Rockstar Games' servers have been under fire from DDoS attacks causing widespread login and connectivity issues for players of GTA Online.
Rockstar Games' servers have been under heavy fire from massive DDoS attacks in recent days, causing widespread login and connectivity issues for players of GTA Online. These attacks come in the wake of Rockstar’s recent implementation of BattlEye, a new anti-cheat system designed to crack down on in-game cheating, sparking backlash from a segment of the player base. Protesters, unhappy with the new system, have resorted to using distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to disrupt the servers, escalating tensions between the gaming giant and its community.
The Anti Cheat has already been bypassed by a free cheat menu on Windows.
He's fairly sure he has figured out some kind of way to temporarily bypass (as in, it'll probably get caught in a few weeks) the linux block by some kind of custom virtualization method (requiring only one GPU) that he says he may explain in detail at some point.
But yeah, obligatory reminder for BattleEye and EasyAntiCheat games that refuse to allow linux play:
All these game devs have to do is flip a switch, click a few options in their developer portals, to allow BattleEye or EAC to work on linux, through Proton.
And its been that way for 3 years, since 2021.
There is literally no reason for games that use these services to not work on linux, the devs just don't fucking care.
It feels like it's part and parcel with an overall, growing trend in software to be openly hostile to any system wherein the user has proper admin rights.
Because the potential for someone to use those rights to fuck with the software merits refusing to support systems where they can.
Further entrenching the notion that, to participate in a "modern" consumer software environment, the user must agree to be handcuffed on their own hardware.
I've heard devs say that Linux users come up with something like 90% of the bug reports. They're often bugs that only affect Linux,so you've got, say 10% to the player base reporting 90% of the issues, and about 85% of those issues only affect the 10% of the player base.
Simply from an economics standpoint it doesn't make sense to spend that much resources on such a small percentage of the player population. Additionally about half of those Linux users do have Windows computers, that they are prepared to buy your game on, if that's the only option. So again it makes no financial sense to actually support Linux.
As far as the studios see it they are taking a 5% cut in profits, in order to reduce workload by 85% - seems like a good deal.
I can't even really argue with that, because they make a good point. Indie devs have it even more difficult because they often have much smaller teams, and really can't handle the workloads that Linux users would give them.
Dont blame developers. It's never developers that make decisions. It's the management, the shareholders, the project manager, the product owner, the whatever-mba-dipshit on top. But never the developers. They just execute and comply and if they refuse, they're let go. A developer is a fleshy code printer. A resource. They don't have real power. They're a factory worker. Remember that. Don't blame the worker, blame the boss.
I follow code of ethics and raise concerns where applicable.
But even if you refuse, they'll just pick another development team out of their hats to implement anyway.
So many are afraid to lose their jobs now they will keep their heads down and do it anyway.
I had been wondering why everybody was so angry at them for implementing anti-cheat software. I didn't realize that they were locking out Linux users. That's a bunch of bullshit.
If I played any Rockstar games, I'd be unhappy with their new anti-cheat too, since it needlessly blocks linux, but this isn't the way this should be protested. If anything, this probably validates their decision.
The way this should be protested is to just stop playing. Stop giving them money. Stop boosting their month active user numbers that they can flaunt to investors. Hit them financially, since it's the only hit they really care about. There's a sea of other high-quality games you can play instead.
Gamers and still buying the same old tired shit while removed about it, name a more…
You’re absolutely right. The number of great games to play is absurd and the access to them has never been better but for some reason most people just play mediocre games that should have been put out to pasture years ago.
GTA Online has terrible monetization and Rockstar are openly hostile towards PC as a platform, but I wouldn't call GTA mediocre at all. There's nothing quite like the attention to detail or breadth of GTA games. If you've played a few GTA clones, you'll know what the competition looks like and it's not even close.
Really??? Even if I bought it years ago lmao? It no longer works on my steam deck, but its not like I bought it when the deck even existed. However, I did have that idea...
Have you tried not buying something in protest? If so have you noticed they keep selling it anyway and you have no alternative? Not giving them money isn't enough.
I'm not a fan of DoSA as it's rather strongarm but at least this actually sends a message to them AND other users.
I'm not interested in having to fight anti-features to play what I paid for, but at least circumventing it sends a message.
