My office has automatic faucets in the bathroom and I've started sticking my hands under the faucet at home and wondering for a second where the water is.
Someone I know recently switched from automatic bathroom lights to manual ones. Remembering to turn them on isn't an issue, but months later everyone still forgets to turn them off.
I feel this - I’m renting a house that has a motion sensor built into the kitchen sink. Now when I’m over someone else’s house, i can’t turn on the sink without giving a magical wave first like I’m some kind of wizard displaced in time.
We put one in our kitchen and it took a few weeks for everybody to get used to not using the handle. Now everybody keeps trying to turn on every other faucet by waving lol
I also did this until we moved out of our house that had one lol. Took a while to break the habit but man I miss that faucet. It was so finicky for others but I loved it
If those automatic faucets actually worked well I would probably have reached this state too. But even in 2023 they seem pretty slow to respond and don’t sense your hands half the time. I hate sitting there like an idiot waving my hand into and out of the sink trying to coax the dipshit faucet into recognizing my existence.
This happened to me the other day. Soap all over my hands and the sink did nothing. I had to move around to try other sinks, moving around other people. Then some other dude goes to my last sink and it works just fine for him. I guess my hands don't reflect IR light as much as his?
I'm glad I'm not the only one with this issue. Automatic hand dryers are even worse. Those Dyson V-shaped ones NEVER turn on for me no matter what kind of hand dance I try to perform for it.
For me it's the automatic toilet flashers. Not at home as I don't expect it there, but it's almost gotten me in those nice office or mall bathrooms that don't have them. I wipe, get up, and walk away. Then walk back if I'm not distracted enough to NOT hear a flush.
Oh, I wish my bathroom had an automatic flusher. I flush toilets with my foot. I realize I wash my hands afterwards, but there's something so gross about a flusher everyone uses after doing their business.
I have done foot flushing as well but only for the nastiest of public bathrooms. I get the ickiness feeling too at times but I generally try to be respectful to the general condition of the bathroom so it doesnt trigger a bad domino effect. Nothing more jarring than going into a nice bathroom and seeing a set of shoeprints on the seat. Then other people start doing the same if they know the seats been contaminated.
Not a problem for me, because automatic flushers have never worked at the right time for me. They only ever work when I put down the toilet seat cover and just before sitting down.
After I got my first car with key fob lock buttons I wanted to walk up to my house front door and unlock it with a remote. After a while I actually bought a deadbolt lock with a key fob unlock.
My workplace has motion sensor-based lights, and I sometimes walk into other rooms with normal light switches and get confused when the lights remain off.
On top of that the faucets at my work are also motion activated, and I end up in the same situation.
Both of my bathrooms have motion sensor switches at home and you have no idea how many times I walk into other bathrooms and stand in the dark before I realize not all bathrooms have motion switches
Nothing is wrong with you. You're on autopilot. Ever spaced out and driven to the wrong place you normally drive to? I moved and then a few times I spaced out driving home from work and I drove to my old house that I don't live at anymore. Didn't realize it till I got there. Just autopilot. My mind was daydreaming the whole time
What I find especially infuriating are the bathrooms with like 20 sinks with the hand motion activated faucets but only one soap dispenser which is a pump dispenser that you have to touch. Such inconsistency is annoying