This comment didn't happen yesterday, it was months ago. And Biden still hasn't changed.
And it still hasn't stopped Bibi from pushing for trump
There is literally no benefit for loyalty to a facist government, the second you're not 100% with them you're 100% against them. It's the same way trump acts
And it still hasn’t stopped Bibi from pushing
There is literally no benefit for loyalty to a facist government, the second you’re not 100% with them you’re 100% against them.
This comment didn’t happen yesterday, it was months ago. And Biden still hasn’t changed.
Biden is almost out anyways. Here's hoping this will be different once Harris has a freer hand.
They are able to change the outcome of races with seemingly unlimited money. A spend of 8.4 million in a Missouri primary is absurd, and likely is a drop in the bucket of what is spent influencing the presidential race.
I don't think there is a way to fix this either, since the people that should be writing laws to prevent it are the ones benefiting the most.
I imagine this is also happening in Republican primaries, so one can't just vote differently to address the root cause. Both republicans and Democrats seem to be tripping over each other to prove what a friend they are to Israel. It's really weird and stressful to be a US citizen right now.
It’s really weird and stressful to be a US citizen right now.
I can't even begin to express how stressed I've been over this.
Anyone that has the misfortune of recognizing they've been encountering my comments of pure exasperation lately will attest to that...
I'm generally a pessimistic person, but I truly believe Trump is going to win this and the heritage foundation is going to be able to implement their plan to solidify control of the government.
I remember an Malaysian ex-Prime Minister was denounced by George W. Bush for saying that the Jews are ruling the world by proxy. Saying it’s the Jews is definitely extreme, but with these organizations and what we’re seeing playing out politically, it’s hard to say there’s no truth in what that PM said.
He had the chance to legitimize the option. They have the evidence, and they have the laws. He treated both of those like chopped liver and that was that. He's locked in now.
They didn’t stop to think: what if people don’t want to vote for genocide? Oh well, we won’t give them that option because genocide is an American value. See: native Americans.
So we throw away the “rules based international order” and return to the pre-1914 unilateral rules and all the brutal wars that bought? So much better, amirite? Might makes right, and we’ve got the might for now!
The US stance on Israeli leadership is decimating our ability to wield soft power influence. We are global hypocrites blocking ANY action, whilst expecting the world to fall in line to support Ukraine against Russian revanchism - even NATO members dissent from the US position. The global south is turning to China/OPEC+ trading blocs. They already tried to break the petrodollar, which would be a huge blow if successful.
Even taking a realpolitik approach, without soft power all those US military bases used for ‘power projection’ lose their local consent, and become occupation sites inside non-allied nations. The Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Jordan is a chill spot for launching COIN drone missions - whereas the Conoco base in Syria is constantly under drone and rocket attack.
Supporting Bibi’s wars of aggression is a stupid play on multiple levels.
The US military-industrial complex does not need you to defend it.
It might well be more complex than that, but you have every right to demand from your government to put its vast resources to use in order to tackle that complexity. Given the severity of the situation, I'd say you have a responsibility to.
Seeing such a tragedy unfold and going 'oh, my government probably has a good reason to keep funding the active genocide, I'd hate to give some extra paperwork to our bureaucrats by making a fuss!' is very defeatist, to put it politely.
Since you are a person "with knowledge of how any of it works", please share with the class what those penalties and repercussions are. Educate us poor ignorant "random Internet citizens".
"You expect America, with its history of breaking promise and agreement and doing whatever the fuck it wants and giving two middle fingers to anyone that doesnt like it.. to break its promises and agreements with Israel to prevent a genocide? THE NERVE! HOW UNCOUTH! WHY I NEVER!"
Can we stop reporting on Biden or whoever else using salty language unless it’s something along the lines of “I’m cutting off the fucking military aid.”?
That won't happen, both parties are bought out by AIPAC, just AIPAC will stop splitting the money and give it only to the one who doesn't give them what they want. If a Democrat president said "I'm ending this here, enough bloodshed" AIPAC would fund the Republicans, despite how much Republicans hate Jews, quietly and publicly.
