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  • Nice! I’ve said it elsewhere, but for all those that liked this episode and haven’t seen LD, a massive part of why this episode is so good, IMO, is that it is in many ways a LD episode. Give it a chance I’d say.

    Though I think there’s a lot to be said for how good the fusion of SNW and LD turned out to be.

    • @maegul Thanks -- I think I will (give LD a chance).

      • Like most Star Trek shows, it took a bit find its own strengths and to settle into its own groove. At 22 minutes an episode, getting through the ground establishing first half season isn’t a big time investment, and by the end of the first season, you’ll know if it’s for you - although it keeps getting stronger and more grounded in its own lore as it goes.

  • great review! I was skeptical at first when I began watching lower decks. IMO it's funny, sometimes. (actually I had to give it another chance) I did end up watching all of the episodes though. SNW is pretty good too. this episode really surprised me. oftentimes I'll just hit play and mess around on my phone. this time I watched the whole thing. I really enjoyed the references to other characters and humor that played out. I'd have to say it's probably one of my favorite SNW episodes now.

  • @PaulLev I'd never seen Strange New Worlds before this episode. Now I wanna watch it. What a great episode!