There’s a large number of people out there that think “everything sucks right now and there’s a democrat president, so to make things different I should vote republican”
Fund schools. Keep the department of Education in existence and quadruple its funding.
And since enough dumbasses are actually putting forward enough effort to show there is a frighteningly high backing for a candidate that will prevent any presidential voting in the future, I'm gonna have to break my record and vote for one of the major 2 parties for this election.
One of these 2 WILL WIN THE US ELECTION. There is no pretending that, this close to polling date, that there is any other outcome.
We need to start locally and push harder for reforms from there up. Only one of the 2 party systems will allow this in our future at the moment. This is just the sad and horrible truth we face at the moment.
If we really think the system has failed us and will not let us break free of the 2 party bullshit, well, then we need to be better educated and better organized. We have internet and advanced messaging technology. Our past is riddled with those who made amazing changes and voiced mass public opinion with way less.
Knowledge is power. Protect and enhance the education to really power change.
I agree, but I don’t have that choice right now. The issue of genocide isn’t on the two-party ballot. The issue of public education is. Fewer educated people means fewer people who can even identify genocide when it happens.
“But what good is identifying genocide if you’re not gonna stop it”
There's a large number of people out there that think "even though democrats had a disastrous four years, they will magically fund schools and give everyone a pony when they're back in power."
ultimately, the federal Depart-
ment of Education should be eliminated.
Direct Quote from Project 2025
Thanks to schools, I can read and understand that when someone says “we want to eliminate public education” they mean “we want to eliminate public education.”
This alone is enough reason to vote democrat. Eliminating public education means fewer people will be educated enough to know when they’re lied to. I know the democrats are a bunch of shiteating liars but they have enough of a chance to win and they’re not trying to defund school and those two reasons are literally enough to vote for them.
I never had kids, never wanted kids. Have always pushed for education. As a stoner, was crazy excited about talk of legalization and taxes going to schools when the idea was first floated around by us. Happily. Hell yes.
You can fight the trolley itself instead of justifying supporting genocide.
PS this is the real world not a meme. Political power is not a trolley problem, it is a matter of organization and education. You disempower yourself and others by pretending you can only backseat cheerlead a genocide. Instead of supporting this, go and join an organization that is actually opposing it and start doing work.
In the US, every student is eventually presented with lessons on the Holocaust and asked to think about what they would do. Right now, to be honest, your answer would have to be, "support it using poorly thought out propaganda".
Let's pretend for a second that voting blue would stop the slaughter at "just" the Palestinians (it doesn't).
If you think you're knowingly sacrificing an entire people to annihilation just so save your own skin, and you can not only live with that but argue in favor of it instead of redacting your entire government, you're a fucking nazi. Peddle your them-or-us genocide support somewhere else you blue maga piece of shit.
Just openly admitting you support genocide. Disgusting. And don't even pretend you care about anyone represented in the bottom half of the image; if Democrats said murdering trans folks was necessary to beat Trump, you'd support that too.
If Democrats said murdering trans folks was necessary to beat Trump that means the overton window is too far gone and I'd be looking to ship as many trans folks out of the country as I could manage with my means. If and when it reaches that point, US democracy would be too far gone to even consider saving it. I don't believe it is right now, as flawed as it is currently. Which is why engaging in harm reduction is still worth it.
This message brought to you by Jill Stein who pops up every four years to grift money and accomplish nothing except cozying up to Putin. I guess there is still the brain worm dead animal guy?
Third parties in the US are unserious. I wish that weren't the case but that's the reality.
A more accurate picture would have all of the people on the republican track on the democrat track too, just covered with a tarp to conceal their real aims.
Also, tha US flag shouldn't be on either track since neither of the two right wings of the capitalist party would dare throw away the empire that furthers their and their masters' (the capitalist class) interests.
One of these parties actively campaigns and passes legislation to block my access to health care and wants to make my existence in public illegal. Their supporters regularly say people like me need to be beat or murdered. I have had this happen in person, to my face, by a family member.
The other party actively tries to block the harmful legislation and passes protections for me. Their supporters are at worse indifferent to my existence but are often supportive of my navigation through my struggles.
To be able to ignore these differences and put words in other other minority's mouths shows an extreme level of privilege.
The other party is actively engaged in a genocide, but I guess as long as its other people being murdered at an industrial scale, libs don't give a shit.
Ignoring that genocide is beyond the scope of this meme, both parties are complicit in providing aid to Isreal, who is the party actively committing genocide against Palestinians. It's important to recognize the difference between not giving a shit and recognizing something can't immediately be done about a situation. Gaza is not on the ballot in the United States and won't be until more left leaning individuals take power in congress. This process starts at the local level, and years before an election is held.
But its good to know that the genocide of my people is less important than the genocide of others. The perspective that two genocides is just as bad as one is absurd. Again, being able to believe that the party of liberals and the party of white nationalists are both fascist parties indicates a level of privilege or insulation from living under a fascist regime.