I'm sure you're all wonderful people, but how can I play the game without encountering anyone else?
The game is supposed to be an ominous and foreboding ARPG, and instead I run across BgButzzzz6nine, or I start moving towards some creatures on the other side of my screen, and before I've taken two steps some Necromancer and undead horde come buzzsawing through the area like a scythe, and I have to try and find someplace where I can actually kill things.
The isolated feel was a key point of the game, and added to the ambiance and feel of the game. Now, I can't go 2 minutes without getting that immersion ruined by some random intrusion by another player. Is there some way to not be surrounded by other people while playing the game?
I don't mind seeing people running around but I'd love an option to turn off nameplates. There's a rampant amount of I'm 14 and this is funny names and that breaks the immersion for me.
That was my first impression as well. Other people being in the game world is immersion breaking. My biggest pet peeve is that I can't fucking tell Necromancer minions apart from actual minions.
You're not wrong, seeing some the silly names is a bit jarring, especially when Blizzard didn't put in an Map overlay like in prior games because "it breaks immersion".
It's my understanding that there's no way to disable this in cities and open-world areas. Dungeons are instanced however, so should remain solo unless you're in a party.
One thing you might consider trying is turning off cross-play. I haven't tested it yet, but that might at least reduce the number of people that show up.