Yeah, I'm actually supportive of some kind of anti cheat on GTA online, because with all the cheating it's just unplayable. Unfortunately I was playing on steam deck so I haven't been able to play it since. Presumably it can be supported relatively easy so I hope they fix that issue.
The fact that it’s a top 10 seller on steam deck for years and they just fucked over everyone on Linux, they deserve it. We all paid them and they completely screwed all of us. I feel so cheated. I only run Linux and I have a steam deck. I left a bad review on steam and I contacted their support from all my rockstar accounts, but it’s not enough.
Battleye is compatible with Linux, they just had to send an email, but rockstar keeps lying that it’s not compatible.
I still blame valve a lot for this. Their TOS offer us no protection. Publishers should not be able to retroactively lock down a game. Diminishing the game performance or adding unwanted DRM after purchase should be a refundable offense. People choose whether or not to buy games based on properties like these.
Stop making every fucking game and open world mmo wanna be. Bring back single player with couch co op or make private lobby setups so we don’t have to fuck with every douche who wants to make everyone else’s life as sad as their own. I’m a big GYA fan but have refused to buy for this specific reason. Have almost given in repeatedly but just go watch some YouTube’s on it and it reminds me not to contribute to this shit every time.
Around the time gta 5 came out, i lived with two guys and had 3 neighbours and we would often play video games together, but we never really found a game that we all liked. Gtao was just around the corner and the trailers looked so fun. People doing silly shit, skydiving together, play some golf, race around the city. When it actually came out and worked, oh boy. Leave the house, get shot, drive around, get shot, try to do something with friends, get blown up by a fighter jet. The answer is always: it's GTA, of course you get shot, play mario part, or shot like that. Yeah, i get that, but i always felt like it's just people who enjoy to make other people's experience worse, and it's not about pvp. Gta draws such a weird crowd.
Every online game is like that now. I avoid all of them for that reason. It doesn’t matter the game, if it starts to get popular the massive group of trolls shows up and goes out of there way to figure out the methodology to ruin the gameplay for others.
It sucks because there have been a few fun games that a lot of people won’t touch due to the online nature of garbage humans. Helldivers 2, SM2, and Deep Rock Galactic (sorry, your community is also filled with shitters) are all ruined because in order to really advance in the game you HAVE to play with others. It’s piss poor game design.
I played WoW right when it came out, on a PvP server.
There was already a subset of the crowd just like there back then - some people rushed game progression to have higher levels as soon as possible only to then hang out in beginner areas and "pwn" significantly lower level players.
That's around the time when the term "griefer" was coined.
In these things the real difference is how the servers are structured rather than the human beings: if the architecture is designed so that there is some way to filter players (smaller servers with moderation or some kind of kick voting system that bans repeat offenders), griefers end up in their own griefer instances griefing each other and the rest can actually play the game, otherwise you get a deeply beginner (or people with less time, such as working adults) unfriendly environment.
As somebody else pointed out environments were people run their own servers tend create those conditions at least for some cases (basically if there's some kind of moderation) whilst massive world centralized server environments tend to give free right to people whose pleasure in a multiplayer games derives mostly from making it unpleasent for others (in game-making, griefing is actually recognized as one of the 4 core types of enjoyment - along with achiving, exploring and socializing - people can derived from multiplayer games)
There's a patch for proton for Battleye. My understanding is that it's really easy for developers to support Linux with it, but I think they're using their own engine, so things may be harder. Regardless, that's bullshit if they added something without considering Linux users.
After having talked to some on the GTA V SCUD, so many think we are in support of the cheaters and are framing our frustration around us just wanting the cheaters back.
I sure hope not cause GTA Online is trash if you want to do anything other than Free Mode. I got so sick and tired of all the loading screens, disconnects, and empty lobbies.
Even when they apparently "fixed" the loading issue, all it did was speed up the connection to Free Mode. Hosting/joining a mission still takes ages and nobody ever joins any of my games anymore so I gave up and went to FiveM full-time. If that gets shut down by anti-cheat then I'm going back to GTA IV. Cops N' Crooks is more fun than anything GTA Online has to offer, anyway.
Don't buy games with invasive user-side anti-cheats that hamper performance, and demand refunds on any game that adds it after purchase.
I don't understand why this is so hard for people. If everyone gave a shit, we could end this. But instead, people would rather just complain while still forking over the money to these companies.
There are so many good indie games without this kind of bullshit. We have better choices.
and demand refunds on any game that adds it after purchase.
