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Mike Johnson won’t commit to bringing House back before the election for more hurricane relief

In a letter to congressional leaders, Biden urged Congress to restore funding to the Small Business Administration’s disaster loan program as it faces potential funding shortfalls.

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Sunday did not commit to calling Congress back into session before the election after President Joe Biden pressed congressional leaders about potential funding shortfalls in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Johnson was asked about Biden’s letter to congressional leaders on Friday requesting more money for federal disaster recovery efforts and after Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned that the department doesn’t have enough money to get through the rest of hurricane season.

Congress has taken swift action on funding natural disaster relief efforts in the past even when it was on recess, a Biden administration official noted when reached for comment.

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  • This guy is an evil fuck, who uses his religion to justify and convince himself he's a hero.

    He's not. he's just a jackass.

    Edit: here's a Louis Rossman rant on why you shouldn't assume you're a good person. Johnson is a perfect example of an evil fuck that has stopped checking. Johnson believes he's a New Moses™️, appointed or sent by god to ..."save" america. Therefore it's totally acceptable to fuck over thousands of people. because he can spin it as "biden didn't get your aid!" and maybe stay in power longer.

    Also, he shares his porn viewing habbits with his son.

  • They folks are evil as shit. Willing to destroy families just so they can score some election points to stay in power.

    They want fuel for Trump’s lie that Biden is withholding money or gave all the disaster relief money to migrants.

    Fucking disgusting.