I'm not trying to defend the literal actual genocide, I'm trying to say the money makes them keep their hands flowing with greenbacks and blood of civilians.
EDIT: The two below, I blocked you before two for being liberals who have defended genocide and argue that somehow Democrats need to support the genocide and its a good thing that AIPAC owns both parties. Mainly soup is a troll who acts smarter than everyone else.
I think there's a much more lively audience who's votes could be won with the simple free act of stopping weapons sales to Israel or banning their use on civilian infrastructure.
Blinken does this to Ukraine on a regular basis literally to avoid escalation, to the point of absurdity like not letting Ukraine strike Russian military bases where glide bombs are being launched from...
...but somehow this administration is dumbfounded about how we can curtail Israel from blowing up ambulances and orphanages?
I don't know how he would ever have expected anything different from Netanyahu. It's not like this is the first time he failed to show the "restraint" Biden pleaded for (while simultaneously providing him with an unlimited supply of weapons).
The logical conclusion in the face of Biden's other actions such as keeping on sending weapons to Netanyahu and protecting him in the UN, is that this "leak" is a purposeful and carefully crafted bit of PR from Biden's team.
By their own track record, Biden and his minions are about as trustworthy as Netanyahu.
There is no real different between two kind of shameless liars covering up mass murder of children.
One might even say Netanyahu is at times less dishonest (if one could measure "honesty" at such infinitesimal levels) because he's more open about his murderous intentions.
Biden on the other hand is a full blown hypocrite who claims to want to stop Netanyahu whilst knowingly sending him the very 2000lb bombs used in residential areas in Gaza and Lebanon, a kind which the US Military itself does not use because its collateral damage is too massive.
They're both sociopaths, it's just that while Netanyahu is playing a "strong man" character whilst Biden plays the "powerless to act gentleman", and many in more modern nations don't recognized the shameless lying under the latter style as easily as they do under the former.
Because his abysmal approval ratings bring Harris's down too. Harris has never been good at formulating any statement of her own principles-- even back when she was running for president against Biden, she had no platform, just bromides that polled well. She's a cardboard cutout.
Or rank and file dems should grow the courage of their convictions and organize to stop allowing the dem centrists to take the zionist campaign money. Polls show most Americans dont support The zionists colonization and their associated war crimes.
You must have been living under a rock for months now if you still think Biden is the one running against Trump.
Further, I wonder what kind of Morals, Ethics and Principles a person must have to think others should stay mute about two-faced hypocrites actively helping the modern Nazis mass-murder children in, not one but TWO countries, lest the electoral chances of that person's party are weakened.
One wonders just how many Nazi-support layers away from the actually Nazis does it take to stop being a Nazi? Is the Nazi-supporter still a Nazi? How about those who support and defend Nazi-supporters - are they Nazis?
When this originally leaked months ago (almost a year actually), people were getting down voted for saying Biden was just mad that Netanyahu was making him look bad in PR.
Nice to know that he at least can acknowledge reality?
But behind it is a state dept that is ignoring it's own studies rank indictment of isreals murderous actions in order to keep feeding the beast. Maybe it's some far-flung plan to give isreal and netenyahoo all the rope they need to hang themselves, becoming global outcasts, which would then force them into accepting a two-state solution... Or the problem is a lot simpler.
The records and interviews also show that the pressure to keep the arms pipeline moving also comes from the U.S. military contractors who make the weapons. Lobbyists for those companies have routinely pressed lawmakers and State Department officials behind the scenes to approve shipments both to Israel and other controversial allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia. When one company executive pushed his former subordinate at the department for a valuable sale, the government official reminded him that strategizing over the deal might violate federal lobbying laws, emails show.
Weapons sales are a pillar of American foreign policy in the Middle East. Historically, the U.S. gives more money to Israel for weapons than it does to any other country. Israel spends most of those American tax dollars to buy weapons and equipment made by U.S. arms manufacturers.
