While Dick Cheney has endorsed Harris, there have been no comments from other senior Republicans from Bush’s era
While Dick Cheney has endorsed Harris, there have been no comments from other senior Republicans from Bush’s era
The MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell this week hit out at George W Bush, the Republican former president, for refusing to weigh in on America’s looming presidential election.
“All any decent person wants him to do is to say, ‘Don’t vote for Donald Trump, and here’s why,’ and he won’t even do that,” O’Donnell told the Fast Politics podcast, of the Republican president who was in office from 2001 to 2009.
Increasingly, Bush – and some other top Republicans from his political era – are looking lonely in their ongoing refusal to take a side in an election in which many have warned that US democracy is under threat from Trump’s open sympathies with autocracy.
The Ground Zero pit stayed undeveloped until 2007 because that's how long it took the money men to decide which insurer would pay for what. George W. never bothered to push them to hurry things, because it was vital that every single penny be accounted for. No problem with starting a war with lies, but money must be guarded to the utmost.
I'm pretty sure his endorsement would be a negative. Same with the Cheney one, I can't think of anyone that would look at that and be like: yes, I'll go with Cheney. If anything it would turn people off.
I think you're right, but I'd like to believe there was at least one person out there that thought, "Shit, I'd better vote for Harris, or he might shoot me in the face!"
I mean, Bush and Trump are in direct competition for worst presidents in living memory.
...and they both kinda jimmy with elections. They have a lot in common really so it makes sense he'll be averse to calling out someone whose not that dissimilar to himself.
Also Bush has a generational bonding to the GOP, so there's probably some level of moral compromise in that.
Presidents in the rear view mirror rarely carry the emotional weight of ones at the forefront.
I'd argue Reagan was worse than both of them. We had all the nightmarish bellicose foreign policy of the Bush Administration, the disastrous neglect of health care leading to multiple epidemics from the Trump Era, and dogshit fiscal policy that gave us massive recessions and enormous new debts to accompany our contracting quality of life at the end of his last term.
But who still remembers Iran-Contra or the '87 bank collapse or our deplorable environmental and civil rights policies or the then-extremely-lethal AIDS epidemic?
Buchanan and Andrew Johnson are still largely considered the two worst historical presidents. Truman and Nixon are routinely cited as 20th century flops. But its very difficult to remember how shit America was before most of the folks doing the rankings were even alive. Harder still to have enough of a historical baseline to make an objective measure.
As soon as Trump is done, we're going to be on one about how DeSantis or Cruz or Matt Gaetz is the actual worst person to run for President in our lifetimes.
Depends on what "recent" memory is for you. I've got Reagan and Trump neck-and-neck. While Bush should be tried for war crimes, he's nowhere close to as bad as Trump. I'd put Bush and Clinton in the cage match.
Reagan was well liked and won by a landslide, I hate to say. By the time Bush Jr came around the mask was coming off.
Both Jr (-0.51%) and Trump (-2.09%) lost the popular vote when they were elected.
Hindsight being what it is, Reagan bad, Bush bad, Bush Jr bad, and Trump bad.
Cheney is pissed at his daughter losing her family-guaranteed sinecure in Wyoming to a Trumpie, because he's invested in his family's political legacy.
Bush has no real beef with the Trumps and isn't trying to give his daughters a leg up into the next administration.
Totally different set of political incentives to endorse.
Still waiting to see W, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz convicted of war crimes for all the torture they oversaw at those cia black sites, among other things. Absolutely villainous.
Bush and Cheney basically fabricated the entire Iraq War and the only people to come out on top were Exxon Fucking Mobil who took majority control of the Iraqi oilfields, and then the executive in charge of the operation, Rex Tillerson, got appointed to the Trump admin.
Thousands dead for greed. America's hands stained in blood and grease for generations.
Still only second worst tho, no disagreement on that.
Wow, Rumsfeld died three years ago - I hadn't heard that. Death at age 88 is almost infant mortality for a war criminal Republican. Count Dracula-Wolfowitz is still going strong, however.
Not sure he was even a shit speaker if we compare him to Trump. His sentences at least made sense. I'm sure he just wants to be done with it all. He retired from office 15 years ago, and he lives in Texas I thought. If he endorses Harris, Trumpees will lash out at him. We can call that cowardly to not speak out do to fear of retribution but he is 78 years old. 78 year olds shouldnt be key factors in planning for our futures, they should be relaxing and planning their next health care visits that we have figured out a way they can access. The average male in the U.S. dies at 74. Let the old man paint a few more pictures on canvas if so chooses and pass in his time. That said... Wish Trump would do the same.
Why did anyone ever think he was any good? The folksy paintings? The aw-shucks friendship with Michelle Obama?
This dipshit has the blood of millions on his hands. He gave us Alito. He destroyed as much of the administrative state as he could. His CIA daddy stole his election.
Can you imagine our world today if Gore had gotten in?
Fuck Cheney too, he only cares because Trump was mean to his shithead daughter.
Can you imagine our world today if Gore had gotten in?
It's not very well-remembered today that Clinton's administration ended with a budget surplus of hundreds of billions of dollars or that Gore was by far the most prominent voice in the world sounding the alarm about global warming. With a Gore victory we could have been debt-free as a nation by now and actually taking significant steps towards ending our dependency on fossil fuels; instead the debt is $35 fucking trillion dollars (which is so enormous it sounds like a joke) and the only reason this isn't a bigger problem is that we're cooking ourselves off the planet anyway and no amount of debt is going to matter.
Somewhat tangential, but "global warming" was always a weak formulation of the problem and "climate change" even more so. I prefer "anthropogenic runaway global heating" which more accurately frames the actual problem and has the handy acronym ARGH.
He wants Republicans policies but not Trump. He's stuck like a lot of other people. Unfortunately, most of those people will hold their noses and vote for Trump and hope for the best. That's the two-party system for ya.
No, that was Ronald Reagan, who gave us most of the SCOTUS justices who picked W over Gore to be President in the 2000 election despite his having lost.
That would be his chance to do something decent for once.
Reminds me of when Pink wrote a song for him Dear Mr. President and we thought he is the worst that can happen...
"How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?"
Honestly find it odd that he hasn't come out for Harris considering he's the first one to look at President Trump and say "this is weird shit".
It's not like Bush is in politics anymore I don't see how ditching Trump would hurt him in any way
Looking at how people are commenting here, they would find six ways he committed a war crime, and whine how much he destroyed their day, and what a terrible, clueless person he is, if he just said, "Good afternoon."
I'm kind of curious why the article was even written. The guy is clearly out of the public eye and hardly anyone wants to know what he thinks anyways.
Why would he invite anymore scrutiny?
Some guy on here is still commenting on his painting, lol!? That was a stupid complaint when it first came out. Now it just makes the commenter look weird.
The need for validation from war criminals is the problem along with this silent shift to the right by Dems. This would be a good time for Dems to actually become a party for the working class/poor.
Sure, go ahead and try to execute the VP, overturn election results, completely stonewall judicial appointments, but actually calling out a traitor is a bridge too far.
I've studied political science, economics, and history for ten years. Most don't have the time and resources. My mistake was engaging the echo chamber with something so complicated.