The way I see it, adding it, even this late, is changing the terms of the agreement and thus justification for a refund. Steam will often see it that way too if you word it as such. And if not, hell, you can still badger the publisher for a refund incessantly so at least it still costs them the equivalent in man hours even if you don't get the refund. The point is not to be passive, even if we don't get to win every single battle.
Is "get rid of all anti-cheat" a popular position outside of Lemmy? I don't really play these sorts of games but was under the impression that most competitive multiplayer would be unplayable without anti-cheat measures.
There are plenty of anti-cheat measure that doesn't require invasive access to your system or performance hits. The objection is not to fighting cheating, it is with the specific overreaching methodology chosen to do so.
Also I personally rarely play multiplayer so it's even more frustrating to have bullshit installed on my system for a feature that doesn't even apply to me.
Anti-cheat measures should be baked into the server side. 99 percent of the multiplayer cheating problem is not adhering to the golden rule of server security: Never Trust the Client
It is perfectly possible to run anti-cheat that are roughly as good (or as bad, as it often turns out) without full admin privilege and running as kernel-level drivers. Coupled with server-side validation, which seems to be a dying breed, you'd also weed out a ton of cheaters while missing the most motivated of them.
As someone who lurks around in different communities (to some extent; Steam forums, reddit, lemmy, mastodon, and a few game-centered discord servers), the issue is not much against anti-cheat for online play. It's the nature of these piece of software that is the issue. It would not be the same if the anti-cheat was also forced on solo gameplay, but it is not the case here.
(bonus points for systems that allow playing on non-protected servers, but that's asking a bit too much from some publishers I suppose)
It's not even popular on Lemmy. People are fine with the anti-cheat. They draw the line at enforced third-party accounts, though, which is commendable.
I legitimately avoided rockstar for years because they force you to use their store even when you buy on steam. I still haven't played rdr2, despite critical acclaim. I finally caved and got GTAV on sale cause I realised none of this shit works. Consumers using purchasing power to enforce standards is a losing battle. The storefronts or legislators need to enforce this shit. I think it should be valve. They have the market position and userbase to actually succeed or at the very least convince publishers to not break shit that was already working fine.
Name one war which was ever fought on a single battlefield.
Yes, we should be pushing for both regulatory changes and changes on platforms like Steam, but we should also being doing our part.
If there is anything I've learned over time it is that nobody is coming to save you. Ever. If you are holding out for someone to swoop in and make things better, you will be waiting forever. Either we do it ourselves, or it doesn't get done.
I bought Red Dead Redemption for myself and three friends, super excited about the game, the lore. I had never spent that much money on a game.
We all played through the single player tutorial, and finally into the open world. We meet up and begin exploring and trying to complete quests when suddenly one of us just ... drops dead.
Then another is hit by a meteor and caught on fire?
I am thrown up into the sky.
An alien ship?! Appears and messes with us for a while. I try begging in pub chat for the hacker to please leave us so we can play, which seems to goad them further. This continued for an hour.
A quick look around the internet told us that this was par for the course for RDR and GTA and Rockstar couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it.
We ended up refunding all the games through steam. Sad times.
Firstly, yeah... RDRO is utterly plauged with all sorts of cheaters using trainers and all kinds of cheats is full of crap, at least for PC.
The standard strategy you basically have to employ is that whenever you see something nonsense like that happen is you have to jump to another instance/lobby. Depending on your luck, you may have to do this every 15 to 60 minutes aaaand some cheats allow the cheater to follow you to your new lobby.
A few years back I was in RDRO and was attacked by a cheater.
I had a broke ass level 15ish character with the just a few of the least expensive guns.
They had infinite ammo. Teleport hopping. Spawned 10 additional NPCs versions of themselves, then of my character, then zombies, then legendary animals (basically fucking monsters).
All the while they're scrambling their name in the scoreboard every minute and create spoofs to make it harder to actually do a report or have the grievance system actually work correctly.
I killed them all. I died over and over again, but I kept killing them. Whittled down the fake names and spoofs and kept doing the grievance thing until it was actually landing on one consistent name.
Then the cheater began spawning gigantic props like boats attached to their character, which rotated and hit with physics force when they rotated, which they could shoot out of but I could not shoot into.
But uh, I managed to juke my way through cracks in the collision mesh, then shoot him.
