Reminder that just because you don’t have children, doesn’t mean you have to achieve a certain level of career or academia. You’re still valid. I’m still valid…
In fact I strive to do as little as possible. I only work to pay the bills. If I could luck upon a comfortable enough nest egg I would quit working immediately and just play games the rest of my life (video & board, solo and with friends/family).
Hell, I may end up contributing more to society that way since I enjoy dabbling in video game design but don't have enough time to actually work towards anything I could release. If I had time, maybe I'd actually create something for a wider audience rather than whatever minor contribution I have at work.
I always like to remind people that their ancestors survived as fishermen and farmers and peasants, you aren't a failure if you don't become the president or the greatest person in your field or whatever.
I don't think "valid" is a proper word for someone's life. You don't have to be validated by anyone, you don't own anyone anything. Do what you yourself see fit for this one-time adventure.
And if you do want children and are fulfilled living a life dedicated to making and raising them, you're also still valid.
In fact, that would be an accomplishment, while simply existing isn't. But this planet got an overpopulation problem, so if all you wanna do is continue simply and unimportantly existing while also not procreating, I'd say, go ahead.
Look at your bodies, women! An internal inguinal canal less likely to cause a hernia, lower center of gravity, higher body fat, and less body hair for easier cleanup. God created you for spending long hours in the coal mines!
But look at how small and dexterous the children are, able to squeeze and clamber through the tunnels. And look at what they play all day: Minecraft. Clearly the children are best suited, as they yearn for the mines.
A. Username checks out
B. I can help you figure out your purpose serving men! But before you can walk, you must crawl. First, you're going to learn how to hunt men. Then how to cook men. Once you've mastered these two, you will spend months or years learning how to plate men. Finally, serving men. Then you'll be ready to start your own menstaurant.
FYI If you don't have any connective tissue between your breasts, ovaries and womb you might have a problem. Your doctor should check you for vitamin deficiency
I'd remove the religious implications and say "it's always those who are most convinced they have a monopoly on Truth who are most dehumanizing to the out-group"
If you look her up you will see that this is one of her more tame takes unfortunately. At least this is not about her views on women’s place in marriage or the rights a husband supposedly has to their wives body, regardless of consent.
I can’t help but feel a little sad for her though. From her recounting of her life it sounds like she married a man she didn’t love because that’s what she was supposed to do. After over a decade of miserable marriage she broke and saw it as her duty to be servile in all things to a man she was never really attracted to and convinced herself that happiness is to live that submissive life in deference to a man in all things. If it was the story of someone who got out and found a life outside those oppressive beliefs it would be a cautionary tale, but she sees it as the recipe for a good biblical life.
No, it makes it zero disgusting. It's a person making a passionate calling. She simply calls for others to follow their steps, she's a woman and a mother, and believes everything she says, and is probably happy and fulfilled and is wishing that to others.
You seem to be triggered af by literally everything and can't see when someone's heart is in the right place regardless of whether you agree with them or not.
Maybe that snowflake term your older generation used was correct. Cuz, frankly, you guys act like a bunch of rebellious teenagers. Kinda cringe.
Oh, I'm an atheist, feminist, child-free, I don't have a tweeter, and where I live abortions are legal. And you're cringe even to me.
I mean, unironically... from an evolutionary pov, yeah kind of. I don't know specifics about how hands evolved, but knuckles seem to be shaped a certain way for reasons. I imagine big, boney knuckles was a trait that got successfully passed down due to its usefulness.
I am not an evolutionary biologist, so I could be wrong. Evolution is weird and counterintuitive sometimes.
Kicking is our natural unarmed attack. Still a last resort compared to throwing rocks or whacking with sticks though. We evolved from ancestors who already used tools to defend themselves.
If you look at how Gorillas kind of walk around on their fists, it definitely makes sense that there's some evolutionary benefit to the knuckle shape. It doesn't have to be related to hitting things either. It's easiest to support yourself with a straight wrist, like if you're holding a branch, vs putting your palm flat is a lot more stress on your wrist.
