They put open in their name to get good talent, investments and so people would have a soft spot for them when they collect tons of data to build their product.
Their internal chats that were released in musk lawsuit reveals they knew they were gonna switch to for profit model (they here means the top brass). But they still lied to everybody about their intentions.
At the same time, the trouble with local LLMs is that they're very resource heavy. Your average household computer isn't going to be able to run one with much usability or speed.
Which, you know, is fine. Maybe if people had an idea of how much power is required to run them, they would think twice before using a gigawatt to output a poem about farts, and perhaps even wonder how OpenAI can offer that for free.
Btw, a 7b model should run ok on any PC with at least 16GB of RAM and a modern processor/GPU.
it's a lot slower that chatgpt but on my integrated graphics i7 laptop it ran decent, def enough to be useable. Also there's different models to play around with, some are faster but worse and some are smarter but slower
Okay but what problem does that solve? Is the solution setting up our own spambots to fill forums with arguments counter to their bullshit spambots? I don't see how an LLM improves literally anything ever in any circumstance.
You seem unnecessarily hostile about this. If you don't like LLM just move on.
This is exactly why this sub about technology is better off without business news. You're just reacting to something you hate and directing that at others.
FWIW I did try a lot (LLMs, code, generative AI for images, 3D models) in a lot of ways (CLI, Web based, chat bot) both locally and using APIs.
I don't use any on a daily basis. I find it exciting that we can theoretically do a lot "more" automatically but... so far the results have not been worth the efforts. Sadly some of the best use cases are exactly what you highlighted, i.e low effort engagement for spam. Overall I find that either working with a professional (script writer, 3D modeler, dev, designer, etc) is a lot more rewarding but also more efficient which itself makes it cheaper.
For use cases where customization helps while quality does matter much due to scale, i.e spam, then LLMs and related tools are amazing.
PS: I'd love to hear the opinion of a spammer actually, maybe they also think it's not that efficient either.
I don't think he is a "tech bro scam guy", i think he is worse like he is smart and has a documented track record of lying. Unlike other tech bros, he actually knows the capability /limits of his products and he still lies and makes it out to be something it's not.
I hope OpenAI is going to serve as a radicalizing example to all the engineers, who fell for the "ethical guy/company" rhetoric, that the minority-controlled corporate structures they're used to cannot withstand the push for profit. I hope this will make more of them choose majority-controlled structures for their startups and demand unions in existing corpos.
OpenAI on that enshittification speedrun any% no-glitch!
Honestly though, they're skipping right past the "be good to users to get them to lock in" step. They can't even use the platform capitalism playbook because it costs too much to run AI platforms. Shit is egregiously expensive and doesn't deliver sufficient return to justify the cost. At this point I'm ~80% certain that AI is going to be a dead tech fad by the end of this decade because the economics just don't work now that the free money era has ended.
The fact that Silicon Valley interests effortlessly shrugged off the non-profit board's attempt to hit the kill switch last year, and now are preparing to take the company commercial despite the deliberate design otherwise, becomes much more interesting when you consider the theory that corporations are a form of artificial superintelligence.
If the AI idealists can't stand up to basic forces of capitalism, how do they expect to control an actually dangerous AGI?
If the AI idealists can't stand up to basic forces of capitalism, how do they expect to control an actually dangerous AGI?
My guess is they don't expect to. I guess that that is one of the reasons they seem to not care about out of control climate change; burn it all down before it all literally burns down.
Yeah, the people leading the "AGI will save us" are the same as super church pastors.
They don't believe it, they just want their bank account limitless before they go into oblivion.
I kinda liked the text you linked. Here’s a quote.
There are also structural changes that can be made to corporations to realign their values system with human welfare. Corporate charters can be amended to optimize for a triple bottom line of social, environmental, and financial outcomes (the so-called “triple Ps” of people, planet, and profit.)
This reminds me of what we are trying to do where I live. The hard thing is this requires a lot of work and it doesn’t just go against the corporate agenda; it goes against the normal lifestyle most everyone around us lives. It has made me want to quit sometimes.
But then again, true life is in true living among real people and real things, not in daydreaming of better days.
