The Supreme Court has rejected an emergency appeal from Nevada’s Green Party seeking to include presidential candidate Jill Stein on the ballot in the battleground state.
The Supreme Court has rejected an emergency appeal from Nevada’s Green Party seeking to include presidential candidate Jill Stein on the ballot in the battleground state.
The court’s order Friday, without any noted dissents, allows ballot preparation and printing to proceed in Nevada without Stein and other Green Party candidates included.
The outcome is a victory for Democrats who had challenged the Greens’ inclusion on the ballot in a state with a history of extremely close statewide races. In 2020, President Joe Biden outpaced former President Donald Trump by fewer than 35,000 votes in the state.
while normally I'd be upset if they were running somebody with some kind of real intent to push real issues, its clear Stein is mostly isnt interested in pushing anything but conspiracy theories and russian appeasement.
I'll be voting solid blue regardless, but the "exact things I want" in regards to Democrats is not helping a genocide, because I thought that was a bar even they could pass.
I'm not surprised they failed even that, but it does radicalize me further and solidify my position that all liberals that call themselves leftists out of rampant ignorance can fuck off forever.
Nevada uses two forms for gathering signatures, one for candidates and another for ballot initiatives. The Secretary of State gave the Green Party the wrong form. The forms are basically identical.
It is not the first time Democrats has used dubious methods to deprive Green Party ballot access.
They didn’t file the correct paperwork. They are not a victim here. They are ducking adults representing a ducking national party. You check the forms and make sure they are correct before you file them.
This is not hard. Every adult does it multiple times every year for all sorts of reasons. It’s a basic citizenship skill.
The fact that you can mess this up AND REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT like a ducking toddler makes it very clear they are not a serious political party.
I'm glad she's not on the ballot. But I don't like these bad faith technicalities. Although I do put 90% of the blame on the enforcers.
We just had a ballot initiative in Arkansas fall off because they were told the wrong thing by officials. And even then, they did all the things they were supposed to do (similar to this situation).
So the party that wants to have the responsibility of running the most powerful nation in the world didn't double check the title of the paperwork they submitted?
This isn't a normal person getting the wrong tax form in the mail and not noticing it. This is an entire party with nationwide offices and tons of people supporting it failing to recognize they were filling out the wrong form.
The more important question is, "when did they submit the paperwork and when were they notified that the paperwork was incorrect?" If the gap is really small, then they should have filed sooner. If the gap was really long, then maybe there was some fuckery going on.
EDIT - That said, I still hate when minor technicalities thwart important things.
If you think Democrats are bad, you should see hostile foreign entities. If you can't do your bureaucratic due diligence to double check election forms, you are absolutely not qualified to lead an entire country.
She seemed like a good alternative to Trump and Clinton at the time. But looking back I realize she was just put there by Putin to draw away lesser evil votes from Clinton so Trump could win. Another reason the Democratic Party fucked up by not allowing centrist or leftist candidates like Sanders even when they'd have a way better chance of winning by getting a lot of people to actually vote because they'd have a candidate they like rather than just voting against the other guy.
Right and it's why well never have a left of center candidate at all unless we get money out of politics. Which is not going to happen in the US. We're stuck with moderate conservatives like Biden and Harris as the only option south of fascism.
Again.... I might just go back too being a Dem. I tried 3rd party but, this stuff keeps happing. I like the ideals just no was too do it from a third party way for the time being. Gotta change from with in I guess.
Not from within, from underneath. You effect change at the lower levels. Political change comes from the ground up. That's why Jill Stein is so frustrating cuz she takes all the money and attention that could be spent somewhere useful and instead spends it on a boondoggle for her own personal gain.
This. The Brits have a first past the post system. Greens now are winning mayorships and parliament seats and making deals with labor not to split the vote in their favor because they have been building local support for decades.
They are a force in their districts, so they get elected to office in their districts. Do that to a few dozen districts and you can meaningfully affect the balance of power in Westminster. Then you start getting into coalitions and supplying ministers.
You can’t just wake up once every four years and hope to be anything but a spoiler candidate.
The two party system is incredibly frustrating. There is also a feeling of helplessness because the path to change is unclear. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans truly want more competition
The thing about change, if you're only looking at it from a big picture and not a large time period, it might look static. But there's lots of changes.
What you have to do is be local with your change. Obama was a community organizer and it's often talked about as as something that has had such an impact, it's changed everything.
All politics are local.
Stein will always fail because she's always attempting to create the changes from top down. The USA will never work like that.
It's not a question of wanting competition or not. Political parties by nature will attempt to get as strong a coalition as they can, until they reach a size large enough that bisecting the party still leaves one half in power and some internal disagreememt triggers the split.
Fringe parties in America, like the Green and Libertarian parties, arent oppressed by some conspiracy between Rs and Ds. Rather, they are left at the fringe because they do not have any power worth pledging to, for the simple fact that in the american single-rep plurality-wins system tbere is no prize for second place.
Voters who like the current office holder work to keep them in power and those who do not work with the opposition to remove the incumbent from power. Anyone not joining one of these sides serves only as a tool for one side against the other, since anything but a vote for the runner up is an effective endorsrment of the eventual winner.
The American system is imperfect and could be a lot better, but fringe parties and vanity campaigns do nothing to actually encourage systemic change.
Third parties only seem interested in the presidency. Instead the should work on local elections instead. Build up to federal seats but that is not their goal. They only want to spoil one party nowadays.
Good on you! Please still get involved in changing the system and supporting third parties, but, for now, that work is most effective in local elections and between the general elections. That, and voting in the D or R primaries to vote out incumbents or to select a party candidate who's more in line with your priorities.
In this case it's almost nothing, but sometimes it's nice to have for the longer documents. I'd also like a link to the original decision they were appealing.
It is not undemocratic to be barred from the ballot because your campaign did not bother reading the fine print on the paperwork to make sure it's all correct. It's not the level of attention to detail or responsibility I would want from a presidential administration either.
Ive yet to have anyone actually cite the forms and what specifically was overlooked. Like somewhere it just states this form not admissable for candidate qualification.
All of this is incredibly self serving arguments, you would be having quite an outrage if a democrat was barred from an election because of fine print technicality. Thats not what you actually care about, you only care that people you dont like suffered from it.