He got tired of this at some point... and just turned himself invisible.
But, by this point I'd been killed enough times that I'd managed to get him showing up on my radar.
I'd by then long since run out of ammo... and began stalking him, via radar, with just a knife and lasso, sometimes the running tackle with the lasso that leads into a hogtie, other times actually managing to sneak up behind him, executing an invisible foe.
After an hour and a half of this, he started slipping up, and I could see him attempting to flee me, teleport half a klik away and just stand there for 30 seconds, then move a bit, then pause again, presumably fiddling around in his menus.
I killed him a few more times in this state, and he quit, he left.
... I would have just jumped to another instance if he had not killed my horse.
Do not fuck with a man's horse lol.
... anyway, yeah. hung up my hat after that. fucking nonsense.
Odd, I don't recall private lobbies being a thing, and a quick google shows lots of people asking for them and a few "workarounds". Perhaps they are a recent addition or a console thing?
This is actually really effective as a form of protest. From a business perspective, Rockstar probably won't roll anticheat back, but future companies will assess it as part of the risk when looking to add AC
I really hope they don't find a way to blame the linux community for this. Even if we hate kernel level anti cheat, I think most of us were happy with the refund from Valve lol
While I haven't looked into this particular anti-cheat; they frequently prevent Linux users from playing altogether, ban users due to false positives, and sometimes even gain/require access to data entirely unrelated to gaming, such as your personal documents or even browser data (cookies, history, passwords/tokens, etc) as many of them contain Rootkits
What's happened is GTA Online suddenly switched to using BattlEye for it's anti-cheating. And this broke Steam Deck compatibility suddenly. Now, this is bad enough but reports state that BattlEye will work with the Steam Deck, and all Rockstar needs to do is just send a message to BattlEye and it'll just work. But Rockstar doesn't seem to be interested in sending that email.
On one hand, I play GTA Online, and the amount of hackers is getting out of hand. Most are chill, some are extremely annoying and blow up everyone in the lobby with 800 million explosions a second. In this case, I'm annoyed that I can't play it and glad there's anti cheat.
On the other hand, I didn't realize that BattlEye would prevent Linux users from playing entirely. I'm not a Linux user (yet) myself, but that really sucks. Also, rockstar is extremely predatory with the shark cards (it was worse with Red Dead Online!) so they do kinda deserve it as some form of karma for being terrible
On the other hand, I didn't realize that EAC would prevent Linux users from playing entirely.
For the most part any game that "won't run on linux" totally would if it wasn't for the anticheat not working (or being supported) on linux, that's usually the downfall. For instance Destiny runs fine, but if they see you're using linux they ban your acct because fuck you that's why. Tbf, even if the anticheat would work it's usually kernel level spyware that linux users mostly refuse to run, so eh.
The most common cheat is probably gaining money or experience, but there have always been pretty extensive mod menus for GTA Online with tools from invincibility to making your vehicles rainbow, to randomly causing other players to explode or setting hundreds of muggers on them.
In 2015ish, I used to cheat, other than getting rich, all I was interested in doing was making an indestructible chrome bus with smoke trails that I'd drive around picking up players in, to teleport us all to North Yankton and back like a tour guide.
Aren't there like cheat servers and non-cheat servers? Or is that a "gentleman's agreement" that not everyone is playing fair with if you can't fully block it because of mods etc?
Hackers like to glitch other users. Randomly turn into a toilet, have all of your ammunition disappear, suddenly fly into the air and die on impact. It made public servers unplayable. Friends only sessions were necessary
As someone who is pretty old and is a crap gamer - well firstly I only play single player so I guess it wouldn't effect me. But what's the problem with anti cheat? Aside from it being code you don't want on your machine. I dunno, I don't get why people cheat. Isn't it a better feeling when you just play and get good?
Edit - I'm not defending rockstar btw. Don't know the politics here. In fact last game I enjoyed was vice city on the PS2. I'm trying to hey caught up on everything I missed. But yeah, what's the problem with anti cheat?
Aside from it being code you don’t want on your machine. I dunno, I don’t get why people cheat. Isn’t it a better feeling when you just play and get good?
I've done some cheating on GTAO, so I can speak to this a bit.
