captainlezbian Do trans people just love arch or something?
16 0 Replyzea I configure my system to suit my needs with bits and pieces provided generously and openly by others, just like I configured my gender.
13 0 ReplyElectroLisa
yes we do
8 0 Replyi_lost_my_bagel OP
I do
6 0 Replyslst
I know I do :3
4 0 Reply
asphaltkooky While I love the pastel aesthetic, it's also headache inducing. So I just admire it for few minutes and go back to my dark dull themes for work.
10 0 ReplyHolzkohlen
Looks great, but what do you do at night? Wear sunglasses? 😎
8 0 Replyi_lost_my_bagel OP
I'm one of those weird people who don't enjoy sitting on my computer in the dark so until I decide to go to bed I have the lights on in my room.
If I don't have that option I just switch to gnome where I have a dark mode setup.
3 0 Reply
That looks gorgeous! Though in my mind, that background needs to be animated :)
8 0 Replyi_lost_my_bagel OP
It is animated. I just didn't wanna take a video.
7 0 ReplyThelsim
Then it’s perfect :)
2 0 Replyarkannon What do you use, xgifwallpaper?
1 0 Reply
katy ✨
Gah it's so pretty. It reminds me of all the pretty Rainmeter skins. The next laptop I get is absolute going to be nix.
8 0 ReplyLorelaiL Woah! How do I get my arch to look like this lol
6 0 Replyezri
Look up Arch ricing guides, you'll find a lot of similar setups. They specifically use i3
2 0 Reply
This is absolutely gorgeous OP! This really makes me want to ditch my Fedora install and switch back to Arch.
5 0 Replyvd1n I believe your looking for the eunicporn community from the Vatican instance.
4 0 Replywogvorph This is amazing!
I'm new to Linux and few days ago I learned what rice is and I can't stop digging into it. For example Rofi to launch apps is great and I wouldn't even think to search for something like this.
Do you guys have any advice what are some cool things to get? For example task bar replacement ECT.
3 0 Replyodium What window manager do you use? Also do you know about the xorg vs Wayland debate?
2 0 Replywogvorph I'm not sure, I'm on Linux mint cinnamon currently if that helps. And nothing about the debate. (sorry for my lack of knowledge and not being precise)
2 0 Reply
EVRiNOM Looks very cool! Can you please share your experience with Nvidia? Do you play games? How is it?
3 0 Replyi_lost_my_bagel OP
I installed the driver and that's it. Everything just works.
3 0 Reply
ok wow, i really love it! Nice job! Also, could you share the wallpaper?
1 0 Reply