Ugh, while this is certainly politics (unfortunately) Ron DeSantis latest load of verbal shit is hardly news. I think it might be time to make a USA News community so we can have a US specific news source that doesn't just repeat whatever the latest nonsensical BS DeSantis or Fox are spewing this week.
First off, the potted plants metaphor makes no sense. If that's your reference to what is understood here, then I agree. Second, do yourself a favor and fully retire so your illogical and full-bore totalitarian/authoritarian/fascist propaganda won't ruin your fragile mind any further!
Florida has passed all sorts of new laws that restrict rights and literally break the constitution. Republicans are not anywhere near a freedom party. They are the party of the drug war and police state. Party of politicians know better than doctors. The party of "science isnt real and everything is a conspiracy"
These loonies are not fit to lead in the least. Meatball Rons career is coming to an end. He's fucked FL up so bad.