What are some non-ML movements (past and present) that you guys strongly support?
Me personally, I find the EZLN fascinating. (if there is anything bad about them, let me know because I do not know much bad things about them)
They are one of the few movements that anarchists praise that I actually think are based, although the Zapatistas have told westerners to stop calling them anarchists, communists, or anything else.
They also fight against drug cartels and seem to have created one of the most stable territories in the Chiapas region.
However, they are too small to do anything big like overthrowing the Mexican government. They would be crushed quickly.
Give me your thoughts on the EZLN and/or, as the title suggests, any non-ML movements that you support.
Well, there were some problematic abolitionists. Some only wanted slavery gone because they were scared if there were too many slaves they would rise up and threaten the whole settler project.
I have strong but critical support for the Scientist Rebellion, which is campaigning through civil disobedience for serious action against climate change and treating it like the existential threat it is. They're definitely getting attention and traction, and it's pissing off the Western powers beautifully.
Also, Libre software and hardware and the abolishment of copyright and patents in general.
Same here with libre software and hardware and other technological freedom struggles. Becoming politically conscious in the technology sector was the spark (especially when Trump repealed net neutrality) that led me to Marxism-Leninism today.
Just came back from a holiday there: Basque independence movement. The Basque have their own language, culture, socio-economic vision so I see no reason why I shouldn't support them wanting to become independent from Spain and France.
I'm not who you are replying to, but here's a fun fact: years ago I did some research on the International Brigades that required pulling out documents from the SOVDOC.
One of these was the record of a political discussion in 1936-37 between members of a communist unit that included Catalonian independentists, about the question of self-determination for Spain's various nationalities. The meeting ended with a recommendation of Stalin's Marxism and the National Question as a read for the unit's members and the decision that the text's conclusions was the way of thought to follow.
To this day, I still recommend that one text to anyone who wishes to know how to proceed ideologically in regards to any movement for national independence, including Catalonia's.
Yeah same. I was wary of mentioning it because it's like what the ukrainian workers and people are defending right now and that's not viewed in a good light here.
However, they are too small to do anything big like overthrowing the Mexican government. They would be crushed quickly.
I do not think the EZLN has the wish to do so anyway. Staying relatively under the radar is the main reason why they have survived until now like they have.
I was hoping I could find it but I can’t, I’d check Marxist Paul’s vid on the Irish Citizen Army, I believe that’s where I first heard Lenin’s saying about the ICA
Lula's worker's party in Brazil, they've done incredible work helping the most impoverished people of the country, and are the most progressive in South America in my book.
Just no. Especially his latest moves. In fact last night he just pushed a provisional measure (a law that can take effect now, go to congress later) to legalize cassinos and other gambling establishments. Effective immediately too
He's not done any actual reforms, just means tested welfare programs. In fact he privatized a bunch of stuff in his first tenure. He also signed the drug laws that shot incarceration rates sky high (in fact a comrade was arrested for possesing weed and not released for over a year despite not being sentenced).
His job is making things seem "not all that bad" and keeping the forces of reaction well fed.
I'm not mad at you for not knowing, but as a Brazilian Communist I am extremely angry at the fact they misled you
Edit: I can go on and on and if y'all actually want me to. Don't "support" this enemy of our class in front of me again.
And yes, he's better than the "electorally viable" alternatives, but we have second rounds for election so we vote communist!
His job is making things seem “not all that bad” and keeping the forces of reaction well fed.
I suppose he's like the Biden to Bolsanaro's Trump, in that now that the obviously shit guy is out of office, a bunch of people who were mobilized go back to brunch while nothing fundamentally changes?
PSUV is not a force for socialism, and as such they seek to destroy those who actually fight for it. In fact the PSUV is actively trying to dismantle the PCV
From a Belarussian person, Lukashenko's administration has been a disaster for the people of Belarus.
His only saving grace is preventing Belarus from becoming a US vassal state like Ukraine or Poland. Other then that I'm very certain that a chimpanzee could run Belarus better then Lukashenko.
He's basically a if you tried to copy Kim Ill Sung and horrifically failed and copied the inverse of all of Kim’s traits. Lukashenko is extremely reactionary, capitalist, and just a terrible leader.
I hope I don't come off as stupid and naive, but I support the antiwork/workreform movements on Reddit. Yes, most of them are American redditor neoliberal reactionaries, however as a whole I think they have some small material effect on destabilizing the system. America is like a collapsing building with a few crumbly pillars holding the whole thing up and antiwork/workreform types are at least wacking at those pillars and I feel like a ton of them are voicing M and ML ideals without knowing it. I think a ton of them could eventually be brought to the left with some guidance.
I support Extinction Rebellion , even though they are too libby and not radical enough. They do a lot for climate action and their actions are becoming better and they get more momentum.
Furthermore I somewhat support Rojava. The fact that they are allied to the US is a shame, but I think their political system, while flawed, is a step in the right direction
I heard extinction rebellion messed up an indigenous protest from Sungmanitou on Marx Madness. I’m glad to have more militant climate defenders, but they’re a little radlib-y. I need to look more into what they’ve actually done.