Once upon a time there was a pretty cool nightclub. It was quite a swanky place. It had its regulars, drop ins and lurkers. It was open to everyone 24 hours 7 days a week. But one day the owners decided that the management wasn't that important so management organised a mutiny. They closed the main dance floor and kept the VIP area open but still that wasn't enough. So they closed the place baracading themselves in. Some patrons were confused as to why they weren't allowed access anymore. Where's everybody gone? Where do I go now?
Then some bright spark said "I know a place. Follow me". Now this new place wasn't as flash as the last (I think it was an old factory in the back streets of the industrial area in Footscray) but it was free and it was safe. At first a few trickled in to have a look around. Then word got around and more and more turned up. The old lurkers turned up to cause a stir but generally everyone's been happy to have a regular place to meet again.
P.s.There's always that dodgy looking guy in the corner with a leather jacket on chewing his gum and selling shit.
Firstly, I don't have a leather jacket yet still feel somewhat triggered hahah
Secondly - this reminds me so much of an actual club called Club UK which was on... I want to say Russel St? I can't quite remember what happened to bring it down, but it was the best. Then it wasn't there anymore and it fucking hurt.
But this time around the dodgy factory that we shacked up in existed compared with well, an empty void.
And thirdly - I freaking love this as the narrative for this place. Well written!
twas an exodus of redditors leaving the platform,
many subs are restricted, many more are private.
the protest continues, a desperate cry for reform,
with the DT closed down, r/melbourne went quiet.
some went to discord, others flocked here
to vent, to query, to share, and commiserate
thank you to those who set up this sphere,
though new to me, to all of you I appreciate.
Hello DT, happy housewarming for the new residence. This platform is going to take me a bit of getting used to. But nice to see so many familiar names. Thankyou very much to @RustyRaven@aussie.zone and anyone else who did the work to make this happen. I appreciate your tech skills and initiative!
Edit: I have no idea how to tag people properly, hope that was it.
Yes the tag worked! @lodion@aussie.zone is the one who set this place up, I just followed them here and made myself at home when I saw @dumblederp@dumblederp@aussie.zone had made a daily thread here!
Plan to use this shutdown as a prompt to spend more time off my computer: failed