Vegetarian keto recipes megathread
Vegetarian keto recipes megathread
Post your recipes down below! Although keto is heavily meat-focused I'd love to also try some plant options
14th_cylon i have in my fridge and freezer:
- big bag of frozen brussel sprouts (or asparagus)
- whole wheel of blue cheese
take some sprouts, cover them with blue cheese and put it in the oven. it is not very elaborate meal, but it is fast and it is always there.
2 0 Replysnazzles OP Cauliflower cheese
1 0 Replysnazzles OP My go-to lunch:
- half a portion of huel black
- 40ml of smooth peanut butter (whole earth had the lowest carbs that I could find)
- 20ml of coconut oil
Put into a blender / nutribullet type thing. Keep in a fridge until lunch time for best results (imo)
- 654 kcal
- 51.3g fat
- 12.7g carbs
- 32.5g protein
1 0 Replysnazzles OP Easy & cheap one from me:
Fry tofu, peppers / vegetables, and seeds (I used flaxseed) in a pan with butter, onion, garlic, and chilli. Melt some cheese on it at the end for extra nutrients!
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