This is an important issue IMO that needs to be addressed and the official response by Bitwardens CTO fails to do so.
There is not even a reason provided why such a proprietary license is deemed necessary for the SDK. Furthermore this wasn’t proactively communicated but noticed by users. The locking of the Github Issue indicates that discussion isn’t desired and further communication is not to be expected.
It is a step in the wrong direction after having accepted Venture Capital funding, which already put Bitwardens opensource future in doubt for many users.
This is another step in the wrong direction for a company that proudly uses the opensource slogan.
I haven't jumped yet, but the Proton suite is looking more and more appealing. I've been eyeing them as a Gmail replacement, but I've been happy with my VPN and password management providers. As this reduces the bundle makes more sense.
It's not open source, but I got a lifetime license for Enpass over a decade ago and it's done everything I've ever needed it for. I think stacksocial occasionally has new lifetime codes for sale. I like the idea of Proton Pass as others have said, but it feels a bit like putting all my eggs in one basket, which is a mistake I already made with Google before (context: I use Proton for email). I think Keepass is the next best option if dedicated to staying FOSS.
They're basically trying to get rid of vaultwarden and other open source forks. I expect they'll get a cease and desist and be removed from github at some point in the not too distant future if they don't make some changes. I have a vaultwarden instance and use the bit warden clients. Guess I'll need to look for alternatives in case Bitwarden decides to get aggressive.
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Can we have a decent password manager that isn’t tied to a browser or company? I pay for Bitwarden. I’m not being cheap. But open source is more secure. We can look at the code ourselves if there’s a concern.
It is a license problem. The license condition of the SDK which is required to build the client app change to limit the usage of it. The new license states that you can only use the Bitwarden SDK for Bitwarden. It is against the Freedoom-0 of the Free Software Foundation.
The limitation of English language is that it is hard to differentiate between Free (as in Free bear) and Free (as in Freedoom). Also open source which could mean complaining with FOSS and that source is available. This been unfortunately have been abused before.
That's far from the best option. It's working, but it's super complicated compared to Bitwarden and other cloud password managers. Imagine telling your grandma "just use keepass", she would never be able to make it work. But Bitwarden? Lastpass? That's possible
In this case, zero, because it's a packaging bug, not an actual change in direction. Read the update on the article:
Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model."
Next time, before jumping to conclusions, wait a day or two and see if the project says something.
I really hope that this is actually the case, but I am not very optimistic. This doesn't seem to be a mistake. They intentionally move functionality of their clients to their proprietary SDK library. The Bitwarden person stated this in the Github issue and you can also check the commit history. Making that library a build-time dependency might actually have been a mistake. That does not change the fact, that the clients are no longer useful without that proprietary library going forward. Core functionality has been move to that lib. I really don't care if they talk to that library via some protocol or have it linked at build time. I wouldn't consider this open source, even if that client wrapper that talks to that library technically is still licensed under GPLv3.
You can't "dmca" the fork that was created while it was still open source. They could only prevent it from getting future updates (directly from them).
No one is listening I'm sorry to say. I corrected a couple people but then realized it was pointless. The discussions in the crossposted communities (which - holy shit I don't think I've seen something so thoroughly spammed across multiple tech communities before) are just as bad or worse.
I might be mistaken, but ultimately a password manager is basically nothing more than a database of passwords in an encrypted zip file, right? That could entirely be self-hosted with off the shelf open source applications stringed together.
All you'd need is a nice UI stringing it all together.
Edit: I'm not sure why people are downvoting me.
Is that not what a password manager essentially is?
I've done basically this in the past by encrypting a text file with GPG. But a real password manager will integrate with your browser and helps prevent getting phished by verifying the domain before entering a password. It also syncs across all my devices, which my GPG file only worked well on my desktop.
It's the "stringing it all together" that could be problematic.
If you have multiple clients (desktop/cellphone) modifying the same entry (or even different entries in the same "database" ). You need something smart enough to gracefully handle this or atleast tell you about it.
I did the whole "syncing" KeePass and it was functional, but it also meant I needed to handle conflicts - which was annoying. I switched and really appreciate the whole "it just works" with self-hosted bitwarden.
I see it as it's easy to self host. But I'm not skilled nor rich enough to guarantee the availability of it. I don't want to be stuck on a holiday without my passwords because my server back home died from black out or what have you.
I pay for bitwarden and the proton mail package to keep the password management market a bit more competitive and it actually works out cheaper. It would be nice to have protons anonymous emails built in, but I can live with it.
But I might have to reconsider if Bitwarden is going a different direction that what I'm paying for.
Thank you for the update! I would like to keep using it. I've been very happy with Bitwarden both as a password manager and a TOTP authenticator. I have even recommended it to my boss as an enterprise solution for us to use at work, and so far we are planning on replacing our current password database solution with Bitwarden.
Unfortunately, with "enshittification" being so common these days, it was very easy to believe they were also going to the dark side. I will remain cautiously optimistic after learning it was a packaging bug.
Here's a link to the post on X (yes, I hate X, too) in case anyone else is doubtful:
That's what I'm using mostly, but the convenience of having auto fill in firefox and being able to share some logins made me want to try bitwarden. Also, it's not complicated to sync between several devices.
It is really not just a packaging bug. If you read that comment of the Bitwarden person a little further, you'll notice that he's talking about that proprietary "SDK" library that they are integrating with their clients. Even if they manage to not actually link it directly with the client, but rather let the client talk to that library via some protocol - it doesn't make the situation any better. The client won't work without their proprietary "SDK", no matter if they remove the build-time dependency or not.
