I, for one, welcome our traffic light-identifying overlords.
Anyone who has been surfing the web for a while is probably used to clicking through a CAPTCHA grid of street images, identifying everyday objects to prove that they're a human and not an automated bot. Now, though, new research claims that locally run bots using specially trained image-recognition models can match human-level performance in this style of CAPTCHA, achieving a 100 percent success rate despite being decidedly not human.
ETH Zurich PhD student Andreas Plesner and his colleagues' new research, available as a pre-print paper, focuses on Google's ReCAPTCHA v2, which challenges users to identify which street images in a grid contain items like bicycles, crosswalks, mountains, stairs, or traffic lights. Google began phasing that system out years ago in favor of an "invisible" reCAPTCHA v3 that analyzes user interactions rather than offering an explicit challenge.
Despite this, the older reCAPTCHA v2 is still used by millions of websites. And even sites that use the updated reCAPTCHA v3 will sometimes use reCAPTCHA v2 as a fallback when the updated system gives a user a low "human" confidence rating.
This is actually a good sign for self driving. Google was using this data as a training set for Waymo. If AI is accurately identifying vehicles and traffic markings, it should be able to process interactions with them easier.
As I understand it, the point of those captchas was never really "bots can't identify these things" (though you're right on that it was used to train). They use cursor movement, clicks, and other behaviours while you're solving it to detect if you are a bot or not.
Most captchas goals generally aren't 100% prevention, it's to put a workload in front, this makes spamming the site cost money, a bankrolled attempt could just as easily outsource the captchas to real humans.
Afaik this is precisely what the captcha data was intended for - training AI models. Originally leveraged machine learning. LLMs are a slightly different paradigm but same purpose and results here.
Its never been confirmed by Google, so I may be wrong. It still tracks that the data harvesting company with a AI self driving car project would use free human labor to identify road hazards.
Captcha these days isn't even really a CAPTCHA in the traditional sense since most of the work it does is based on filtering of IP and browser fingerprinting, with a certain level of gamification because the goal is not just to keep out the people they fight against, but to waste their time, would work great if it didn't waste normal people's time, while real bad actors have easy ways to get around it.
I was going to say I’ve straight up just left whatever website I was trying to access because I was stuck in some endless loop of clicking on street crossings, buses, bikes, and street lights.
Aren’t these Captchas designed to get training data for AI models anyway?
Yes and no, the captchas are just meant to be hard for computers to solve but easier for humans. People saw that, and thought that "if we're making people do this might as well have them do something useful" not meant to be malevolent- and the purpose is still stopping bots, training them is a side-effect.
No, you're wrong, the Traffic Light examples ARE specifically to gather data to train models. Being a good Captcha was just a byproduct of that. If people just wanted a good captcha they wouldn't need hundreds of millions of photos of street lights and bicycles.
Catcha's data collection always was with the intent for training ai on these skills. That's "the point" of them.
It's reasonable to expect that the older version of captchas can now be beaten by modern ai, because they're often literally trained on that exact data to beat it.
Captcha effectively is free to use on websites as a tool because the data collection is the "payment", they then license that data out to people like OpenAI to train with for stuff like image recognition.
It's why ai is progressing so fast, captchas are one of humanity's long term collected data silos that are very full now.
We are going to have to keep progressing the complexity of catches as it will be the only way to catch modern AIs, and in turn it will collect more data to improve it.
Yeah, my understanding is that these capchas were made to harvest data to use for AI/Autopilot driven cars. That's why they are always having you identify motorcycles, bycicles, crosswalks, stoplights, busses, etc. It's all stuff that automatic driving cars have had a hard time identifying.
We are going to have to keep progressing the complexity of catches as it will be the only way to catch modern AIs, and in turn it will collect more data to improve it.
I wanted to use 4chan alot before I came here, but FUCK that slider capcha. I bailed after the first time I didn't pass.
I have regular everything and I still fuck them up. "click the ones with a fire hydrant". But a tiny piece of fire hydrant is spilling into another box. Does it count? Does it not count? Good luck!!
I had one the other day that was deep fried jpegs to the max. Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do.
