“I love our country, I want to see it restored to what it once was before all this bullshit started happening to us,” country singer tells crowd after “long-ass week” of con…
"I love our country, I want to see it restored to what it once was before all this bullshit started happening to us," country singer tells crowd after "long-ass week" of controversy
These dummies never understand that their country doesn't want them. Society grows and leaves some people behind. Adapt and grow or turn in to an old man yelling at clouds.
Well, they also believe that America is identified by its small town culture. But it really isn't. And I speak as someone who grew up in a very very small farming community.
The thing is that nothing happens in small towns. They're generally static and full of people who have escaped the rest of society in one way or another. They are not the harbingers of the future, more like the leftover dregs of yesteryear.
That's the rub. Nobody wants to be told they're irrelevant. Of course they believe that America is defined by people like them, because the alternative is to accept that America is defined by a culture that might as well be aliens to them.
They are losing a culture war. They feel like they have to announce their relevance, but they don't understand why that very thing means they are becoming irrelevant.
That entire song is just a thinly veiled threat saying "we're going to murder you if you're trying something we disapprove of here in this place, where we have all the power."
Lots of great folk, bluegrass and Americana, even some good "country".
"Pop" country is the one you hate
Give some Sturgill Simpson a try, and if that's too "country" for you still , try his "fire and fury" album which is quite a departure, complete with custom anime music videos
Restore it to what? A time when we didn't acknowledge how terrible we always were? I always find it funny that the people with the least amount of things to worry about are always the most vocal about being "hurt".
The worst part is always how little they can relate to anyone who has always had it bad living in America, no matter what year it was. I guess it is ok for some to suffer as long as it's not them.
The problem is "his country" is the Confederacy and by restored he means slavery reinstated. That is my take until I see him prove me wrong, which he won't.
Restore our country to what it was? Oh, you mean having black people in the back of the bus and LGBTQ people in the closet.
Personally, if we're going to revert anything to the 1950's, I say bring back the 1950's tax brackets. In 1955, anything a person earned over $400,000 ($4.4 million in today's money) was taxed at 91%.
your reading to far into it. just like the people who think the song is racist. which btw prove me wrong and find one line in the song that mentions, race religion, or ethnicity
Well Mr Aldean did choose a stunningly iconic shooting location for the video. As the Washington Post reported:
Aldean’s performance backdrop is the Maury County Courthouse, which at times appears to be on fire as images of burning American flags are projected onto it. It’s the same building where a mob hanged 18-year-old Henry Choate from the balcony in 1927. The teen had been accused of attacking a White girl who never identified him as her assailant, and whose mother begged the mob to let him stand trial.
Columbia is also the site of an infamous 1946 race riot that nearly resulted in the lynching of future Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall.
The footage he used in the video seems to equate civil rights protesting as violent crime and rioting, in in the judicial use of footage from these types of events that are juxtaposed to each other in his music video.
The video itself is a little silly in that small towns are not responsible for civil rights movements as they are inherently a very conservative environment, that does not foster independent thought. Surprise surprise. However, the video has a very pro conservative tone that implies that protesting will be met by violence.
You're arguing in bad faith. The poster said that wanting culture to regress ignores the fact that our culture used to be cruel to minorities. The reason people weren't canceled for being conservative is that liberal democracy was oppressing minorities to satisfactory levels for these bigots. Now that liberal democracy is being less bigoted, conservatives like this guy want to get rid of the it. The statement is racist, while the song is anti freedom of speech and definitely anti American.
“I personally believe that U. S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should—our education over here in the U. S. should help the U. S., uh, or, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq, and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children.”
“Uh, well, uh, I think America is the land of the free, which is a wonderful thing, and also the brave, where people can live. And nobody can ever take that away from you. And it never gives up. But the high birthing rate of immigrants frightens me! No offense to anyone out there, but if it were up to me and my family, I would actually call it our America, and not their America! Thank you.”
The song is fine. The video is full of fear-mongering and conflates people protesting injustice with petty criminals. So while you can infer what you want from the lyrics, since the band's in a video associated with this imagery tells me they're ignorant, somewhat racist, and pugnacious about it.
This distillatesdistills why I hate country music.
FTFY. "Distillate" has a very specific scientific meaning (it's the liquid that condenses and is collected as the product of the distillation), and it's a noun, not a verb.
I hope I don't sound like a dick, but I teach chemistry and I have this nearly pathological need to correct misused scientific terms. So... Sorry? You're welcome? Either way, have a nice day!
I don’t mind. I’m secure enough with my own stupidity. That’s how I learn. I can also apologize for my mistakes. The world needs more dicks. Btw, can you make me some LSD?
As we all know, the Chinese government has been trying to weaken the American Music Industry for quite some time now. They are using various tactics like releasing their own music, promoting their artists on social media platforms, etc. One of their major strategies is to release songs that appeal to the younger generation. However, they have not succeeded in gaining much success.
But what they did recently, was to try and sway our country's music industry by using their influence over the media and other platforms. They launched a massive campaign to discredit one of our most talented country musicians Jason Aldean, who released a controversial song "Try That in a Small Town".
People started accusing him of supporting lynching which is completely ridiculous and absurd. But what the Chinese government wants us to believe, is that this song is a threat to their agenda of replacing our country music industry with their own. And that is why they are using every possible means to disrupt his career and discourage people from listening to his music.
So, I request everyone to stand up against this conspiracy and support our homegrown talent. Buy his albums, go to his concerts and show your solidarity towards him. Let's not let them succeed in their attempt to weaken our music industry and culture. We need to come together as a community and stand united against any such attempts made by the Chinese government.
Let's not forget that we have the best music industry in the world and we will not allow anyone to undermine it. Thank you!