The Titanic-bound submersible that went missing on Sunday with five people on board suffered a "catastrophic implosion," killing everyone on board, officials said Thursday.
I've got no love for billionaires, and obviously this story overshadowing the migrant boat sinking in Greece is infuriating, but I'm really not a fan of the glee so many people on social media are expressing at the deaths of these five people.
Also, on another note, I seriously cannot get over the fact that the late CEO of the company, Stockton Rush, has the absolute perfect team name for a minor league football team from central California.
I think worrying about people making fun of some rich ass billionaires dying for doing something stupid, is the last hill you should choose to die on. These people made their riches and wealth by exploiting normal people like you and me.
You don't have to actively root for their deaths, but I'm certainly not shedding any tears for them experiencing the consequences of their own actions.
You don't have to actively root for their deaths, but I'm certainly not shedding any tears for them experiencing the consequences of their own actions.
That's... What he said? Lol
"I've got no love for billionaires... but the glee people have for their deaths..."
Let's leave the "if you have any scrutiny whatsoever it must mean you're on the opposite side of everything I stand for" bullshit on reddit where it belongs and actually read what people are saying.
I agree, a lot of people in threads in the fediverse are taking way too much pleasure in 5 people dying. I get not being a fan of billionaires - no one should be - but not everyone aboard was a billionaire, and even if they were it's just so incredibly callous to take joy in people dying in an accident. Have a base level of empathy for crying out loud.
Part of the reason I loved moving to Lemmy from reddit was getting away from reddit's toxicity, I hope we don't bring it with us.
Complaining about non-existing things is a new phenomenon on the internet I guess. I haven't seen a single person cheering about the billionaires' death but I've seen dozens of people complaining about people cheering about their deaths.
It's like those upvoted comments in reddit threads where people say "number of comments in this thread about XX is disgusting" and you look for those comments and cannot find any.
From what I heard they had two bottles for urine and a bag to deficate in. It would have been freezing and extremely humid inside after even a day as well.
A implosion would be way better than days cramped together suffocating and starving in a inescapable freezing stench filled coffin.
But isn’t the asphyxiation here on the levels of, you end up falling asleep and don’t wake up again. It’s not to the degree of you’re choking to death and can’t do anything about it.
Well, it's a tragic example on how capitalism really ruins things for everyone. The OceanGate drama should have been the wake up call. But it wasn't and these people are dead. And they get infinietly more media coverage than hundreds of souls lost in Pylos.
Must we do the comparisons? The sub story was simply more interesting. It's not some media conspiracy, unless the media is already controlling the upvotes on kbin lol
I was messing around with this like sub warfare simulator game a while back and I blew up a whale with a torpedo because it showed up on my sonobuoy network as an unidentified contact 😅
I read the company skipped a load of safety and redundancy checks. Thats crazy...if it's true. Cutting corners to save a few bucks .
I'm not surprised due the greed that exists in the world but this should require the same level of regulation as a plane or a rocket . Not some metal cylinder with a $30 controller duct taped inside it.
They operated in international waters, so no regulation applies really. This is exactly what the less government people want - you choose of your own free will to contract with this company knowing the risks. I imagine it's similar to lots of dangerous recreation out there like the sub orbital flights. That said, I would have noped out of it based on the one article describeing the legal processes and forms you had to sign.
you choose of your own free will to contract with this company knowing the risks.
But that's just the problem with free market/small government, isn't it? You can't know the risks because there is no oversight to prove people aren't cutting corners and selling bullshit.
As long as it is more profitable for people to deceive and cut corners, they're gonna do it.
There is a certain amount of empathy I want to have about the situation. Because at the end of the day, someone lost a loved one.
But there is also a bit of poetic justice when someone visits the wreck of a ship that played a large role in making sure ships were safer in case of catastrophic failure.
Only to ignore those procedures and end up right next to it.