Also, there's the cost and community aspect of games. For the price of a movie ticket and popcorn, I can buy a game that I can play with friends for easily dozens of hours instead of us silently sitting next to each other for an hour or two.
With the increasing death of third places and the increasing cost of existing outside, video games have become their own sort of third place for people to get together and just hang out.
Most "normal" people see watching a movie or playing a game as a passive experience, you're "doing nothing."
For me that couldn't be more wrong. I almost never "just" watch a movie or show, that's wayyyy too passive for me. Playing a game is engaging, you may not be physically running around, but you absolutely are "doing something."
I mean, games are like interactive movies now. RDR2? Cyberpunk 2077? They’re great fiction and you get to be the main character. I was never a gamer, I would play here and there but could never play more than like an hour a day. Now? Especially the two games I mentioned, it blew my mind how much I could play those games. They’re excellent pieces of media.
I love video games but I also really love film. I went from playing Silent Hill games to watching films like Jacob's Ladder, Lost Highway, and Session 9. I've been watching a lot more films lately. David Lynch is one of my favorite filmmakers right now. I guess most of my life I was watching the wrong films. Even today lots of great films are still being made, you just need to wade through lots of shit to find it. For every great film, there's probably 10 shitty cash grabs. Cough, cough Minecraft Movie.
No, it is just human nature to want to do things they find more engaging. For most people games are more engaging than movies which are more engaging that books. Younger people are just more likely to have experience with all three.
You can get into a cod or fortnite game in less than five minutes from boot to boots on the ground. You can get into a fight in an open world game in even less time. And so forth.
If you aren't into the (delightful) love story? The (extended cut) Fall Guy is 20 minutes to the first stunt and about 45 minutes to the first fight scene. Personally? I think the movie would have benefited from even more time with Ryan Gosling just crying to some t swizzle in the car but it (like Drive, another spectacular Gosling film that nobody but me likes) was marketed as an action movie and people are going to just take out their phones or their gameboys if you make them wait that long.
Its similar logic to "I don't have time to watch a 90 minute movie tonight. So instead I'll watch six episodes of a tv show"