Last week I read the gender dysphoria bible and after a few days thinking about it I am coming to accept that I am trans. Everything clicked into place and I feel like I've been electrified. My mindset is completely different and I am actively looking forward to things happening in my life. I want to come out and transition eventually but right now I just want to try wearing different clothes, even if it's just in my room. I'm going to buy some thigh socks since I've always wanted to wear them but I'm 5'10" and my thighs are kind of big so I'm not sure if I can just buy any pair since cis women are usually smaller. Does anyone know any good quality socks I could buy online that ship in discrete packaging?
Check out sockdreams! They have some great thigh high socks that come up halfway on MY thighs (I’m 6’4”) and they’re very comfy. If the socks are having trouble staying up, you can get some garters like another comment suggested. I got my garters through sockdreams as well.
If you want more fem clothes, I get a lot of my stuff from Torrid. Decent quality for the price, and they have a lot of clearance stuff which helps a lot with the cost. I have some really well fitting jeans from Abercrombie and Fitch, too. Plus size stuff is a safer bet since it often has long/tall options. stocks tube socks (good for larger feet) and extra long socks (good for large/long legs). They also have a lot of pride designs! Their physical shop is in Portland, OR, USA.
Unfortunately I'm a little shorter than you also with thick thighs and i've had litrle luck with thigh high socks. The best I've found are, but even those roll down my thighs after a while. I wish you much luck in your journey discovering yourself! <3
Invest in garters. Its the best solution I've found to thigh high socks or stockings rolling down. Ive tried ones that advertise as sticking well, but they either don't last long or don't work very well imo.
Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. I hadn't considered they might roll but I can try a garter like LadyAutumn suggested. I did some searching and it seems some people use fashion tape for the same thing so I might try that too.
Everyone else seems to be on the same page with that site, I've never heard but definitely also checking it out, but my main advice is definitely order bigger.
My dumb ass knowing I'm big even for male sizes still ordered female L and expected to fit. (it technically does, but is at the elastic's limit)
Also, it can be wonderfully helpful to take your measurements! You can measure hip, bust, inseam, etc, by looping a piece of string around your body and then measuring it. Most clothing brands have size charts that let you match your measurements to their size rules. Remember that just because you’re a size 20 in one brand doesn’t mean you’ll be a size 20 in another, always check the size charts.
Before I started my journey of self discovery, one of my favorite pair of socks are some (unfortunately male style) knee-high socks. Been slowly been coming to the realization that it was because they made me think that it was similar to how stockings felt. I even called them my stockings for the past year. Wore them under my jeans all the time at work, and if anyone saw them, it wouldn't even turn heads.
If you buy panty hoses, look on the back. Every brand is a bit different. You can first buy cheaper ones to try out, say 15 eur instead of 60. Afaik it will basically always fit, it's just that the height will be different. Also there's a lot of difference in stretchiness. Also it helps to wear socks inside so your toe nails don't do a number on them.