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  • They handed me a dormant sub I requested before the protest was happening, while I was protesting. So I blacked it out too and added it to the protest.

    I like to imagine that admin was like "I don't know what I expected."

  • I got banned from r/softwaregore for editing my comment ... if that counts

  • Does Twitter count? I was suspended from there seemingly randomly for rule violations. I hadn’t posted on Twitter in many months though and hardly ever post, just lurk.

  • So far, nothing has happened to my account. I even banned spez from my subreddit with the message "fuck you, u/spez". Welp. I couldn't care less about this. People will know if they'll want to stay in a place that restricts them or if they'll want to breathe some fresh Fediverse air.

    • You beautiful bastard…you banned spez. The ultimate “no u” moment. I wish I’d thought of that before mine exit.

  • I got perma banned for calling a mod out on their hypocrisy. They closed a sub indefinitely but left their pet political sub open. Why? Because in their words "it was performing a social service".
    There were a lot of hate filled posts that I reported. They didn't like that and perma banned me. It was the push I needed to finally leave that shit hole