Every now and then I go back through the Arkham games and I’m reminded of how well they were made.
Asylum and City were definitely my favourites, but Knight was really good too, and honestly even if you don’t count Origins, it’s still a really fun game regardless. Certainly not as good as the trilogy but it’s still fun to me, anyway.
City was my first, and I played a ton of it back in the day, so it holds a special place in my heart, but I think Asylum is probably my favourite if I remove the nostalgia goggles. It’s just so well made. I know a lot of people who have never played Asylum, and that’s a real shame.
Do you guys have any fond memories playing through any of the Arkham games? Which one is your favourite? Let me know, I’d love to discuss them.
I enjoyed them all, but Asylum was my favorite by far. It struck a perfect balance between being a tight, contained experience, while giving you a great set of tools to deal with things as you saw fit. It was claustrophobic in a great way, and you felt like an apex predator when you figured out how to work within the constraints.
The rest of them feel excessive in comparison, both being too open and giving you too many tools to work with. I never felt like I could get into a "flow state" with them like I could with Asylum.
Brilliant series. I enjoyed the combat and storytelling in equal measure. One of the few single-player games where I'd actually play the challenge maps, just because it was so fun beating up on mobs!
I bought 3 of them last year, I think. So far only completed Asylum, it was really good. Although I remember several times disliking the return to areas and having to traverse said area through a bunch of "upgrade" mobs. I'm looking forward to the other two, but it will probably be another couple years until I get to them.
Origin was one I played last after playing through all the rest, and I thought the boss fights were one of the best in the series. Bane and Deathstroke fights were my two favorites.