Lemmy visit time: What percentage are you on Subscribed / Local / All?
Lemmy visit time: What percentage are you on Subscribed / Local / All?
My percentages: 0 / 0 / 100%
Lemmy visit time: What percentage are you on Subscribed / Local / All?
My percentages: 0 / 0 / 100%
99% / 0% / 1%
Best way to do it. All just for finding new communities to subscribe to, but it can get real depressing.
Exactly. I hop over to All maybe once every couple months just to find new active communities, but then it’s straight back to Subscribed.
There's just not enough stuff to focus only on subscribed only, and there still seems to be a good number of new communities popping up.
I do have most meme communities filtered out, as it was just too overwhelming for everything else, but that's about it.
I want to see all the threads I can where I may have something to add to help other communities develop.
I'll check Subscribed quick at the end of the day to make sure I didn't miss anything that I really do want to see.
I'm always on All (my subscribed communities show up here as well), but I block any community I have absolutely no interest in, which alters the experience a bit.
Did Superbowl make the cut? 😉
I kinda wish they didn't keep the pun as a few have blocked it not knowing what it's really about.
I subbed to SuperbOwl as soon as it got posted in the new communities community :)
99%/.9%/0.1% Subscribed thanks to all of the shit users on default communities.
I’m subscribed to the communities I moderate and around 700 others. So, it’s rarely an empty feed. If the feed is empty, it means I’m slacking and I need to step away from Lemmy for a day or two.
Subscribed 99%
Local 1%
All just once... never again!
90 / 0 / 10
Basically 100% subscribed. Being exposed to the unfiltered hivemind of lemmy seems like I'd see a lot of stuff that I don't want to see. :P Especially since I have nsfw turned on.
20/5/75 ish
My subscribed feed is either "mostly dead niche interest" or "it's hitting all anyway."
99.9% / 0% / 0.1%
98 / 2 / 0 %
100% / 0% / 0%
I'd probably dump Lemmy entirely if I was forced to browse All. And/or I'd be blocking half the Lemmyverse.
I'm always on All, I just block communities that I don't like. Since the site is small, I get more content this way.
I do the same, even put up with some that are a little annoying. I find it interesting to see what the entire community is doing.
Sorted by new!
1% Subscribed
98% Local/New
1% All
100 / 0 / 0
I had to look at All + New the other day because the Fediverse was being spammed by some twat, but otherwise it's
90 / 0 / 10 (if I look at All, it's All+Hot, not All+New, 'cos that's for masochists)
Bout the same, all is for when I've exhausted the first few pages of subscribed.
On my local instance where I'm an admin: 100% "All + New" since I have to deal with spam, trolls, etc.
On my LW account where I can enjoy things stress-free: 90% "Subscribed + New" and 10% "All + Hot" to find new things to subscribe to.
Local is pointless.
1% / 35% / 64%. I like seeing what's going on in Vancouver and other Canadian cities, nationally, and the relatively active !pcgaming@lemmy.ca (primarily due to @alessandro@lemmy.ca 's news posting efforts).
When I'm done then I visit what's Hot and the top 12h on All.
It ain't a raw Dawg unless it is ALL
30% / 0% / 70%
I look at them all equally😺 (how do you guys know the percentages??)
'Not sure there's a way to easily measure, just asking for rough estimates.
Lemmy isn't big enough that subscribed subs are enough.
85 / 0 / 15
Sometimes I venture out into the larger pool of All but I don’t usually stay long. Too much seeing stuff I filter on purpose.
All all the way
0/30/70 i think :3
this is the major advantage of being in an interest-driven instance (pawb.social) over a generalist instance
Probably about 95/0/5. I'm trying very hard to avoid reading about politics all day erry' day.
100% all.
60% Local; 30% All; 10% Subscribed (still building out my subscribed list)
0 / 95 / 5
About 50/50 subscribed/all. My subscriptions are esoteric enough to disappear unless you select them. All is for the local equivalent of doom scrolling.
I was on local for a while but I'm trying out all now and then. Zero time on subscribed, I don't subscribe to shit
30% / 3% / 67 %
Usually 100% all since I don't ever really go to individual communities besides these AskLemmy communities when I don't have anything else to look at on All.