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People Who Stay On Twitter Are Aiding Musk In His Antics

My thoughts on Twitter

  • "No shit, Sherlock" prize of today.

    But for most that are still there, the reasoning is: "everyone I care enough to follow is still here"

    People attract people and twitter still has a huge number of daily and monthly active users. It'll take some time until it becomes the next facebook: still big but not as widely used in the west.

  • I agree with you. I think the toxicity of Twitter is damaging and radicalizing even more people that wouldn't normally be exposed to the hateful garbage of the likes of /pol/

  • Some people still need it for local news and alerts, I have no issue with this the platforms like mastodon are not always good for this.

    Especially since there is no way to find local news based on location

    I hate twitter and have been staying away since 2020. (It was terrible for my MH) but even threads has it's issues. (Not talking about privacy. If you're using any large corporate product like apple/Microsoft/Google/Samsung you are being tracked anyway) more issues with the discoverability. You have no way of searching on threads it's missing a lot of really important features. You can with mastodon, but again. Local news is not trending.

    Then there is hive which is also hard to discover things on... And minds is a hornets nest I am not touching that.

    I am happy there are more competitors than ever for twitter but they still fall short of much needed features

  • Some people love the twitter. They love the QAnon injected directly into their veins feed. I don't know how you could love any of the pricing changes but hey if 5 bucks makes you feel important...

    Either way, by and large most people don't care about net neutrality, or actual freedom of information. I had some friends of mine try to say ElonJetTracker was doxxing. When that shit is publically posted by the FAA and other organizations because planes need to see where other planes are.

    There will never be a "total victory" in this world. Where someone does something shitty and everyone shuns and isolated them. That is a relic of the ancient world. There are just far too many people now to get everyone to ditch something even if that something was extremely detrimental to everyone else. Take the small victories while you can and always push for better education.

  • If anyone wants to leave Twitter, but there's still people that you want to see, I recommend Squawker. You can't interact or post, but you can follow people and you don't need an account.

  • I’ve been considering this for a while now. Yes, Musk’s antics are only souring everything about Twitter, but the place is also a font of information that search indexes use. I’ve used Twitter a lot and I don’t want to see the information I’ve shared there to go away. If I do remove my Twitter account, my tweets will only be available through sites like the internet archive.

  • For years now I've done what I can to encourage use of other sites, but the fact remains that my specific community of friends and peers (many of whom have known one-another for over two decades now) have used twitter as a stomping ground since 2008 or so. It's extremely difficult to establish that sort of intersection elsewhere, and it gets particularly ugly when folks' livelihood and income are tied into the matter.

    Having the main hub for communities torn apart because of one fool's antics really, really sucks, and then I'm/we're called garbage on the sites we try to establish on, for clinging to that lifeline. It's all a frustrating feedback loop.