The more I use lemmy, the more it begins to just feel like all the same problems reddit had. It has the same problems with major communities having far left moderation standards that only apply to the right, the same hive mind users that just spam the same tired out leftist talking points over and over while refusing anything close to an actual discussion.
The only upsides are that downvotes aren't used to punish you site wide, and the handful of non-leftist instances that exist, though they always end up defederated by all the major instances, effectively making them poor spaces for general discussion.
So what are your thoughts? Is this just the "more like under new management" from megamind? Is there hope for it to become a decent platform for everyone, not just the left?
Did you ever consider that maybe the majority isn't actually that "far left", but it is you who is so far right that everybody else looks like a raging marxist to you? There are of course tankies on here, but the vast majority seem like average ordinary people to me.
Seriously though, 4chan is definitely your best bet. If this annoys you when I say it because you don't want to associate with 4chan, maybe you should realize that's how you're coming off already.
If you don't like talking with average people, people who most likely do not share your viewpoints, you can always stop trying if you want. I'm sure it would be appreciated.
It may just be that there are a lot more "leftist people" than you think there are. The world is not the U.S., and what is "left" in the U.S. is centre or even rightwing in a lot of other countries. To me, a complaint like this sounds more like "I want a far-right forum online", in which case 4chan is probably your best bet.
No. Lemmy is federated so it's not going to run into the same problem of unabashed capitalists trying to eke out every of cent of profit they can from the platform. It has built in protections against all the things that ruined reddit.
Oh, you were talking about all the good points of reddit? Lol.
I'm not sure what you're expecting. You joined a platform that is left leaning and expect what, everyone to self censor for your benefit? If you're looking for a conservative safe space, you might want to try exploding-heads.
My opinion is that there are a lot of far left people here, that part is true. I consider myself a socialist, but not so far left that I can't criticize Russia, China or North Korea that some here seem to be.
The only right-wing instance that has been defederated was I was part of that discussion, I voted to defederate and I would do it again. It was nothing to do with their politics for me, it was all about the hate speech. The posts there specifically calling for the death of trans people, holocaust denial and other big red lines for me was why I wanted the defederation to happen.
A conservative who acknowledges that minorities have human rights and that historical events really happened is absolutely A-ok in my book. We might not agree on our politics, but it's still a conversation worth having.
The only right-wing instance that has been defederated was I was part of that discussion, I voted to defederate and I would do it again
True. This instance is one of the better ones in terms of defederation, but unfortunately we don't seem to be very popular in that stance. And given the nature of social media where ability to access content is a major factor, the more large instances that defederate, the worse the system as a whole gets in terms of ability to access that content.
Personally, I support a zero defederation policy, and also have accounts on those types of instances, but they're heavily blocked by major instances, hence why I'm still here as well. I'm excited for when better apps come out for managing multiple accounts. It's pretty annoying to have a bunch of web apps to use each different login whenever I end up going somewhere that doesn't have federation.
A conservative who acknowledges that minorities have human rights and that historical events really happened is absolutely A-ok in my book. We might not agree on our politics, but it’s still a conversation worth having
I find that vanishingly few actual people (major media agitators aren't in my books) actually hold the genuine belief that minorities don't have rights, or aren't deserving of them. It's just that a lot of what progressives call rights isn't a perspective shared by much of the conservative side of things, where you'll generally find a more limited "life, liberty, property" set of beliefs, or at least derivative thereof.
That is an untenable position imho. I hate to use the tired old trope of the nazi bar, but a true free speech approach has been tried over and over again, and each and every time has resulted in the worst drek imaginable, and everybody who wasn't ok with that sort of drek leaving. Having a community worth having a discussion in requires moderation, and that extends to federated platforms too.
I find that vanishingly few actual people (major media agitators aren’t in my books) actually hold the genuine belief that minorities don’t have rights, or aren’t deserving of them
That isn't true from my own very subjective experiences. Quite a few don't even consider select minorities (different ones depending on region) are even fully human.
Of course that is not universal. My own father is a conservative, and we have many a long and interesting discussion. Those people do exist, but so do those who think of minorities as sub-human.
The heavy defederated instance was better in terms of federation or did I read this wrong? What's this post have to do with conservatism anyways? Greavence politics is annoying I'm sure if you didn't lead with it in discussions you would get better engagement.
To me a good amount of your posts I come across seem like rage bait and that's fine but not productive. I like talking with you, when we talk I feel like it's generally a constructive conversation once ground rules get set and we are taking about the same issue. So I'm pretty convinced you are a real person and not a troll.
I pretty much tried to say the same thing as this on exploding heads a month ago to my friend wiggles and was immediately banned for wrong think so I donno. Pretty sure he abuses children anyways not like he even denies it or tries to hide it... Go try presenting as anything not far right on EH and see how quickly the ban hammer comes down.
I think it's because the initial lemmy launch was very leftist-oriented, so most people who used it early on were probably quite leftist. Basically as Voat was to the far right, so is lemmy to the far-left.
Add to that Reddit and lemmy both cater to younger people, and younger people tend to skew left, you're left with a very left-leaning audience.
So these leftist early adopters snapped up the popular names for communities, so we're left with a leftist culture on the site, even as right-leaning people later on come to the platform.
At least that's my take. And honestly, as a libertarian, I'm okay with it. I'm pretty good at filtering out biases, so I ignore the worst of it and try to give another perspective in areas that seem more open. I hate echo chambers of all varieties, so I also generally avoid the libertarian ones as well (i.e. /r/libertarian on Reddit as a cesspool). I dislike conservative politics, but I also dislike progressive politics and prefer an actual focus on small government that respects individual rights. Sometimes conservatives get that right, sometimes liberals do, and I'm up for discussing it in both cases.
Yeah, I don't actually care that much if the community skews left, my main concern is how moderation ends up on major communities and instances. Specifically as to whether they act like reddit did, feigning neutrality to maintain appearances while the weaponizing the rules against the right.
I don't think they really did that though. Maybe on some subs, but any unequal moderation is much easier to chalk up to subconscious biases than anything intentional (i.e. it's easier to overlook rule breakage for a cause you agree with and enforce rules for causes you don't). There are even laws on the books that police don't need to apply justice equally, only that they need to apply them lawfully (i.e. it's not a problem to hand out tickets to black people more frequently than white people, provided the tickets are legally valid).
I'm working on a Lemmy instance just for conservatives so that moderation and unjustified censorship will not be a problem anymore. The server is hosted in Kentucky in a datacenter run by conservative friends.
I started working on it since banned me and either took over or deleted the communities that I created. None of them promoted any extreme views, just normal political stuff. I didn't break any of their actual rules. Their reasoning: spreading fake news.