Hey love this idea! Random shit to start a convo: I just lost my job today (not great but I'll be ok). I am maybe turning the corner w/ a longstanding chronic pain condition, after which I'm gonna get back to my hobby of fighting people in the park.
Also, if you feel like playing too: what have you been up to today?
Hey mate glad you like the idea. Sorry to hear about your job. If you just want to vent other than playing the game, then that's fine too. Happy to hear that you're recovering from chronic pain as well. You fight people in the park as a hobby? What kinda hobby is that?
I haven't been up to much. Mostly just brushing up on my Excel knowledge in preparation for my internship next week
Not great, got my first speeding ticket over the weekend. It was a tiny town in the middle of a highway. I strongly suspect that town gets a lot of its income from speeding tickets in a section where they rapidly lower the speed limit to 25 (4 lane road).
What do I watch currently? Mostly just anime and YouTube.
You're basically spot on. I'm 28, so just like right on the line between GenZ and Millennial.
If it's any consolation, the grammar pedant in me didn't like it either. Even if I was the one writing it. (Also, I'm glad that things are going great for you.)
As for niche interests: gardening, cooking, simulation games, constructed languages, ancient languages. Some tidbits of oil painting, but frankly, I suck at it; perhaps I should stick to digital watercolours. (This reminds me Island - the main character was recalling his travels through Switzerland, his mum painting a watercolour, and his dad sarcastically saying "The milk chocolate advertisement that [brand] rejected.")
But I digress. My gardening is currently pepper plants, I'm trying to breed a new variety following very specific criteria - heat, colour, shape, size. Once I'm done I'm going to spread the seeds here and there, through the city, as some small act of anarchy.
Basically I do what I want when I want. Typically building things. I'm constantly fixing or modifying my cars(they are all old and constantly broken). And I play a lot of disc golf.
Americans don't LIKE politics. Talking about politics is like seeing a skunk on your daily walk. The conversation switches IMMEDIATELY from whatever you were doing, to suddenly making plans for how we're all going to be ok after this.
You definitely get forcefully shoved to the ground and violently ordered to stop resisting while i kneel on your neck.
Okay, mundane jokes aside, autocorrect just seems to cause more problems than it attempts to fix imo, so i have it turned off. Besides, you could've used a comma before the "and"' in: "and I guess almost nothing..." cuz a comma must precede a conjunction that precedes a pronoun, so i guess you were wrong.
My autocorrect isn't consistent. Depends on what app is being the keyboard, SwiftKey is better to type on and has a better layout but has significantly worse autocorrect than gboard.
Except my new phone has a gap at the bottom the size of a spare bar that I can't seemingly remove so it took a week to stop having my typing look like crap.
If you want to correct my grammar look at anything long I type, I type like I talk which is non-stop until I'm done so I get really long run on sentences.
Pretty much where I am now: retired, spending my time on fitness, healthy cooking, hubby, and hobbies. Worried about aging. Hopefully both parents will still be alive.
Let's see what you got. I like to longboard. I'm pretty big into hip-hop, metal core, and viking metal. I'm also quite passionate about OpSec and Cyber Security.
Tyr is really good and similar to Brothers of Metal. Check out Hold the Heathen Hammer High. If you want heavier, I'd recommend Amon Amarth or Ensiferum. The songs Axe of Judgement, One Man Army, or Twilight of the Thunder God get my blood pumping something fierce
Ooo, do me. I pledge to answer correctly and not try to throw you off the track as long as it's not some dangerous personal info or something. I'd like to see how close you get.
Wake up at 8:30, drive to work, do that, come home at 5:00pm. Eat dinner with my parents. Play board games, card games, video games, or watch Youtube. Maybe mow the lawn, work on D&D, or cook dinner. Talk with friends online after and during work. Shower, sleep, repeat.
Yes. I play disc golf with some. Get together infrequently with long term friends, play online video games with my best friend that moved to the UK every Monday and zoom with a couple of high school buddie every month or so..