How about just the completely entitled attitude of the execs that think they can tell us how to enjoy something. Only to then whine that nobody wants to buy their 70 euro no better than mid game
My god Siege was good for the first few years. Intoxicatingly good multiplayer. Too bad they fucked it up trying to make it more CoD like. For example, I used to play with a completely hidden hud because it was so immersive and fun. Now it's like rainbow six and Roblox had a baby and the weird game popped out. I can't even hide my hud or crosshair any longer
Finally, let me address some of the polarized comments around Ubisoft lately. I want to reaffirm that we are an entertainment-first company, creating games for the broadest possible audience, and our goal is not to push any specific agenda. We remain committed to creating games for fans and players that everyone can enjoy.”
Creating games for the broadest possible audience is what has made Ubisoft games so lackluster in recent years, and I think players are tired of games not targeting a specific niche. It feels these games are full time jobs in themselves with how much needs to be done to complete/100% it, and I think that formula is now stale.
I'll be interested to see what results of this investigation. Hopefully better art, but I am cynical
This is the part they're actually getting at. Not that the fundamental game design is for everyone (which, yes, is what they try and fail at), but rather they're responding to people who think they're failing because they put a woman as the protagonist in some game or another.
I think I remember Just Cause 2 had it so the top achievement in the game was only for 70% completion because they knew they had such a ridiculously huge map.
Breath of the Wild aims the same way - they like having you come across a bunch of Korok seeds while traveling, but not scouring the land with a magnifying glass looking for them.
I missed when they' weren't so focused on development and more publishing focused. They published some bangers in the late 90s/early 2000s. Grandia comes to mind and a ton of Dreamcast games.
All of the big publishers from 20 years ago doubled down on a couple of key franchises that make the most money and appeal to the widest demographic, rather than the old strategy of having a diverse portfolio across most genres.
I don't recall the name but there was a farcry game on original Xbox that came with a map maker for couch PvP. It literally let you shape the topography and place any asset in the game, easily the best map maker I ever used.
Here's one. Your main series assassin's Creed still has the same glitches and bugs it did 15 years ago. The last one was so much more of the same that it's the first Ac game I put down and gave up on after an hour cause it felt like I had played it already.
How bout building a new game from scratch instead of repeatedly dipping into the same garbage pile and charging premium for it, while your other titles are overflowing with micro transactions and bullshit
That new one is a solid metroidvania. It would have been better if they shrunk the map a bit or introduced meaningful upgrades more frequently, but it was still very good.
I bet at first it seems like multiple consultancies, but the more they investigate, the more they realize it's just minor variations on one consultancy copy-pasted around the map, and at a certain point, investigating each one just feels same-y and boring.
What it really comes down to is that this type of “safe” game design where you rehash the same game over and over again for 20 years thing used to make a shitload of money, that’s why they all do it, and now it doesn’t. Or at least, they’re discovering that there’s a mathematical maximum amount of times you can rehash something without innovating. And not doing that is too huge a pivot for a huge lumbering company like Ubsioft to make on a reasonable timescale.
This is what’s supposed to happen though. When not enough people buy games to make them profitable, the games have to change, or Ubisoft goes under. Either is fine.
And I feel like half of that 20 years was based on FOMO. "I better get the next Assassin's Creed or I'll miss out", and then it's all the same crap but they still sold a million of them. People do eventually wise up to FOMO.
Miss out on what? Unity was a buggy mess on launch, skip, the British one was a snorefest. By the time of the reboots, Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring and BotW already came out
Nah in this case this is real. The board is investigating the executive leadership, two separate entities. It's like corporate investigating stores management, in a way. This could mean executives getting fired
They'll fire the developers that implemented the unpopular features (that they didn't want to build in the first place but were forced upon them from executives, who, by the way, are due for their end of year bonuses!!)
I want to reaffirm that we are an entertainment-first company, creating games for the broadest possible audience, and our goal is not to push any specific agenda.
I know there are some changes you can do in settings. I mostly did snowboarding and since I snowboard irl I found the controls were close to how you'd control your feet on an actual board. So that probably helped ^ ^
But rider's republic mixed it all up so I get what you mean
it’s always really annoying when there’s the assumption that the existing team is not aware of and trying to fix problems. I hate when I have a problem and I’m taking steps to fix it and then somebody else steps in to say “let’s figure out how to fix your problem”.
Absolutely not. When the board is looking into it, it's because they are not returning shareholder value and they are pissed about it. This will likely end with the C-suite being butchered.
Ah yes, I hate being butchered that way, too. It sucks hard to be paid to leave before you get paid extra to start your next job elsewhere.
And don't get me wrong, if the C-suites actually ever had to take actual responsibility for their fuck-ups, I'd be all for those board investigations. But they don't. They get paid enough to not care about interims between jobs - just look at the CEO who said people can just spend a year on the beach or so if they've been laid off - plus they get paid extra both on the leaving and on the re-hiring.
If they had to pay all non-salary money back on fucking up, even retroactively, no matter how many Porsches they'd have to liquidate to get the money from X years of fucking up the company back, sure. Do it. But that's just sadly not the case. For a C-suite, this just means changing what name is written under your name, and moving on to the next place you can grift.
they can start by just making games as gamers want it,not inserting lame ass political agendas in their games or hire politically correct nutjobs to determine how games should be inclusive.
What you mean is making games how you want them to be, not the overwhelming majority of gamers. Stop thinking everything is an agenda designed to limit your freedom.
ubisoft stock price plummeting,black myth wukong having more players than star wars franchise,game with DEI rubbish tanking or having little to no players,yea majority have spoken alright.
literally all they need to do. If you make games that people actually want to play, then people will buy them. And if you want to have lgbtq characters, then do it like borderlands 2, that game got it right in 2012.
Because things like black protagonists with hip-hop music in the background make no sense in a feudal japanese setting and people are sick of games being abused as vehicles for morality preaching.
An example from borderlanfs two could be Sir Hammerlock, who was introduced as a normal (for borderlands) character early on and later in a side quest was revealed to be gay in passing. That's the kind of 'representation' you want for lgbtq to be "normalized". In modern games, his story would be one of struggle against straight white oppressors at the end of which there would be a five minute long cutscene in which everybody turns to the camera and informs the player that being gay is normal and that prejudice is bad and that straight white people are inherently evil. I'm overexagerating (spelling?) of course, but you get the point.