i don't hate webp. i think png is better, but i think webp is fine
but i really don't want google to have more control over how i browse the internet.^[especially given how they've recently shown that they will abuse their monopoly] let's maybe use an image format that isn't owned by them, perhaps
Idk they're less compatible with editing software? I don't think photoshop supports it by default
Sucks when you just want to make a quick meme, and google serves you a webp version of a file that has png in the filename, lol
Try downloading a png from a site that converts to webp for their CDN services. It's my only real complaint, but it's damn annoying going into the Firefox config just to download a simple image. I don't mind them displaying it as webp, but let me download the source image
I thought for a second that this meme would have been uploaded in .webp for the lulz, but alas after downloading the image to my phone and then going into the properties, it's jpg.
webp and webm are genuinely pretty good, they work really well for web pages/for transmitting over the network.
jxl is better but support for it is crap
I like the idea of webp. But ugh it's annoying that I can't easily share it. My main way to communicate with some folks I'm close with is Messenger and it doesn't support webp. So to send people funny pictures, I have to screenshot and crop.
Meta only had 12 years to implement this. They simply could not be bothered. Even with free libraries and documentation of how to implement this web standard.
I literally created my own python program to mass convert webp images into png images because they're so annoying to edit or work with and I didn't want to screenshot
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert webp files to png in current directory
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Convert Webp to Png"
echo "Note this only works on webp files in the current directory:"
echo "Right now, that is $(pwd)"
read -p "Press any key to continue"
for i in *.webp; do
echo ".. Converting $i"
ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -i "$i" "${i%%.*}.png"
echo "Here are the original webp and new png files now:"
ls *.webp *.png
echo "Ok to delete the webp files now? (Y/n)"
read -p ": " ANSWER
case $ANSWER in
echo "Leaving webp files."
echo "Removing webp files.."
rm -v *.webp
Personally, imma use this script for the legacy compatibility.
My use case is making maps and character tokens for Virtual Table Top games, and it feels like no one supports webp format. One of the standard tools I pull up when doing my thing is a webp to png converter.