The article about the invasion on Poland wasn't any better.
The NYT published the proclamation of Hitler verbatim without criticizing it, and reported the German lie that Poland attacked first as fact.
Berlin, Friday, Sept. 1--Charging that Germany had been attacked, Chancellor Hitler at 5:11 o'clock this morning issued a proclamation to the army declaring that from now on force will be met with force and calling on the armed forces "to fulfill their duty to the end."
The text of the proclamation reads:
*"To the defense forces:
The Polish nation refused my efforts for a peaceful regulation of neighborly relations; instead it has appealed to weapons.
Germans in Poland are persecuted with a bloody terror and are driven from their homes. The series of border violations, which are unbearable to a great power, prove that the Poles no longer are willing to respect the German frontier. In order to put an end to this frantic activity no other means is left to me now than to meet force with force.
German defense forces will carry on the battle for the honor of the living rights of the re- awakened German people with firm determination.
I expect every German soldier, in view of the great tradition of eternal German soldiery, to do his duty until the end.
Remember always in all situations you are the representatives of National Socialist Greater Germany!
Long live our people and our Reich!
Berlin, Sept. 1, 1939.
Adolf Hitler"*
The commander-in-chief of the air force issued a decree effective immediately prohibiting the passage of any airplanes over German territory excepting those of the Reich air force or the government.
This morning the naval authorities ordered all German mercantile ships in the Baltic Sea not to run to Danzig or Polish ports.
Anti-air raid defenses were mobilized throughout the country early this morning.
A formal declaration of war against Poland had not yet been declared up to 8 o'clock [3 A.M. New York time] this morning and the question of whether the two countries are in a state of active belligerency is still open.
Reichstag Will Meet Today
Foreign correspondents at an official conference at the Reich Press Ministry at 8:30 o'clock [3:30 A.M. New York time] were told that they would receive every opportunity to facilitate the transmission of dispatches. Wireless stations have been instructed to speed up communications and the Ministry is installing additional batteries of telephones.
The Reichstag has been summoned to meet at 10 o'clock [5 A.M. New York time] to receive a more formal declaration from Herr Hitler.
The Hitler army order is interpreted as providing, for the time being, armed defense of the German frontiers against aggression. The action is also suspected of forcing international diplomatic action.
The Germans announced that foreigners remain in Polish territory at their own risk.
Flying over Polish territory as well as the maritime areas is forbidden by the German authorities and any violators will be shot down.
When Herr Hitler made his announcement Berlin's streets were still deserted except for the conventional early traffic, and there were no outward signs that the nation was finding itself in the first stages of war.
The government area was completely deserted, and the two guards doing sentry duty in front of the Chancellery remained their usual mute symbol of authority. It was only when official placards containing the orders to the populace began to appear on the billboards that early workers became aware of the situation.
Border Clashes Increase
Berlin, Friday, Sept. 1--An increasing number of border incidents involving shooting and mutual Polish-German casualties are reported by the German press and radio. The most serious is reported from Gleiwitz, a German city on the line where the southwestern portion of Poland meets the Reich.
At 8 P.M., according to the semi-official news agency, a group of Polish insurrectionists forced an entrance into the Gleiwitz radio station, overpowering the watchmen and beating and generally mishandling the attendants. The Gleiwitz station was relaying a Breslau station's program, which was broken off by the Poles.
They proceeded to broadcast a prepared proclamation, partly in Polish and partly in German, announcing themselves as "the Polish Volunteer Corps of Upper Silesia speaking from the Polish station in Gleiwitz." The city, they alleged, was in Polish hands.
Gleiwitz's surprised radio listeners notified the police, who halted the broadcast and exchanged fire with the insurrectionists, killing one and capturing the rest. The police are said to have discovered that the attackers were assisted by regular Polish troops. The Gleiwitz incident is alleged here to have been the signal "for a general attack by Polish franctireurs on German territory."
Two other points--Pitsachen, near Kreuzburg, and Hochlinden, northeast of Ratibor, both in the same vicinity as Gleiwitz, were the scenes of violations of the German boundary, it is claimed, with fighting at both places still under way.
Germans in Poland are persecuted with a bloody terror and are driven from their homes. The series of border violations, which are unbearable to a great power, prove that the Poles no longer are willing to respect the German frontier.
It's so crazy to see most of the israeli propaganda literally being straight out of the Nazi playbook.
The NYT published the proclamation of Hitler verbatim without criticizing it
Yes that is how journalism works. It is a report not the op-ed you seem to want it to be. If you want to be told how to feel, as opposed to reports, don’t look to journalism.
The main job of the news is to decide what to publish.
The NYT made the decision to simply re-publish what Hitler and the German press had to say about the attack, 6 years after Hitler had abolished democracy and any free press in Germany, and after Germany had illegally annexed the Sudetenland.