For me, the next biggest reason after the one you listed is that their game is grindy as fuck. I want to be able to play with the cool vehicles and toys in the game, but they're locked behind hours and hours of grinding, even just for a single item. I understand some people like that, but it's not for me. But it's also not just grinding that's the problem. Their loading screens in the game are frequent, slow (1-5 minute of loading each), and are filled with shitty crews that make it impossible to do the missions.
So back when I used to play I had a script that would just give me shit loads of money. I could buy what I wanted, have fun, and move on. Games are for fun, not for feeling like they're a second job.
What's worse, is that Rockstar intentionally makes it grindy so you're motivated to steal your mom's credit cards and use real world money to buy fake world money that lasts you about 20 minutes. It's very scummy behavior, and cheating is a way to get around that.
The script kiddies that just like to fuck with other people are a whole other can of worms. Those people can get bent.
I wasn't expecting the perspective of an online game cheater on this to be so interesting, but that was really very interesting. Thanks for sharing it.
Hmm thanks for the reply. Actually mate I kinda see your point. Like I said, I'm just getting into gaming after maybe a twenty year gap and I've not played much online stuff. Yeah I can see it would be frustrating to have all the cool shit behind a grind wall.
I guess when I heard cheating I was thinking of people who gain an unfair advantage and ruin the game for others. That's the sort of cheating I don't understand.
Back in the day, there were cheats in computer magazines, a sequence of key presses that would give you loads of lives or money or bullets or whatever. I used those an loved em.
Aside from it being code you don’t want on your machine
Code you don't want on your machine, that have sometimes more permissions than you yourself have on your own files, is completely opaque, and have the legitimacy to keep constant outgoing network data that you can't audit.
Yes, aside for that, no reason at all. No problem with a huge risk on your privacy for moderate results that don't particularly benefit you in the long run.
(and all that is assuming that they're not nefarious to begin with, which is almost impossible to prove)
If you play in Linux assuming this game even runs on Linux. Good chance they will ban you from running this game on that OS. They could allow it but most companies see Linux as a minority and will mostly willing to take the hit of blanket banning the whole OS. I guess Steamdecks would be out of question now. Another is security risk this kind of anti cheat tend to be invasive they have access to your kernel, the part of the OS that has access to everything on your system. If that thing is compromised good chance you'll be affected also if you have that in your system. Think of something like crowdstrike issue.
I think the problem is implementation. it was constantly a top 10 game on steam for steam deck users, and now they can't play online because rockstar decides to not configure the game to support Linux. I think thats the issue lol
Anticheats can be very invasive, they can theoretically scan all the files inside your computer (whether it is practically done, I don't know but it surely feels like it's been done), take screenshots regularly, send your hardware information, etc. So yeah, if you are someone who takes security seriously...
Yeah I get that. I don't like foreign code on my machine. Trouble is, I dropped the ball with coding over twenty years ago and I kinda feel like the whole of windows is foreign code. I trust Linux more, but I don't really understand it. I tend to assume that when I'm online my device is sending something I don't want sent to some fucker I never even heard of. Insert shrug emoji
At one point I had been playing GTA V online pretty consistently when I had a cheater start targeting me. It was pretty frustrating and after 30 minutes of that I gave up and closed down for the day. I shifted my attention to other games after that. I definitely get that they want to stop cheaters - cheaters ruin the fun for others. It's a shame that the new anti cheat has made it so that Steam Deck players are stuck unable to play online.
Not that I particularly want to play it, but the Fortnite requirement has stopped me from installing Mint across some computers for kids for this reason as well.
Man, I wrote a whole WoT about this. Deleted it. Fuck the cheaters. I don't know why it's so hard to stop them. The kind of people that will DDoS a company for blocking them are the same ones that will cheat. No gold star for any honest players that DDoS, either. If there's a server problem or a bad patch that prevents me from playing my first thought isn't to DDoS the company and fuck up everyone else's game in a fit of petty revenge too. That said, it's sad that honest players are the only ones harmed after the cheat coders found their workaround so quickly.
That's not what this is about, the article is simply garbage. They are enforcing a kernel level anti-cheating system that is incompatible with Linux (where no third party gets kernel access, and rightly so). This locks out all Linux players, including Steam Deck.
So a bunch of assholes who like to ruin everyone else's fun are mad because they can't be script kiddie cheaters anymore. So instead they found another way to run everyone else's fun. Cool.
there is no reason you have to run intrusive anticheat just to play your favorite multiplayer game it can stop hackers but you will force people on the most trash os ever windows i love valves approach to vac but people say its not that good
However, a lot of people don't like anti-cheat mechanisms that are essentially rootkits, and especially nobody likes when a product is changed long after it's release in a way that makes it unusable (as the new anti-cheat forbids Linux).
