Just make a good one. 343/halo studios just seems to hate the original Halos. Fire all those people and bring in people that love the originals and you already have a way higher chance of getting something successful.
I'd actually say the problem is that they can't decide on a direction, and a good chunk of the reason there is decision by corporate committee and the fact that most of Microsoft is contractors. Not dinging contractors, but the longest you can have influence is 18 months, then it's onto the next.
Then also Microsoft teams are always under intense scrutiny for how profitable they are, which in gaming we all know doesn't really work out. How can you determine if a team is profitable or not when your product doesn't release for 2 years. It's also why their release dates are so strict, if you miss it you're not profitable, and to Microsoft it doesn't matter if it's 95% done, you're not profitable.
Bungie was a tiny studio full of gaming veterans who were passionate about the game. Microsoft is simply too big to replicate that.
Bungie did not have gaming veterans when they made Halo. They had worked on small stuff like a rip off of Pong for Macs, Marathon, Myth and the like. That'd be kinda like saying an indie team are game veterans because they released one successful game. Plus they only had like 50-100 people that made Halo CE.
Compare that with 343s like 500+, thats massively embarrassing.
Then it's a development pacing issue and/or the new game not offering enough to make it worth it.
Killing floor 1 is similar to 2 but 2 looks way better. 3 looks even better than 2 and trailer teases interesting fights ahead. If they released those back to back no one would buy.
They made good ones plenty of times, and I think I agree with the author that Halo is tapped out. We've seen the best it has to offer, and the best thing to do from here is something new. What they made in Infinite is definitely not what I want from Halo.
The best multiplayer in the series was Halo 5, which is also the farthest from the original in many ways. It just had a crappy story.
Then Halo Infinite was great, and extremely faithful to the original, but I would argue to a fault, as you could see them repeating the exact same story beats and moments rather than coming up with new ones.
I respect your opinion but wholly disagree with H5 having the best multiplayer. In my opinion, Reach had the best feel to its multiplayer, up until 343 got hold of it and introduced their Title Update patch. I also say H4 was better than 5 and Infinite is lacking something I cant grasp, something is missing or maybe theres too much?
Imo, Halo 5 is easily the best gameplay of the 343i games. It also added the most interesting plot threads of their games, despite having a terrible plot.
Halo 4's gunplay is the worst in the series, especially in the campaign when balanced with the Prometheans. It's not so bad in the multiplayer, but still not great. Halo 5 improved both the enemies and the weapons pretty spectacularly.