Cool scifi armors? For ages, I thought this Lost In Space helmet was the coolest thing.
Cool scifi armors? For ages, I thought this Lost In Space helmet was the coolest thing.

Here’s a short video of it popping onto his head.
Yeah, it’s basically Iron-Man nanoarmor, but this Lost in Space movie came out in 1998, and the full gunmetal rugged aesthetic is still pretty top tier.
What are other unique, cool scifi armors?
RightHandOfIkaros I like the Anubis helmets in the original StarGate movie. Helmets that fold away are always cool.
60 1 ReplyNielsBohron
Even though it just encourages the "ancient aliens" crowd, I can thank Stargate for my love of anything that fuses Egyptian/Mayan/Aztec aesthetics and mythology with sci-fi.
Edit: oooh, and other Native American tribes, too, like The Endless Nation in Hickman's East of West
12 0 ReplyRiker_Maneuver
The Endless Nation was so cool. I love me some East of West. Someone give me that animated adaption, please.
2 0 Replysneakyninjapants East of the West
Wow thanks for mentioning this! I just got the first chapter and it looks to be amazing! I don't know if it's just Image comics style in general or not but the art style reminds me strongly of Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples's Saga as well.
2 0 Reply
Ace0fBlades Feel like this movie was super underrated. Everything from the major's battlesuit to the kid's hologram robot pilot station was awesome!
31 0 ReplyBadRS I had a huge crush on Lacey Chaberts Penny in this movie when I was a kid. She was just a few years older than me and I was enamored. I haven't thought about it in like 20 years now.
12 1 ReplyShoePaste
Dude same.
5 0 Reply
Olap Dead space helmet
20 0 Replymagic_window that batman returns batmobile armour was pretty sweet too
9 0 ReplyBlademax "How You Doin'?" - Dr. Drake Ramoray
9 0 ReplyOderus
You mean Ken Adams?
2 0 Reply
DarkThoughts 8 0 ReplyShoePaste
Aw geez, you know i just it's kinda cool rick
4 0 Replyivanafterall
That seems like highly impractical armor.
Aside from the fact that it's open around the waist to show booty, it's actually sensible. It's basically cyber full plate armor.
3 0 Reply
SpaghettiProgrammer I absolutely loved this helmet as a kid! And the cool gun helped the style as well. Overall super fun to watch on screen.
7 0 ReplySSTF OP
The late 90s and very early 2000s were the peak of chromed out guns with lasers on them.
8 0 Replychase_what_matters The Noisy Cricket
6 0 Reply
You guys know you can post images, right?
7 1 Replyscytale It's a game, but the Terran Marine, Firebat, and Ghost are classics.
6 0 ReplySIGSEGV
"Need a light?"
1 0 Replyipodjockey
My all time favote space marine armor.
1 0 Reply
As terrible as that movie was there was a lot of cool stuff. I always loved robot before he gets blown to smitherines. I think my favorite aci fi armor from the 90s was the power armor in the beginning of the final fantasy movie. I think it was the forst time id ever seen armor like that and thought their glowing blue eyes were so cool.
5 0 Reply🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆
I'm a sucker for the goofy box of light that was the shield belts in the 1984 version of Dune. It's armor of a kind, right?
5 0 Replybandwidthcrisis There's a whole video about recreating the effects here
1 0 Reply
The armor and helmet from the Mass Effect trilogy (particularly 3). Relatively simple and basic but still badass and iconic.
4 0 ReplySuiXi3D
I feel like a lot of stuff in Destiny and Destiny 2 should count. There are some truly wacky armors in those games, and some really badass stuff too.
5 1 ReplyNum10ck can we give George Lucas some credit at least in the helmet department?
5 1 Replycuriousaur He didn't design any of those.
5 0 Replycommiespammer
Yeah, clone armor is fire.
1 0 Reply
War Machine
3 0 ReplyKabukironin
"Its basically iron-man nanotech" Yet... You admitted Lost in Space came first... So Iron-Man is using Joey Tribbiani nanoarmor.
3 0 ReplyJacobCoffinWrites
The Colonial Marines from Aliens get a lot of points for saying a lot very quickly with their costume design.
For a more scifi design I've always been fond of the soldiers' armor from Hunter Prey
2 0 ReplyBizzle
Mark VII Astartes power armor I think is just peak coolness, especially with the skull faced visage of a chaplain
2 0 Replycmdrfire MkVI "Corvus" is where it's at for me
2 0 Reply
Pretty cool. As helmets go, I was always taken with the Jaffa helmets from the Stargate movie (not the silly ones from the show though... LOL)
2 1 ReplySatanicNotMessianic That looks like an adaptation from a 15th C style helmet called a sallet, worn with a bevor.
1 0 ReplyAero
Master Chiefs Mk V and VI. Also a huge fan of the Mk IV.
1 0 Reply