What they are doing is comparing your answer and seeing if it is consistent with how it has been answered previously. They realize that not everyone is going to give the exact same answer, so as long as you answer it in a way that enough other people have answered it, it should let you in.
I'll usually go with the minimum number of clicks that I think will get me through, since I'm lazy and it'll also at times slow down how fast you can click which is annoying.
I'll also answer them wrong if I think it's a mistake that enough other people will make. "Yes... that RV over there is a bus..."
If you're using a personal api from google, is that a way that google can track you? Part of using a VPN, noscript and adblock for me is to prevent that kind of tracking.
I already did... There's some subscription stuff where you can read pretty much all available magazines and papers, it's been a long time since I've been reading that much "news" and reports
Yeah, I predict that in the future, you can't expect that content on the internet is written by humans. If you go to the internet, then it will probably not be to connect to other humans. Maybe you want to know something that a bot can tell you or you have some administrative task to fulfill, like filing a form.
It seems like every other captcha I get has a picture of a moped and asks to click for a motorcycle. When I don't click on the moped it says I'm wrong. Pisses me off.
CAPTCHA doesn't stop bots, and let us be honest, it never really did. It frustrated the hell out of people though, and caused people to waste time doing these challenges. Meanwhile even before AI bad actors and bots could get past it simply by using captcha solver services run by exploited humans solving captchas for the service.
It's a display of security theater meant to make normies feel safe but in reality doesn't stop most bad actors.
Meanwhile I sometimes fail those. I have been locked out of applications because I missed a square of a bus, or perhaps because I like to be efficient in my mouse cursor movements. I ducking hate CAPTCHAs.
I mean, we literally train them by completing the CAPTCHAs. Why do you think you were picking things like bikes, traffic lights, cars, and busses? The only question now is what's next...
Unfortunately they're on pages that I absolutely need to get into because my money is stored behind them. I cannot stand them, and I generally agree with you, if some random site has me doing a captcha in leaving.
I never get the first one and rarely the second one. If it says to click all the squares with motorcycles and it’s just the one big picture, am I supposed to click stuff like the tire and mirrors? I always do and never get it right. Then most of the time they ask me to identify motorcycles, they show me motor scooters and what am I supposed to do then? I think I just need to get one of these bots to do it for me.
Fwiw they aren't really asking about the motorcycle. I mean they are but they are washing your mouse movements and how fast you click through the images. It's okay to get a few images wrong.
It's mostly wisdom of the crowd, as it always has been.
As long as you mostly click the same squares most other people click, you pass.
You often at random get 2-3 images because 2 of them are actual checks, but the third is a new image that you auto pass and they're using it to gather data on what the average clicks are on it.
Where I am, you need a special license to drive a motorcycle, classified as having an engine of 51ccs or more, whereas a scooter is any motorcycle with a less than 51ccs and doesn't require a special license.
i love when websites (twitter is a really bad example) hit me with like 8 captchas, and then if i get my username/password wrong i have to do another 8. It's just so obviously gaming for training data on shit lmao.
Technically the "correct" answer is set by the highest percentage of people choosing it. EG: 19 people select Box A and 1 selects Box B, then the machine decides Box A is in fact correct.
That means these AI could be selecting the wrong answers for all anybody knows, if enough of them are answering the prompts, and still passing.
So...if CAPTCHA are already beaten by bots what's the point if it still exists ? to mock our weakness ?
In the old days CAPTCHA could do its job, but nowadays nah....even crawler/scrapper/meta bots can bypass it easily.
The real question is why do we as real humans still often fail to beat CHAPTCHA? Are we less human? Are we really robots in CHAPTCHA perspective ?
Pro-tip for webscrapers: using AI to solve captchas is a massive waste of effort and resources. Aim to not be presented with a captcha in the first place.
I think thats much more difficult than it seems, because usually only residential IPs are the ones that don't get those. And if you start to use a residential proxy too much then that IP can also get flagged.
There is a Russian captcha solver bot called xevil that costs under $100 (I think, last time I looked) that has been able to solve nearly all captchas for years. You just have to supply it with relatively expensive proxy IP addresses because Google rate limits solve attempts.
So the title of this article has been true for a long long time. Capatchas are absolutely useless except against poor or uninformed script kiddies.