Don't forget, while Biden and his state dept. is in charge of investigating and ensuring the proper use of these weapons, it's congress that's approving it. A congress that is balls-deep invested in U.S. weapons manufacturers.
For Israel and NATO allies, if the sale is worth at least $100 million for weapons or $25 million for equipment, Congress also gets final approval.
The most widely held defense contractor stock among senators and representatives is Honeywell, an American company that makes sensors and guiding devices that are being used by the Israeli military in its airstrikes in Gaza. The second most commonly held defense stock by Congress is RTX, formerly known as Raytheon, the company that makes missiles for Israel’s Iron Dome, among other weapons systems. - Sludge Article
I am firmly of the opinion that there is SOMETHING Israel has over the US that is probably super classified and super damning. Why else would BOTH parties, in one of, if not THE most influencial voting season in our country, agree on supporting Israel?
For how much the Republicans stand with Israel (and how many actually don't care about genocide since pretty much every Neo-Nazi is Republican), it should be the BIGGEST soft-ball issue to run on for Dems to oppose, being the party of "the rights of the people". But they have the presidency and continue supplying weapons to them for their war engine. No matter how many words are said, actions speak louder.
They are the US intelligence operation in the middle east. They are an attack dog for the things the US finds important, meaning they agree with us on economic operations, and will go to war to protect it. Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc. These are all just countries who are willing to actively work in the economic interests of the US as it benefits them. This allows the US access to their intel, to put military facilities in their countries, to use new weapons systems through their conflicts. They protect the standing of the petrodollar.
The US doesn't give a shit if a tiny, powerless, economically insignificant population, or a thousand, get wiped out. Preserving US domination is more important to the US government, and states like Israel will kill anyone in pursuit of that status quo. The only people they would need to have black mail on are government actors who aren't willing to support them, there are not a majority of those, yet.
It's religion. The Jews are in Israel. The Jews are the "chosen people". Religion is removed and it MAKES people removed. That's what they've got. Every American moron who is overtly Bible thumping or not is a vote in jeopardy if anybody says boo against Israel.
Religion was great when it was driving human progress around AD 1000, now it's a fucking anchor slowly drowning us all.
Prayer does not empirically improve conditions of people who are sick. The most xtian countries in the world are the worst off by basically every metric. And yet, this brain cancer survives. Luckily we have flax_vert to convert us all or make us want to jump off our local bridge.
100% agreed. There are no US bases in Israel except a single radar base in the negev with 12 people in it, and a desk inside an israeli military base with 2 people in it. We dont even resupply our navy in their ports. It was big news in 2016 when we did it once. We have joint air bases just miles from the border of Israel and Jordan that we and Jordan and Britain operate our air force out of. Similar situation in Cyprus.
We have no need of Israel as an "ally" at all, and they have never been useful in any of our military operations in the middle east. They are pure baggage and always have been. To add to that, all their nuclear material that they built their nukes out of was stolen from inside the US. They dont even bother to deny it. No one cares.
The anger at the US by middle eastern people has always been about the abuse and colonization in Gaza. Bin Laden claims he attacked on 9/11 because of the injustcies in Gaza, but we all bought Bush's idiot line that "they hate us for our freedoms". But that colonization has never been necessary or right. Its always been in support of zionist religious land theft goals. We have middle eastern problems and conflict because the Israelis want to steal land. Thats the long and short of it.
There are intelligence briefs that we get from Israel, and the money we give them tends to boomerang right back into the US military-industrial complex.
OTOH, Israel collapses in a week without US support. Maybe politicians should realize this and use it to tell Israel to knock it the fuck off.
The israelis cooperate with Bidens fake "leaks" as well, and pretend to be "upset". As long as the arms keep flowing and the American youth and left is held down-- thats all that matters. While I loathe Trump, captured by Russia and murderous corruption, I also loathe Biden, a lifelong racist misogynist liar bought and paid for by the zionists. Both are also idiots putting on a pretty transparent show. The fact that many americans eat it up and accept it as normal doesnt speak well of us as a people. The western order is truly dead and buried.
yeah it couldn't possibly be that international relations in the highly contentious middle east make the problems so tied to religious fundamentalism on both sides that the players are ideologically driven maniacs who will never accept any form of compromise because without the unwavering support of their hardcore adherents they won't remain in power.