No one decided cheating in multiplayer games is fine. But invasive anti-cheat software is significantly worse, and frankly doesn't actually work. Automated detection tools can help, but ultimately you need mods / admins to properly stay on top of cheating. Trying to replace those jobs with incredibly invasive software installed on every user's device is just a sign of a trash developer or publisher.
Since they shut out Linux players last week. Taking away access to things someone bought, used and can't use anymore because of something the supplier did could be interpreted as theft.
When it stopped people from being able to even play a game they paid for. In case it wasn't clear, this breaks the game completely for non-cheating Linux users.
Without hard data it's difficult to tell to what extent this is accurate, but there seems to be a substantial portion of Linux gamers (including Steam Deck users) who are pissed off that due to the anti-cheat they can't play the game on their platform of choice anymore. Some of them may have joined the DDoS campaign, so there is a genuine venn diagram.
I think people misunderstood my comment, I meant I think the ddosers and the cheaters are more or less the same group. Don't imagine the majority of people in the Linux community would think that's a good way to get rockstar to listen
The actual cheaters completely bypassed the new anti-cheat in about 6 hours. They had to update their cheats a bit, but are otherwise essentially unaffected. Linux users, Steam Deck users, and people who don't want to give a single game full hardware access, are all affected. None of those can play GTA:Online anymore, unless they mod the game to bypass the anti-cheat, which can be seen as cheating in itself, and could result in a ban.
The ddos attacks are likely being orchestrated by a small group of people or even an individual, it probably does not represent the vast majority of affected users.
If you were to treat cheaters as you may treat pirates, a service problem, then the overlap of Linux users and cheaters is a circle of unsatisfied users.
Cheating is absolutely not the same issue as piracy though, one is people wanting an unearned power trip over others and one is the service issue piracy is
You're not gonna convince cheaters to stop cheating by offering them a better experience
Just to explain the completely warranted deluge of downvotes to you: Using Linux doesn't mean that you're cheating and the anti-cheat solution they're using has Linux support, they simply opted to not enable it. I'm not in the loop when it comes to GTAV but usually cheating software isn't even available for Linux.
The onus isn’t on them to cater to everyone. If it can’t be used using Linux, deal with it like a grown up and find something else to do.
But you’re not going to justify DDoS attacking a company because you don’t like that you’re excluded from their product.
These people need to grow the fuck up. The real world doesn’t give a shit about what they think they’re owed- which is nothing by the way.
This shit just makes me hate the arrogance of Linux users that much more.
Oh, and that you all think that downvotes are relevant to a discussion shows your immaturity on the topic. My opinion isn’t popular because it’s nuanced. And everyone within and outside of lemmy know damn well that this platform hates anything that doesn’t paint in the colors of black or white. So… it’s expected to be downvoted. If I posted this anywhere else- it’s be a mature discussion.
removed cheaters throwing a hissy that they can't keep creating an unfair advantage for themselves in an online environment. I hope their mothers take away their internet connection for the month.
Eh, I was playing it on steam deck, GTA online was just not worth it with all the cheating anyway.
What I don't get is why they went with the most invasive kernel level stuff instead of doing even the most basic server side checks to check for users doing physically impossible stuff.
Heh, I would say the cheaters are generally much more immature and likely to DDOS. I think there is a lot of overlap over video game cheaters and script kiddies, especially when the cheaters are called hackers
Fuck cheaters, but also FUCK kernel level shit, it's possible to make a good AC without fucking around in the kernel.
I don't even install third party Antivirus' that hook into the kernel because of all the issues it causes. 80% of all BSODs I've traced back have always had a root cause because of some shit piece of software fucking around in the kernel. 15% is shitty drivers.
Kernel AVs and ACs actually act like malware in of itself with the types of hooks and interactions it performs. Anything operating at the kernel level can basically see just about everything you or your computer is doing
it’s possible to make a good AC without fucking around in the kernel.
What if the cheat runs in the kernel? I am also against these extremely invasive anti-cheat measures, but it must be clear to everyone that the cheat developers and users have no qualms about this.
A user level AC can do shit all against that if the cheat runs in ring 0.