At a certain point it is just willful ignorance to not learn what it is the most evil chunks of our country wants to do and why.
Just rolling out of bed, anyway. Yes on second look this is old. I don’t think that takes away from my doomsaying ‘that’s the direction they’re going’, first abortion then the gays then racial hierarchy. These are the traditional values of America that we have stripped away.
We already have slavery. It was never truly banned, just added the need to have been convicted of a crime. Ever wonder why the US has the world's largest prisoner population (not just per capita) and why African Americans are disproportionately brought to trial and receive more severe sentences (especially in former CSA states)? Slavery is the reason.
Overt Slavery was replaced with Jim Crow, which was replaced with great difficulty with a combination of encouraged undocumented immigration exploited labor, where they get punished for doing it but the employer never gets punished for leveraging it, combined with an expansion of the prison population to the largest coerced labor pool on Earth, and not just per capita, because we've made prisoners profitable.
America was built by and runs on the backs of a designated underclass by design. We have never been without a massive, policy defined underclass.
Shining city on the hill my ass. We have never not been a garbage society that revels in its own avarice and entitlement.
You wanna know the worst part? In the Senate race that got him elected this time, he was CLEARLY the best Republican candidate. Imagine if Todd Fucking Rokita had won. Actually, it is almost as bad having him as state AG.
I'm just not sure. He was my state rep before AG and I'm on a standing "will literally punch him in the face if I get the opportunity" policy.
Luckily Braun is going to maga/stupid up our governor seat :/.
If you ever want to understand just how stupid my district is, YouTube "Rokita dale debate" for the crawfordsville debate and watch the bit on climate change. Rokita won by a LANDSLIDE here.
Too late! We already have kids. And oh by the way screw you evil shameless republican person! Such awful people just make me feel so weird inside. Like how can there be idiots like that in the world,?
Turns out that just like Trump isn't really America's Hitler after all but instead the best of the best, his wife wasn't really all that great anyway, he never really liked her that much. Good thing she's gonna get deported to the Camps, it's about time, really. Then he'll ride into the sunset with his couch.
Yeah, once it's been a while since he first said it, it's not fair or relevant to hold him accountable for believing this sort of thing. That's why successful politicians always make sure to get all their racist bullshit on the record as early as possible, so that it doesn't come up when it matters later.
This is absolutely where they are going with this. In case nobody knows, this is the line of cases That decided issues of interracial sex in marriage, sodomy, pornography, abortion, and eventually the right to homosexual marriage.
Obviously, although it need not be said in the document itself because it's so fucking obvious, it's inconceivable to any rational person that a constitution which restricts the state from warrantless searches and seizures and be secure in our papers and affects, forbids quartering troops in our homes, protects our right to say what we think, and somehow it is allowed to make your family planning and sexual intimacy decisions. The Supreme Court decided all these things based on this concept, which is called Penumbral Reasoning, for those rights that arise not from the Constitution itself, but which is protected as falling within its penumbra.
And guess what, there are conservative judges that are already clamoring that the Fourth Amendment only protects your property, meaning that if you rent your home or have a mortgage on it, or a lease on your automobile, you don't have Fourth Amendment rights. They're coming for them all.
After reading the article, it seems like he's a moron for answering a question that he didn't understand. It reads like he didn't know what subject Loving referred to. Maybe I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because I'm in an interracial marriage and don't want to believe that we are at a point where representatives actually think they can advocate getting rid of federal protection for interracial marriage but I don't actually believe that this idiot knew what question he was answering.