When I read this this morning, I had concerns, but then I did some research. The SDKs source is fully available for all to look at and compile. The main issue that people bring up is the license that states:
3.3 You may not use this SDK to develop applications for use with software other
than Bitwarden (including non-compatible implementations of Bitwarden) or to
develop another SDK.
This part seems to be what most people take issue with, as it makes the sdk no longer modifiable, yet a requirement of the core source itself. The head of BitWarden has come out and stated the SDK being required to compile BitWarden was a mistake, however, and if this proves to be true (which I have no reason to doubt) then I see no reason why any of this is an issue.
From a security standpoint, since the SDK is source available, it can be audited by anyone still (and compiled) so personally, I'm fine with this.
In general, if it's Phoronix, I assume the headline is a bit more exaggerated. They put out pretty good content, but they also put out a lot of content, so the editing can be a little lacking IMO.
Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model."
According to Bitwardens post here, this is a "packaging bug" and will be resolved.
Honestly, if he can replace the current Bitwarden BE w/ Vaultwarden, that would be awesome! The last time I looked at the Bitwarden self-hostable BE, it was super heavy, which is the entire reason I was interested in Vaultwarden.
I'm running a couple of Vaultwarden instances, and it would be really nice if Bitwarden employed Garcia to improve the Rust backend. But as the bitter cynic I am, I guess it is an effort to shut down and control as much of the open source use of Bitwarden as possible.
The worst case, someone will most likely fork Vaultwarden and we can still access it with Keyguard on mobile and the excellent Vaultwarden web interface :)
I've always loved Keepass, however I moved away from it in 2012 as it and any file based vault has brute forcing issues. You need to track every copy of it that has been made and if any copy falls out of your hands, like if you lose a device, you need to do a password rotation on 100% of your passwords. Since its a file, its not possible to prevent brute forcing.
An online database is still a file ultimately. A SQL or other DB file stored in a webserver, accessed through a web interface.
Vaultwarden, etc, are the same, only the database file is less directly visible IMO. Keepass IMO is simple. The DB in a bespoke format, stored outside the application.
You could put the vault in system32 and name it "trustedinstaller.log", and if someone saw you had keepass they wouldn't even know where your vault is.
Given the number of well documented breaches of online password vaults, I would much rather do a private device to device sync via syncthing and keep it out of webservers.
Update: Bitwarden posted to X this evening to reaffirm that it's a "packaging bug" and that "Bitwarden remains committed to the open source licensing model."
I'm not going to jump ship just yet, though I may get around to updating my backup.
There are plenty of alternatives, so feel free to shop around. But don't jump the gun just because of a random Phoronix article with an update that says basically the opposite of what the article claims. Wait some time to see if there are actual changes coming.
I'm not thoroughly aware of their dealings, but these amounts of private investment aren't going to pay for themselves. If you raise 100 million, investors typically want a billion back, or more.
From the looks of it, Bitwarden might've tried to go with the Open Source model to get free development resources, trust (because it's an open source PASSWORD manager), and general goodwill. But now that they've deemed that got enough of a market share (or investors are starting to breathe down their necks), it's time to start raising the walled garden.
Even if they claim after the fact that it was a "Bug" that the client couldn't be built without their proprietary sdk. The very fact one exists is a bad enough sign, specially when its influence is spreading.
VC is a devil's bargain. Raising VC money is NEVER a good sign.
+1 For KeePassXC and the KeePass ecosystem. Yes, you need to sync the database yourself, but you can use any file sharing service you like, e.g. google drive, dropbox... or selfhost something like nextcloud (like I do), which for me is actually a point in its favor.
Based on this news, I think I made the right choice back then when I decided to go with KeePass.
Proton Pass is open source and the company that runs it recently reincorporated as a Swiss non-profit to ensure their privacy mission can't be bought out by venture capitalists etc.
Some guy at bitwarden clicks a button wrong on a license drop-down option and all these people crawl out of the woodwork to declare the end of bitwarden being trustworthy. Nothing in the article or the company's statements indicates an actual move away from open source. Big nothingburger
Maybe you want to read the comment by kspearrin in that Github issue again. They are clearly moving away from open source. He explicitly states that they are in the process of moving more code to their proprietary "SDK" library.
EDIT: Been playing with it a bit now and if it uses keepass as the DB the advantage I see right now is that having it in Nextcloud means automatic sync, and there are several autofill and syncing apps for various OSes and password sharing and automated checks for breaches. It's probably a better option for anyone with Nextcloud than going the Keepassxc/syncthing route.
Its worth noting I don't think they're actually a company anymore, I think they're now a non-profit (I may be mistaken, but that's my present understanding)
I switched from keepass to Bitwarden because individual entries started randomly disappearing. I'm still discovering missing accounts after switching a couple of weeks ago. Sometime to do with how keepass was opening the files, because when an entry went missing it was gone even from backup files I hadn't touched since before the entry disappeared.
I'm going to keep using Bitwarden because KeepassXC sucks, but not as a paying user. Once this package inclusion is removed, if it is removed, i'll pay again.
I use to always recommend bitwarden to people. Now i feel like an idiot for doing so with them switching up. Ill be making the effort to move to keepassxc soon and host it myself. there something I've been missing out on? Can one host a KeePass vault online? We have web apps? I only know about the Nextcloud ones. I've just been using syncthing and merging the conflicts when they happen.
Unix elitist think the average user is willing to just memorize a gazillion different commands. No, nope. Not ever going to use a command line password manager.