There is no more quiet part anymore [Feb 2024, referring to Obama]
There is no more quiet part anymore [Feb 2024, referring to Obama]
There is no more quiet part anymore [Feb 2024, referring to Obama]
It was awkward and racist, but if you watch the video the crowd cheers as he instantly relates it to money. I'm tellin' ya, we're fucked if every Dem and Trump hater dont come out of the woodworks to put this guy in his place. His support is way more entrenched than Lemmy will have you believe. We have to descend upon the polls like the Golden Horde.
I was shocked to hear my next door neighbor last night tell me "be prepared if Kah-mala wins. They think January 6th was bad? That was a drunk frat party compared to what's coming. She never even got the nomination. I got my guns ready and I know people with more than that. If these democrats steal the election in November, you better be ready. There's going to be blood in the streets."
You reported him to the FBI, right?
She never even got the nomination
Well, she did though. There was a whole convention for it. But of course facts don't poll well with that demographic.
compared to what's coming [...] got my guns ready [...] blood in the streets
Never ceases to amaze me how people boast about “what's coming” like they wouldn't be the first to turn into cannon fodder were something to actually happen
I'm not saying they're not going to try, but it will be much harder for them to do anything like they did last time on Jan. 6th. They had police, the DOJ, local officials and all kinds of state help last time while trump was still in office. This time, a lot of them have been put in jail and are certainly on lists. You have to be willing to put your world on the line and can't claim innocence, so you'd have to be an idiot to try anything. I understand how it feels to be surrounded by the worst of them, but I really don't think that's the deal.
January 6th and certifications are a known issue. I'm more worried about domestic terrorism from the anger. Hopefully they're loud about what they're planning, the current administrations seems to take that stuff seriously.
I can't do anything but watch across the pond and wonder how the US can survive whatever the fuck happens there.
It would be entertaining if it was a TV show.
Fortunately, it's a TV show for you.
Europe is fucked as well dude. The far right is on the rise.
Oh shit this is real? I thought i was at a movie theater in the front row and non-americans were all just sitting really far back.
Me when I head to the polls next month.
Reminds me of this racist poster by the local far right party (switzerland).
“Expel criminal foreigners. Achieve security.”
I just kind of assumed they already enforced an ethnostate tbh
“I’m going to eat the sheep you don’t like”. Would be more spot on.
"hey guys, I'm racist and hate you, vote for me!"
He tells it like it is!
[bloody gargling noises from the face-being-eaten-realtime person next to them]!!
I love how this dude refuses to acually run against Kamala. It not a black man, it’s not Obama, you’re running against doofus, it’s a Black Woman. And, unless you’re a police officer, that’s at least 10x scarier for you.
What's to run against? It's an election entirely on aesthetic. Do you want to old fat cat cigar smoking business dude or the lean mean latte sipping girl boss to rubber stamp our next genocide shipment to Israel and blame China for climate change?
Maybe we get a SCOTUS judge to start issuing 5-4 rulings against fundamental democratic principles instead of a 6-3, if we're lucky.
Your nuanced understanding of geopolitics reminds me just how successful they've been at undermining the education system.
As much as I know Kamala is the status quo which is not my bag either for many reasons (genocide being one), I know things can be much worse. And, unless you’re an accelerationist (doubtful from a .world-er), isn’t it better to not give ultimate power over genocide or expulsion of immigrants to this supreme egomaniac?
Who would you rather get arrested by when protesting?
While he is a racist POS, this quote is edited from what he really said. Here's the context and full clip on snopes:
While telling a story about Air Force One and the call sign for when a U.S. president is aboard the aircraft, Trump referenced its age and also former President Barack Obama, telling the BCF audience, "I love this great equipment. Although the plane's 32 years old, I ordered new ones, and I saved $1.7 billion from what Obama was willing to pay. I have to tell you, [he's a] Black president, but I got $1.7 billion less. Would you rather have the Black president or the white president who got $1.7 billion off the price? I think they want the white guy right now. Got $1.7 billion off the price."
That context doesn't change the meaning even slightly. If anything it makes it worse. He's talking about an issue which is not related to race in any way, but he injects race into it. It shows exactly how he sees every aspect of the world.
I agreethat the full clip is just as damning. Which is why editing it to be misleading is unnecessary and counterproductive
We’re still not seeing the full context. I assume this was part of a wider conversation about the role of race in politics.
He’s making the point that a president’s actions matter more to voters (specifically black voters in this case) than a president’s race, which isn’t a bad point. (And I guess that’s what the audience is cheering for.)
I’m not a fan of Trump, but I’m also not a fan of taking things out of context.
I mean, he was speaking at the Black Conservative Federation. It's sorta relevant just given the venue.
every time I hear the phrase 'quite part out loud' I'm reminded that despite everything he still has a chance.
anyone who thinks the quite part survived his presidency is a danger to themselves and their country.
the whole game plan has been sensory overload from day 1 of his presidency, pay attention idiots.
It truly does just boggle the mind. Worst part is he's got way more than a chance. He's trying his absolute best to fuck things up six ways to Sunday and it just doesn't seem to do absolutely anything. It's kinda wild.
The strongest memory of the Trump presidency was an exhausting series of scandals as he did this that and the other illegal thing. Felt like every single day some new leak or expose would be posted of something incredibly illegal he did, usually within the last 4 weeks before the article
Last I saw the odds the bookmakers had them even (have they changed since the hurricane?)
Just checked again. Trump is odds on to win
Black Conservative Federation...........
Yes, they conserve the freedom of black people, gotta ration out that finite resource or else no one gets any! /s
does anyone have a video?
I linked it in the post body with a twitter mirror
oh,I get an infinite loading screen.
Is Nitter back?
There are some instances that still run. Not exactly sure how, to be honest. The main two I know about that still work are (what I linked in the body) and
theyve been in the high seats for too long. their cockiness is reaching a fever pitch. gonna take more than a simple removed slap to teach them
TIL there’s an Uncle Tom Federation.
Yeah it is so obvious now.
sadly, erasure is not an option. been tried. best we can manage is kicking him out of the country.
We should memory hole Donald Trump