You may not be aware of that, but there exist an official ALIEN tabletop RPG. It allows you to play as various characters in the universe of Alien, some time after the events of A3.
You may not be aware of that, but there exist an official ALIEN tabletop RPG. It allows you to play as various characters in the universe of Alien, some time after the events of A3. ALIEN The Roleplaying Game - Free League Publishing
Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Gamma rays and neutrino bursts erupt from dying stars to cook you alive, black holes tear you apart, and the void itself boils your blood and seizes your brain. Try to scream and no one can hear you – hold your breath and you rupture your lungs. […]
Personally I dislike it, since I don't enjoy player characters' aspects, but its otherwise quite enjoyable game, offering many interesting possibilities to engage in and expand the setting. It also features sweet graphical design.