Well, it is obviously a special military operation to denazify and demilitarise the terrorist militia of other country, because it threatens peace and security. /s
Seriously, isn't this like called a war declaration or something? If you bomb another country and move in troops and kill civilians?
There wasn't much declarations of war since ww2. Even the US was only technically at war when Panama declared war on them after the US invaded them. Ukraine isn't technically at war with Russia, they actually do business together transferring gas to Europe. The world is strange.
"Erm akshurally, the correct term for sending troops into another country without concent is invasion. However, when its one of the Good Guy Countries™ its called self-defense and promoting international law. If you disagree then you clearly hate freedom and democracy, you're also a Russian bot" -☝️🤓
The West controls this narrative theough media, propaganda and social media. The constant fucking Isreal dick sucking is finally being noticed by a few.
Unfortunately there are too many fascists and too many Christian fanatics who believe that Israel and the wars it is doing are necessary for the rapture to happen.
Funny they believe they can make their God come back to destroy the little project He/She/They/It created so the most sniveling, back stabbing, and sanctimonious 1% can go a special place of wonder, happiness, and peace in the universe.
And then those 1% would destroy that place as well.
Zionists have written that none of their surrounding countries are 'nations' in a legal sense and thus their land is free for the taking... by them exclusively. No fucking joke. I want to post my source later.
I have no idea how any of them can call it an empty land when there have been people continuously living there since the goddamn stone age! I mean Lebanon has had extensive trade with Greece and Egypt even during the Bronze age. What the FUCK are these people even talking about? Even Palestine is much older than that.
There was a site called Masada 2000 that had some of the most brazen bullshit hasbara you've ever heard to the extent that they claimed that there was no such thing as a Palestinian before 1967 (as bullshitted by Golda Meir, the removed) or that the word Palestine did not exist until 1917. They cite no sources because it is such a brazen lie.
im sorry, war is mutually consensual in all cases?
I know a lot of war is generally formalized, but that's mostly due to legislation and governmental reasons, not international relations. Or at least that's my understanding of it.
yeah, invasions are normal under war. That's how they work.
I guess i'm mostly just confused why we care about the clarification here, 90% of war is getting a one up on your enemy, either via readiness, attrition, or technological advantage.
I don't think anyone is making the point that it's literally the exact same thing.
But what we're witnessing is that Israel can bomb a civilian population to rubble for months and months, and all the intensional community can stutter out is that they "have a right to defend themselves".
Now they are bombing a foreign capital and sending in ground troops to their neighbouring country to fight off a militia that they themselves are responsible for creating by invading in the past, and we know exactly what the chorus will be. Right to defend themselves.
We will see our Lebanese friends and their families murdered, all for Israel's right to defend themselves.
In Germany, the line was that they would stop at Poland. People make up different excuses for different atrocities.
I think a lot of people are rightfully fucking tired of excuses, and that's the point. Not that it's literally the same thing.
man some of these comments are so hard to understand.
You can't fight against a militia that you created? So you can't do war at all now? Russia can't invade countries like Switzerland and Finland due to them having a lot of military presence?
The US can't fight russia if they decide to invade the US since the US arguably had some influence over the death of the USSR being a superpower at the time of the coldwar.
Who cares if they in part created that millitia, it should only matter if one side wants to aggress the otherside, otherwise all bets are off. If both sides want to sit there and engage in military posturing, they're free to do so, if one wants to aggress the other, they're free to do so.
I see people saying that lebanon, and palestine are allowed to defend themselves, and i don't think anybody disagrees, but it implies that you either think neither of these countries have a capable military force, or that israel is somehow not allowed to defend itself? Which either means you think israel is the aggressor in every instance here, all the way back to the founding of israel, which seems like an odd position to hold because that would be theoretically easy to fact check. Or that israel shouldn't do anything in response to getting attacked because they have a bigger stronger military or something?
It's not the quite same thing. Ukraine immediately shouted "Russia is invading us and trying to push through to Kiev!" Both the lebanese caretaker government and Hezbollah are saying that there is no permanent Israeli army presence on Lebanese ground. Israel claims to have sent soldiers into Lebanon, but no one on the Lebanese side is confirming that.
Then that would have been a better comparison, wouldnt it?
But they are comparing it to the NAZIS!
I don't have the energy to explain why this is wrong on every single kneejerk post on this site. But safe to say it's not applicable with even the slightest thought of the subjects in question.
Jews where kicked out of their homeland by force, by both Christians and Muslims.
Muslims hated jews a long time before this conflict arose. Much like the nazis did, but in their case its a religious schism more than a racial one.
For all the love and understanding that the Muslim community spouts, they wont even accept palestinians as refugees. A Palestinian refugee spoke about their treatment by both hamas and Egypt on Swedish national news saying "we have never been as poorly treated as we were by the Egyptian authorities"