Gaza Strip wasn't a very joyful time even before the war. It was ruled by extremist religious terrorists that would literally torture, rape and kill you for whatever reason (like being gay).
100%, everyone thinking Palestinians were duped by Sinwar into striking back at Israel has no knowledge of the history of Israel as a Settler-Colonial project.
Fun fact, practically “Palestinian” consists of a diverse population of Arabs (i.e. Bedouin and Muslims), Jews, and Christians and more. So which do you refer to as “Palestinians”?
Sinwar was not a charismatic guy who brainwashed everyone into attacking Israel.
He WAS a charismatic killer who brainwashed into attacking Israel.
According to
"United Nations Watch is concerned that the Palestinian education system continues to
promote antisemitism and incite terrorism, including in schools of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)."
As an Irish person, you can't end terrorism with violence. You just create martyrs to a cause, a cause which looks more and more legitimate the more civilians suffer and die because of said violence. "Kill the rebels" every 20 years did nothing for peace on Ireland for 800 years.
Israel has been supporting Palestinians such ash letting them work within Israel. But that didn't help unfortunately.
The best solution is education. The hard truth is what they are being educated with: to terror and destruction or to peace and prosperity.
the future that you speaking of called "west bank" where "Israeli occupier" put bounty on "indigenous Palestinian" homes for burning their cars or destroying their properties. Where the "Israeli occupier" open carry guns threatening or shooting "indigenous Palestinian" and if the "indigenous Palestinian" fight back in any form "since they don't have guns" they get into a military court, then prison, maybe without a charge, then get raped in prison, based on "Israeli sources"
Pretending this not a case of apartheid genocidal military force is stupid considering the overwhelming evidence that you can find reading a few news article or maybe 5 minutes in Wikipedia.
If you are bored maybe you can watch this episode of Anthony Bourdain "Palestine parts unknown" aired in 2013 and ask yourself if that the past and the current living condition what makes believe this will help in anyway!
Fun fact, practically "indigenous Palestinian" consists of a diverse population of Arabs (i.e. Bedouin and Muslims), Jews, and Christians, Bedouin and more. So which do you refer to as "indigenous Palestinian"?
"Israeli occupier" is a pure propaganda. Israel received an official support for by the UN for setting up a state. Whoever was against it it's his own problem. Israel has the right to be an independent heterogeneous multicultural and multi-religion state.
Not really likely. With all these kids and the younger generation terrorised/traumatized by Israel, hopes for a lasting peace is dim. Imagine your home and loved ones being torn into pieces right in front of your eyes by Israel all because of a terrorist attack that you played no part in. Now multiply this by tens of thousands...They will go on to be members or leaders of whatever terrorist/resistance organization follows hamas. It's an endless cycle where only people on the very top take advantage off.
Nope, it will only intensify. Yahya Sinwar wasn't some evil mastermind manipulating and controlling the Palestinian people, they have been fighting an existential war against a genocidal entity that has been exterminating them for nearly a century. You can't get a ceasefire by killing someone beloved by the Palestinian people.
You can hate Sinwar if you want and celebrate if you wish, but the Palestinian people are not celebrating right now, they are mourning. Historically, deaths of Hamas leaders have only hurt ceasefire talks.
Comments like these are just supporting these kinds of heinous figures like him, and it's just sad, and evil.
Yahya Sinwar wasn’t some evil mastermind manipulating and controlling the Palestinian people
This is a pure lie.
"Sinwar planned the abduction and killing of two Israeli soldiers and the murder of four Palestinians whom he suspected of cooperating with Israel."
"Sinwar was believed to have overseen the torture and execution."
And this is just part of the list.
they have been fighting an existential war against a genocidal
There no genocide. Lie #2. This is not Israel's goal in this war. Or ever.
Edit: I apologize for my cynicism, but I struggle to be hopeful about the prospects of Israel making peace with its surroundings nations and occupied territories.
If Netanyahu says it is ending soon then that is something I can appreciate, perhaps the pressure of a US withdrawal of support coupled with pending war with Lebanon will force Netanyahu into a moderate position in order to keep power.
Just another tyrant's death in a long line. I hear his replacement is even more brutal 🙃. So when I hear this somehow will bring peace I gag because I am also hearing Israel wants to occupy Gaza for the long haul.
Of course Hamas won't dissolve, their entire structure is designed to minimize the impact of assassinating leadership, otherwise they would have folded long ago.
They will select a new primary leader, but they are organized more as a confederation than a centrally controlled group. Very little of their action relies on there being a leader at all. Past Israeli assassinations of their leaders haven't weakened the group, and I don't see any reason this time would be different.
The Butcher of Khan Younis? He's arguably the one person on earth who cared the least for his people. Throughout his life, he killed and tortured Palestinians as pawns to inflame as much hatred as possible. He was a martyr for pure evil and is undeniably in hell. His people and Israelis alike are better for his death.
Do you have a source for your claims? I'd like to see if thats true.
Also, to equate him to israelis is like equating a slave who went on a slave rebellion to the slave master. Even if he did commit crimes the two are not equal. One is an occupier who takes your land, puts in you into an open air prison, rapes, and kills your woman and children.
One is an army with the most advanced weaponry and technology also backed by the world's super power. Whereas the other is bear bones rockets and rifles. Stop trying to make it a "both sides issue" bullshit.
Hamas aren't even of Palestinian Origin. They started as an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt with funding and weaponry from Iran. Iran as well has support from Russia among others.
Palestine is the battlegrounds but they don't really have any players on the board.