i'm not having another plush.city moment so here's the fucking screenshots, read for yourself the outright hostility and bad faithb
no alt text sorry i do not have the time, some other kind soul can do it or i'll do it at a later date (📎5)
RE: holy shit
contributors to iceshrimp are definitivel...
"i'm not having another plush.city moment so here's the fucking screenshots, read for yourself the outright hostility and bad faithb no alt text sorry i do not have the time, some other kind soul can do it or i'll do it at a later date (📎5) RE: holy shit contributors to iceshrimp are definitively hostile to firefish i had a fucking feeling this would happen and yep, it did"
TL;DR: Internet drama. Some person is screaming bloody murder about the project lead (I assume) and makes up accusations and backs them up with more accusations which all dont seem to hold.
Completely idiotic and kindergarten stuff. Not even worth reading. Get a life, people.
I couldn't exactly make sense. Guy claims Fire Fish is trademarked already and decides to fork it to change the name to Ice Shrimp in bad faith due to prior beef with Fire Fish dev.
Firefish is used for several different things from what I can see while googling. Firefish.ltd.uk and Firefish.io that seems to be bitcoin related. So I find an odd choise for calckey name.
Well, OK. Firefish sounded good, but if there's an IP clash (until at least 2032 by my search) then maybe they need something else like FireGuppy or something.
I'm not a big fan of "IceShrimp" to get my friends into the social media platform. Let's throw around a bunch of ideas for [Random-cool-word1] + [Random-cool-word-2] and see what we can come up with.
Also, this drama seems overblown. Take a breath, people!