Conservatism is about favoring tradition and supporting the status quo. Going this wild about a common grammatical construct because it reminds you of people you hate for existing isn't conservative, it's something far worse.
One could argue that so called "traditions" they are holding so much dearly in their heart never was fully a thing and is just the product of past idealizations and marketing propaganda. "The perfect suburban american trad family" from the 60s is a construct made by marketing people to sell fridges, diamond and beautiful car.
George does not like pronouns. George tries to keep George’s temper under George’s control when the (plural) people George interacts with use pronouns.
Funnily enough this is how many non-binary people want to be adressed in german, as the equivalent of "they" (sie) is not used as a neutral version of he/she. Probably because "sie" is the same word as "sie" (she).
Oh man, I would have never known if you hadn't pointed it out. Thank you so much! /s
Regardless of the validity of this story, I guarantee someone out there has done this to a certain extent. People get worked up about pronouns to such a degree that this almost seems like a relatively tame reaction.
It's too late, they get the breeding stuff stamped into them early. Channel vladimir putin, from his house in russia right to yours by way of conservative talk radio!
It doesn't work that way. These "people's" worldview is "heads I win, tails you lose." They will be selectively hyper-credulous to whatever bullshit they want to believe, while turning into hyper-skeptics about anything they don't want to believe.
You will never, ever win against them with a logical argument, not even reverse psychology, because the only rules they play by are the ones they make up second-by-second to make them victorious against you.
That's a well radicalised obedient party soldier who will stop at nothing once you point at an inconvenient target and say the right buzzwords. Real Jan6 material, just as planned and executed for decades.
Yeah this is peak reddit story telling.
I can even see the top comment: this is MORE than mildly infuriating. That's why it's posted there, engagement farming
So is this bit about some delinquent fascist with dementia who was already president once up for bid again. Also, that when he don't win, there will be a coup like when JFK was assassinated by the corporations that successfully sold it as being conducted by anyone else.
...and "bid" because let's be real. The whole shebang is a fucking auction that has sold the fucking business of "Government" to the corporations respected by allowing them to STOP PAYING %78 IN TAXES.
Left or right is irrelevant this is a person who follows propaganda without question. Both sides do exactly the same, and have fools who follow blindly.
Yeah, my mom would dropped that like it was hot. I was home schooled because we moved so much (poor, not military). When we got to the science module of the school books when I was ± 8 years old, she realized just how much fundamentalist bullshit was in them. She has spent basically everything on those books, and we never used them again. Went to the local library and got all the science books she could, and taught actual science to me. The books they had sent literally had drawings on humans wearing leopard skins foraging for berries while a dinosaur drank water in the background.
The year was 1991.
My roommate decides to eat hot dogs.
We keep breads in the freezer so they last.
Toaster is broken.
I tell this to my roommate before I go to the toilet.
I come out and I see a pot of boiling water with hot dogs and hot dog buns in it.
My roommate decided to boil bread to warm it up.
People can be far stupider than you could possibly ever imagine.
I'm less offended at the boiled bread than I am at the boiled hotdogs.
you might as well just eat them cold, they're precooked. You heat them on a pan (or grill) to add FLAVOR. boiling generally removes flavor. Browning the skin in some way (Grill, pan, those rollers at gas stations,) is that flavor.
The only exception to boiling removing flavor is hot dog carts and stands and such like, where the water hasn't been changed... ever.... Yes. it tastes amazing. no. You don't want to know why that is.
Not necessarily. As someone who worked in education for a bit. You’d be suprised how crazy parents can act, and how they can overinterpret everything as political.
One parent got mad I was teaching the students about “radicals”… in math. (you know the opposite of the exponent, the radical).
I think (hope) they felt very embarrassed when I explained that to them.
Yeah this looks fake because it's a dramatization of reality. I've seen young dudes IRL argue whether it's "gay" to wash the balls, and the unmentionables behind that. Literally just soap and water bathing. We're talking people so uneducated they don't know the word "gooch" or "taint", or anything similar. There's always at least one older dude who leaves to shower like a normal person, but he'll be back later to buy some weed.
Tangent, but can you imagine buying weed from someone who doesn't wash their ass? That's part of the history of the war on drugs. Unwashed perineums, in your lungs.
I agree. It can go either the way, the story is written in such a manner for people to be angry. However, I could easily see someone becoming so brain washed by conservative media to actually believe this.
This is how extremism works. If they get rid of knowledge they then control the knowledge and how it’s interpreted. Especially how people are educated.
I was going to make a joke anti-pronoun sub where we just talk about whatever while refusing to use pronouns until I looked up the list of pronouns and saw how painful that would be.
Any person who freaks out over grammar lessons and destroys a child's homework is completely unhinged and seriously needs some mental health care interventions.
That lack of impulse control and rage has no place in a family setting.... or anywhere really.
I guess these are the family values conservatives are pushing these days. Grown men ripping up a kid's homework assignments. I guess book burning wasn't enough.
I know they exist, it's simply the fact that they're not usually required in daily speech, since verb conjugation gives the context of the pronoun anyway.
(Side note: I thought the original quote was something like "the rain in Spain falls mostly on the Spaniards," but I can't find anything to support that. Only today did I even learn that it was from a song.)
Not to deflect from the stupid lies of Trump and Vance, don't vote for them, but they learned from a master:
“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. … Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.”
We'd been using Arabic numerals forever. Pretty sure your parent is complaining (tongue in cheek) about New Math, because us millennial parents learned multiplication by memorizing a times table and we think that's the only way to do it.
It makes sense, in terms of a long term education approach, because it teaches the other properties of arithmetic (like distributive or associative or cumulative) much earlier on, which IMO makes more difficult arithmetic far more approachable later on.
But it is weird as hell if you aren't primed on it. They really should make a ditto for parents when they start doing it.