People have grown up reading comic books and watching movies about generous billionaire superhero saviors. They want to believe that exists because it's what they've been taught justice looks like.
Yeah, that was a strange moment. Those in the company being for Altman, I can understand. They expected big returns of investment from keeping him around. But the outsiders on the internet cheering him on? Felt like Elon Musk in the beginning again. And yes I also fell for his engineer persona in the beginning. But I learned from that.
What was so obvious in that instance was the board members trying to push him out were calling out the lack of openness OpenAI was trending towards. They were literally calling him out for not upholding the vision of why the company was founded.
All the engineers clearly saw their payday slipping away and revolted for that reason. Can't say I blame them, but it was a scenario where the board was actually doing the right thing and everyone turned on them for profit.
... To the surprise of <checks notes> absolutely nobody
Actually I have a question and I admit knowing nothing of the legal framework here but...
Isn't it absolutely ridiculous that a not-for-profit entity can exists solely for the purpose of developing a closed-source piece of software, demand to train it for free off copyrighted material, just to switch to a for-profit entity??
Sound 100% like tax avoidance. Like me registering a charity so I can throw a mega concert/party privately, secure preferencial treatment on supplies, get discounts on artists or even free performance and then switch to for profit as I start selling tickets
Originally all their work was supposed to be published and shared with the world, hence the "open" in OpenAI. However somewhere along the way they made a for-profit break off of the original company and started pulling everything in that direction.
That's why all human creative works done online need to be bean related. To fuck up the data stream and make it unintelligible for AIs and marketing algorithms.
Our primary fiduciary duty is to humanity. We anticipate needing to marshal substantial resources to fulfill our mission, but will always diligently act to minimize conflicts of interest among our employees and stakeholders that could compromise broad benefit.
Just want to point out that it absolutely is possible to train an AI that will keep track of its sources for inspiration and can attribute those when it makes a response.
Meaning creators could be compensated for their parts of AI generated stuff, if anyone wanted to.
I use Phind solving computer problems. It does cite the sources it uses. At least for distro and general Linux issues. So far, it's been a very good resource when I've needed it.
The entire training set isn't used in each permutation. Your keywords are building the samples based on metadata tags tied back to the original images.
If you ask for "Iron Man in a cowboy hat", the toolset will reach for some catalog of Iron Man images and some catalog of cowboy hat images and some catalog of person-in-cowboy-hat images, when looking for a basis of comparison as it renders the image.
These would be the images attributed to the output.
I think that there are some people working on this, and a few groups that have claimed to do it, but I'm not aware of any that actually meet the description you gave. Can you cite a paper or give a link of some sort?
Surely they will be sued into oblivion if they tried right? Them being non profit was the main pillar holding up their defense for scraping the web into datasets.
Yeah, they weren't as synergized. Now they're coordinating with key stakeholders to maximize the efficiency of their aggressive roadmap. Or something, I kinda suck at business jargon.
How is this going to work while OpenAI currently burns through an absolute ocean of cash to keep improving its services? Alongside this, a good software engineer or applied scientist can make close to $1m a year. While I do think professionals should earn what their value is to an employer, OpenAI still loses a ton of money.
As someone that works in AI, I think most of us know it's full of people trying to make a quick buck while investors will stupidly throw money at it. OpenAI is ultimately the figurehead of this market though, because at least the big companies can prop their AI offerings with the money they make from shopping, cloud, ads, etc. The second OpenAI looks weak and needs money, the vultures will slice off a piece and we'll see the AI market reduce to a wimper - just enough for tech to focus on the next grift.
About the only AI company currently alive that I'm sure will survive is CivitAI. Huggingface probably, too. Both are, in the end, in the datacenter business. Huggingface has exposure to VC BS in their client base, they might be in trouble if a significant number suddenly go belly-up but if they have any sense they'll simply not overextend. And, well, they, too, can switch to cat pictures.
Yeah some of my team members use hf and it really does represent a convenience (basically a GitHub for models), but I'm sure to be clear we can't rely on them alone. I don't trust any company to exist or not be bought out and enshittified in 3 years.