How is this not illegal??? Cards Against Humanity is PAYING people who didn't vote in 2020 to apologize, make a voting plan, and post #DonaldTrumpIsAHumanToilet—up to $100 for blue-leaning people in swing states. I helped by getting a 2024 Election Pack:
"Is there some way I can force Elon Musk to pay $47 to Cards Against Humanity PAC?
Funny you should ask! If you’re a registered voter in PA, GA, NV, AZ, NC, WI, or MI, just type your name into this dumb website for his PAC, put “” as your referrer, and they'll be legally obligated to pay us $47. The more people who do this, the more Musk money we’ll get to un-fuck America.
Ok, but it is really fucked up how transparent voting seems to be for you guys in the US:
How do you know who didn’t vote?
We formed a Super PAC and bought the personal voting records of every American citizen from a data broker we found on the internet. It’s pretty fucked up.
How do you know who’s “blue leaning”?
We got your partisan lean from the same data broker who sold us your voting history. You wouldn’t believe how easy it was for us to get this stuff. So fucked up!
I used to love your card games before you got all political.
Your mom used to love you before you got so fucking stupid.
The first and second one just seem wrong somehow. Voting is definitely supposed to be anonymous. Why would (aside from stupidity) would that sheriff recently make the statement about noting who has democrat signs in their yards if they could just find out everyone who voted democrat?
I think right wing idiots are complete nut jobs ..... but if you're offering cash, I'll identify whoever you want ... and I'll never change my mind about my politics
Republicans know a lot of women are voting to restore abortion rights, full stop. Compared to the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars that it would take for us to travel out-of-state to receive abortion care, $47 is nothing. You can’t buy my vote, let alone for such a pathetically low-balled price. I’d rather lose money and reinstate Roe V Wade than gain money and leave people to suffer.
Just because someone is an idiot doesn’t mean they don’t stumble into a good scheme from time-to-time.
People in swing states create fake voter accounts en masse for the reward. Those fake voters all try to vote for Trump.
The game is to destabilize everything enough that a court case advances to the Supreme Court so that they can steal the election. Thousands upon thousands of fake voters helps them tremendously.
Then we just need a cross-reference them with the people that trumped identifies as having good genes, and we're all set to make the new master race.
Somebody put these two fucks in jail? Why is this shit legal.
Like, the moment that our presidential candidate starts talking about That's kind of shit should be a red line in the sand but not only immediately disqualifies them, puts them on fucking death row
It's been inevitable since Biden dropped out. At that point, on the whole, Democrats threw in the towel. Ain't no Harris gonna be president of the free world.