I feel like back when I didn't have a massive game library I would have spent so much time replaying Half Life and exploring every inch of the maps and trying to find exploits to break the game. The massive modding community likely would have kept me playing for years.
Morrowind probably would have gotten me a lot more into RPGs and fantasy games. I do love RPGs but still struggle to immerse myself in fantasy settings. I assume this is because I mostly played SciFi games growing up.
What about you? Is there an MMO or something you maybe tried and gave up on to soon?
From what I've seen, the SH2 remake looks really good. Honestly, it's a fine starting point if you want to get into the series as SH1 is pretty inconsequential to the rest of the games, so you can definitely just skip it and not really miss out on much.
I really hope that Bloober gets the greenlight to continue remaking the rest of the series. I'd love to see a modernized SH3.
Almost any, but I wish I had played Star Wars Galaxies in its prime. But any, really. I was not allowed to play almost any video games growing up. Except for Detective Barbie: Mystery of the Carnival Caper. And Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Of, and Oregon Trail 2! Not 1. 2.
A girl who have me a spork told me how her friend played the game and he was a hair dresser in game and once watched a battle between two jedi, when I asked her if I could be a chef in game.
I might have liked it, back then, but my tolerance for things was very high. Paying for a subscription was very veery low, being a young teen.
I remember looking at the rows of PC game boxes at the store and being very curious about Myst. But for some reason I never asked my parents for it. I guess maybe since I didn’t really have any idea what it was, it just felt like something out of reach.
I love “artsy puzzle games” now, so I feel like that would have been a pretty cool experience for me way back then!
There is a bunch of different modern versions of Myst. It's also got a VR version that is very good. Riven and Obduction are also available in VR. Not sure about some of the lesser known Myst games like exile, uru, or revelation.
In my experience, playing them when I was younger didn't work out great, some of the puzzles were just way too hard for pre-teen me. But they were great to play now.
Dungeons and dragons, both the paper version and the digital stuff. I remember as a kid playing some random DnD games with no context and being upset that they were weird rpgs that only went up to level 8 or whatever. Without context, that is not common in videoganes. And not knowing how much more open the games could have been than just playing them "murder hobo" style...
I only ended up playing paper DnD at around the start of 5e, while I was tangentially aware of it since I think before third edition, I didn't know I would actually like it back then. And it's entirely possible I wouldn't have. I have a processing delay, so whether or not I end up enjoying board games, or anything else involving players taking turns doing complicated thinking... largely depends on how patient the other players are.
I also wasn't super creative back then... although maybe playing DnD would have helped. But at the very least, I wish I would have tried learning paper DnD back then even if I didn't like it, so I had the context when I played the digital games. I would have very much appreciated those if I understood why certain limitations were in place.
I mean, could you imagine a DnD digital game trying to accurately represent the capabilities of level 20 characters... hitting level 20 in DnD basically forces your campaign into "jumping the shark". Which omnipotent god are we one-shotting this week?
Dark Age of Camelot, heard it was one of the best MMOs of its time. By the time I heard of it and had a PC I could play it on, most of the player base had moved on to other games.
Careful, if you play Morrowind and the other Elder Scrolls games, a lot of other RPGs won't feel nearly as satisfying to play.
There aren't many games where you can see a thing and just walk to it, or go into a random house and see (and interact with) all the shit they have from forks and plates to baskets and books. Speaking of books, how many other games are there that have actual books you can read in-game, that explain lore and have poems and plays like we have IRL?
And that's not even getting into builds and play styles. You can be a tanky heavy weapons expert who just steamrolls everything in a couple hits, or you can be a glass cannon archmage blasting dudes left and right; you can also be an entire mix of all the things if you want. Be a magic tanky stealth archer that takes what they want when they want. Also you can kill essential NPCs in Morrowind (in the later games they just get knocked out).
I love the Elder Scrolls games, jank and all. They're absolutely fantastic at putting you in an atmospheric world that feels lived in.
Yeah, they get alot of shit for how buggy they are, but they are trying to do a thousand things well. They probably have literal millions of bugs along the way, but only manage to solve the 999000 easiest, quickest, or most obvious ones before launch.
There is a reason they are still consistently best sellers.
Any of the halo games really, they’re so fun and younger me would’ve absolutely enjoyed himself playing it back in its prime. Thing is I owned an xbox but I mostly dismissed halo as the weird orange visor green helmet guy, not knowing what I had just slept on.
I can’t think of any video game that fits that description. But I wish I got into RPGs earlier. My first role playing experience was near the end of my first year of uni. I wish I could have played D&D or other RPGs from when I was in high school. They’re such a blast.
StarCraft. I played it, I liked it but never really invested time to get better at the game. My friends were really good and they would include me by putting me on the opposite team so I can backstab later in the match 😅
I played so many games back then I can’t really say I’ve missed too much. Maybe I should have looked more into games like Jagged Alliance or X-Com but I wasn’t into turn-based games back then. But I also didn’t care much about puzzle games as a kid and now I am and that’s ok. These days I don’t care about multiplayer games anymore, which I used to love.