Drag has fingers that are just the right size to shove up a huge cloaca. Does this mean drag was created for the purpose of giving handjobs to dragons? Yes, yes it does. And drag is happy with drag's purpose.
I think they're advocating that women can choose for themselves what kind of person to be, and the fact their bodies are capable of gestating new humans doesn't obligate them to do so.
It's sort of like how the fact a man's body may be capable of entertaining others by dressing their penis up in a tiny coat and hat doesn't mean we should bully an entire gender into making that the purpose of their existence, nor does it mean we're advocating for a world without sharp dressed dicks.
Let people live their lives based on who they are, not the abilities of their genitals.
Just FYI, my wife has two masters degrees and still was able to get pregnant, give birth and help raise a child with me afterward. So apparently it is possible for women to have advanced university degrees and have kids.
Incidentally, my mother also has two masters degrees, so apparently that was also possible in the 1970s without the population crashing.
Nothing wrong with being proud of giving birth to a new life. Also nothing wrong with believing that you're more than that. It becomes a problem when people start forcing their beliefs on others.
According to Wikipedia, "the world population ... was estimated by the United Nations to have exceeded eight billion in mid-November 2022. It took around 300,000 years of human prehistory and history for the human population to reach a billion and only 218 years more to reach 8 billion."
There are PLENTY of people in the world. Some of them need to get off my lawn. Grrr.
I think you'll notice both of those places have very low birth rates these days. Almost like people don't enjoy being crammed in like sardines and having to compete in the workplace like rats fighting over the last rotting morsels.
Its funny because you could say the same thing about men. Oh look how beautiful life is, all im meant for is delivering dna into a woman... suddenly not so nice is it
you would be shocked at how many women unironically believe that men are perpetually horny and that that is the source of most if not all of society's ills
If she really believes those breasts, ovaries, and wombs are so important, why was she telling women to think about things? You don't think with breasts, ovaries, or wombs.
And what will she do when she hits menopause? How will that affect her beliefs?
Lack of butterflies caused me to panic the first time he proposed, and I needed more time to think things through. I knew I liked him. I knew in terms of biblical values, he was a rare find. He wasn’t the most handsome guy ever, but he wasn’t repulsive either.
By this logic you really can't expect me to pee in the toilet. I can't have a fire hose adapter hanging off of me just to pee straight down all the time. I was born for snow writing, and I'm coming to a yard near you!
No, she has a point. Men have testicles and a penis so perhaps they are simply useless once they have transferred their genetic material to the next generation.
Look at your bodies, women! You eat and breathe from the same hole, so food getting stuck there kills you. Your reproductive and waste areas and directly next to each other, which leads to unnecessary infection. You lack the ability to biosynthesize various necessary vitamins, so rely on internal bacteria to produce them for you, risking deadly infection. Your eyes have a blind spot and are not optimized for seeing through air nor through water. A loving and intelligent god would not design you this way. Please understand that your unnecessarily complicated feet are not a sign that you are “intended” for anything, let alone patriarchy.
Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, ten fingers, two nipples, a butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I have just described to you the Loch Ness Monster. And the reward for its capture? All the riches in Scotland!
The message of a woman's greatest purpose in life is for reproduction is from men. The women who repeat this message are the ones who are conditioned to also think this way. It's a tool to manipulate women into becoming the "submissive housewife" so many men fantasize about.
Submissive housewife is just property in the eye of the husband. "My property, I do whatever I want with it", which also sounds eerily like slave ownership. It's dehumanizing and women might often not be aware of that.
To be fair, women with breasts, ovaries, and uteri are perfectly capable of being impregnated by a submissive pre-hrt trans girl. Perhaps cis women were created by Prometheus for the purpose of breeding submissive transbians
That's bullshit. One can brainwash women that their purpose is reproduction out of all kind of motivations. For example, some elderly will tell that lie to keep the young at bay while they don't necessarily believe it themselves. Another example, some religious people will say the same thing. Because they are stupid.