You know if these assholes - both sides - would stop listening to their imaginary friends and look at the reality on the ground, we might have a chance.
As is, we're fucked until one of these gaggles of idiots sets off a nuclear war.
but mmm yeah blame both sides, you're just looking at both sides on the wrong side of the fucking planet.
If you think what's happening in Gaza is purely religious in nature you have absolutely no clue what's going on. The state of Israel has been illegally occupying Palestine land for decades. They have concentration camps filled with Palestinians where they commit rape and torture.
Palestinians are fighting for freedom from oppression, they are not fighting for religious beliefs.
Biden and the American government have been supplying a terrorist state with weapons as they actively commit a genocide. That's why people are pissed. Biden is literally giving weapons to a fucking war criminal.
the west has nothing to do with it they just simply set up the settler colonial apartheid state and gave it infinite weapons and constantly protect it from any retaliation.
You fall right into that "pick a side and get in line to accept whatever their consultants want or get bribed to do" fallacy. If every Dem had pressured the dem leadership by voting uncommitted, the dem leadership would have known they were going to lose and changed course. But people like yourself take whatever slop falls on the floor and call that dogs dinner enough of a democracy. Thats Pathetic.
problems so tied to religious fundamentalism on both sides
No actually, its the nakba. Its always been about the nakba and the murders done because of it. For 800 years of the existsnce of the ottoman empire the jews and muslims got along perfectly well in the middle east, and that ended when the ottoman empire was disolved after WW2.. So history shows us your idea isnt true.
The Jewish people have the right to a home state as facing antisemitism has been a distinct reality of their cultural past. Of course, both Israel and Palestine deserve the right to self govern and their people the right to self determination. The civilized world shouldn’t accept genocide from allies either
Why should anyone defend a colonization effort so badly off the rails and out of touch with basic human dignity? There has never been a reason besides $$$ to defend Israel. If we send Israel our addresses will they spread some of that sweet bribery our way? no?
Does defending Israel include extending equal rights to Palestinians and allowing the right of return for refugees and their descendants? Netanyahu or not, I don't think an apartheid state should be defended, especially with resources that could instead be used to help with domestic issues in the US.
Yes, absolutely. Israel and Palestine are places where people live and community structures exist. They belong to the people who live there.
I actually believe a 1 state solution will be more stable in the long term. The defacto 2 state solution, with one under occupation will never work. The Palestinian vote should be enough to swing the Israeli government away from the right.
Restitution needs to be part of the process, but not at the cost of established long communities and stable communities. There is no magic wand to "make it back the way it was". Communities are groups of people, not places. Focus on restoring the networks of people. It won't be fair, but it might be the best option available.
To hell with divine rights and ancestor speak. Secular freedoms for all, before religious freedoms.
It's the only way to peace in the region.
As to how to get to that point, I am terribly underqualified, but a Marshall style international intervention like what happened in Germany and Japan after WWII probably holds some value.
I saw Biden give a press conference about the hurricane, and as he was walking out the door one of the reporters asked about his communication with Netanyahu, and he said over his shoulder "We didn't talk about the hurricane."
It saves reporters time to just paste that info about more bomb shipoments to Israel into the "signature" part of the newsstory word processor and have the computer just tack it on at the end of every single story. Increasingly these news stories can write themselves. What a time to be alive.
That's standard in Western militaries. It means units aren't paralyzed by unexpected circumstances while they wait for communication to go up and down the chain of command, and it improves resilience if communications or senior officers are incapacitated.
I'm interested to know what country you come from where this isn't standard? Do you find that that lack of flexibility is culturally just in the military there or present in your countries government and corporate cultures as well?
It's been well reported on that Russia doesn't work like that, with junior officers unable to use initiative and the whole system being very slow to respond to changing events. The reason it operates like this was shown when they did try having a more independent unit, which resulted in the Wagner Group mutinying.