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Picked up this goofy looking 90's pet game

Picked up this funny goofy looking 1997 pet simulator. Has anyone here played it before?

Looks like the kind of obscure game you'd see people asking on r/tipofmyjoystick ๐Ÿ˜†

  • Oi that box takes me back.

    Never played this title but I had a few good games in those shitty designed Red Ant cases. Apparently it was an Aus company, so i doubt others have that nostalgia feeling.

    • Oh cool. I didn't know the company was Australian, but I'm Australian and got this from a regional op-shop here (aka thrift store). You can tell it's Australian from the G rating on the bottom-right.

  • Something I love about old PC games is that the files usually aren't protected or some proprietary format. I'd expect stuff like the textures and sound files are right there for you to mess with for humorous results.

    • Yeah, figured that out recently from my own physical PC collection. This wasn't game assets, but I thought it was really awesome one day when I found a really early development test video of the Lemony Snickets game for PC. It was just a raw video file sitting on the disc in a folder. The video was an in-engine recreation of this scene and the characters had no voices or animations, placeholder models, and were just moving around the scene in a T-Pose and, it was so interesting and cool to personally bump into it because that was a childhood favourite movie of mine.

      I can't find the video online, so when I get proper internet in a few days, I'll try to upload it.