Balanced, flexible approach that allows neither capitalists nor the proletariat to have absolute dominance over the other. Is there a system that does this? Tbh, I don't know.
I do know that end stage capitalism Does Not Work, nor does Communism as we have seen it in the world .
When you absolutely, positively know nothing about Marx, his ideas, or what he actually said. I will never understand why Marx's critics refuse to engage with his ideas. 90% of criticisms against Marx can be shown to be directly addressed in the opening paragraphs of his most famous works, proving comments like these to be just repeated dogma by people so confident that others haven't read him that they feel like they can get away with repeating said dogma, and the "right people" like capitalist toadies such as bosses and conservative academics will nod their approval.
Don't pretend you've done any "intellectual exercise" wrt Marx. Those of us who have read him and bothered to try to understand him can see through your sad "call and respond" approach to political education. Instead of making noises you think will win you fake internet points, educate yourself.
Many capitalist nations have failed without intervention. No communist nation has failed without the US (and many others) interfering to make them fail (because none have existed where this hasn't happened).
If communism were so bad and guaranteed to fail, why would so many resources be spent on destroying them?