When there aren't proper protections in place for frivolous lawsuits. It costs them more to fight than it would to just advertise on the platform. Time for Ben & Jerry's to make an "eat the rich" flavor with Musk's face on the carton to advertise on X!
I mean, lawsuits are still one of the best ways for regular people to hold powerful entities accountable, so I'm super leery of anything that purports to stop "frivolous" lawsuits. I think the real underlying problem here is we're expecting a for profit company to do the right thing in a market environment where doing the right thing isn't the most profitable course of action. What we need to do is change the market environment or find someone that's not a for profit corporation to do the right thing (both admittedly easier said than done).
Those with deep pockets can threaten expensive legal action even if they know they won't win, simply because those without deep pockets cannot afford to fight the legal battle without going bankrupt.
...while also owning Ben and Jerry's, which just put out a flavor in honor of Kamala Harris.
Like many massive corporations, Unilever would like to appeal to the Nazis and people on the left so that everyone buys one of the eighteen billion products they own every day.
The other side of it is that there is starting to be support for actually using the anti-trust laws that are on the books. Right now it's mostly focused on Google and other tech companies, but there's a huge problem in US markets with corporate consolidation.
Honestly for a multinational corp operating at the scale they operate that's a pretty good report card. They look like boy scouts compared with Nestle, Coca cola etc
No mention of paying for death squads, no forced child slavery
Doesn't mean you shouldn't boycott, just that there's a sliding scale and if you have to choose a Nestle product or a Unilever one is less evil.
Please stop doing the fuckin reddit hivemind thing. This thread is full of people shitting on X but noone bringing up how absolutely horrible this article is. From the top the author clearly has done zero research into the advertising suit the article it's titled about. Has there been a mass internet censoring movement that I missed? Since when has the shock and awe content failed to draw audiences en mass? Either way the writer goes off on this rant about the moral compass of internet content consumers being out off by negative content. Aside from the ridiculousness of the claim, the author at multiple points admits to their admitted speculation being truth. Didn't take much to click on the link provided that is supposed to support his estimate that X lost 80% of its advertisement revenue THEN LINKS TO A YAHOO ARTICLE ABOUT THE SHARE VALUE DROPPING 84%🤣 I mean come on manual there are educated ways shit on X that are fuckin lay ups and this asshat can't even avoid writing made up shit. His only other link that isn't to other articles written by Gizmodo was a link to an article that is 6 fuckin years old speculating if Youtube would survive "adocalypse" back in 2017. Basically proving that the morality of the content doesn't dictate the loyalty of the consumer or the very competitive nature of the marketing and advertising industries. Last fuckin point that irked from the comments is the notion like this company is being bullied by musk/X or whomever to back out of the lawsuit......... theyre a fuckin $150 BILLION corporation. If they are pulling out of thr lawsuit, its because their board members felt ut was in their bottom line's best interest not because they're any mother Theresa. OK I swear to God this is my last removed but I missed it on my initial read but THE FUCKING TITLE IS EVEN A BELLIGERENT LIE HAHAHAHA Unilever wasn't fucking sued into submission like the fuking title literally says, they themselves pulled out of their decision and rejoined the X ad stream. Idiot author even tries spinning that as a David and Goliath bullshit by saying it's assumed it was because X was making them pay for leaving?!?! The only fuckin way a multi billion dollar corporation is being "forced" to payq fuckall is if it's in a contract that will uphold in court. 🤣🤣🤣 Chatgpt can fuck this publication all day long out of real live journalists if this is the trash they're putting out.