ireland and the Starry Plough represented what Lenin called “The First Red Army in Europe”

    • Was that in a speech or a book? Would love to get the full context.

      • I was hoping I could find it but I can’t, I’d check Marxist Paul’s vid on the Irish Citizen Army, I believe that’s where I first heard Lenin’s saying about the ICA

        • Cool, I'll check it out. I think he can be hit or miss, especially when it comes to 'hard theory' videos, but I'm none the less interested.